Now, Lin Yichen was truly one of the top figures in Tianyuan Domain.

Lin Yichen stopped, and instead of continuing to feel his spiritual power, he asked about what happened to Zi Huang.

He asked why Zihuang suddenly appeared and why he came to Jindu City.

Zihuang listened to Lin Yichen's question, and then slowly told him the reason for his appearance and the reason for coming here.

It turns out that there is actually a domain dedicated to divine beasts in this Tianyuan domain.

There is no intersection between the Divine Beast Domain and the Tianyuan Domain, and the two continents are completely different.

It is a pity that the rule that the two continents have had no intersection with each other for hundreds of thousands of years was broken by a monk from the Cave Heaven Mirror tens of thousands of years ago.

That monk cultivates abilities related to space.

There are very few monks who practice space spiritual power who have reached the Sky Mirror, not because they are not powerful, but because.

All monks who practice space spiritual power will need some breakthroughs in space when they break through later.

However, this is the only space that exists in the Tianyuan Domain. The monks have no other space abilities to practice, so they stopped at Qiongtian Mirror.

Until a genius boy appeared. He had been carrying an elixir mirror since he was born.

So when he was in his early twenties, he became the strongest among all the monks who practiced space abilities.

He reached the peak of the Cave Sky Mirror. Because of his extremely high talent and hard training, he became a strong master of the Cave Sky Mirror at the age of thirty.

When the space spiritual power reaches the Cave Sky Mirror, it has completely risen to more than one level.

So during his cultivation, he accidentally discovered the parallel space of Tianyuan Domain, but the creatures here were no longer humans, but huge mythical beasts.

The strong man in the Cave Heaven Mirror became the first person to set foot in the realm of divine beasts.

Seeing outsiders in the Divine Beast Realm, they were also very confused, but they did not attack him.

After a while, the strong man himself disappeared into the realm of divine beasts.

And he also left a space gate in the realm of divine beasts.

Many mythical beasts don't know what this is and want to try it.

Then he crossed this door and came to Tianyuan Domain.

At the beginning, there was no such thing as a contract between monks and mythical beasts, but it was because the mythical beasts were too powerful.

So the monks in Tianyuan Domain discovered a way to trap the divine beasts around them.

At that time, many mythical beasts were trapped in the Tianyuan Domain, and they could not return to the Divine Beast Domain.

An elder from the Divine Beast Domain discovered this space gate and led the strong men from the Divine Beast Domain to seal the space gate.

But because the power of divine beasts and the power of monks are fundamentally different.

That space door has not been completely sealed. Every ten thousand years, it will open accidentally, and then divine beasts will come to this Tianyuan Domain.

However, the mythical beasts can go back after they come. The space door can only be opened for three days, as long as the mythical beasts promise not to make a contract during the three days in Tianyuan Domain.

Then in three days, all the mythical beasts will return to the mythical beast domain on their own.

This time, Zi Huang was brought to the Tianyuan Domain by the Space Gate while fighting another divine beast.

And because he was injured, it was the best time for the monks to take the opportunity to conclude a contract.

It had no choice, so it found a city with very few monks and set up a blinding spiritual array in the center of the city to resist the monks.

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