The name of the palace is on the plaque, and it is called Donglai Palace. This palace is the first palace that appears in people's sight in the entire villa.

Walking inside, the first thing that catches the eye is the table made of Paulownia wood. The red Paulownia wood shows the calmness and grandeur of the owner of the hall.

Although it is covered with dust, it can still be seen that the owner of this villa was a very careful person.

Even though there is a lot of dust on this paulownia wood table and chair, its color is still bright and there are no cracks on it.

Therefore, these tables and chairs were once cherished by the owner of this villa.

Lin Yichen touched these things, and suddenly, some memories that were not his own appeared in his mind.

These memories suddenly flooded into Lin Yichen's mind.

Because he couldn't bear these sudden memories, Lin Yichen's mind suddenly became particularly painful.

But it was just that moment.

Those memories only existed for a while and then left Lin Yichen's mind.

Lin Yichen found it strange that the person in his memory looked exactly like him, but strangely, the clothes he wore were different from his current self.

Lin Yichen felt that this memory was not simple. He felt that this memory might be related to the villa.

The three of them continued walking inside and arrived at a place that looked like a room.

The general's room was simple and neat, with no unnecessary decorations. There was only one bed, with incense placed beside it to aid sleep.

Seeing the incense, Lin Yichen thought to himself that it seemed that this general had a bad sleep just like him.

Lin Yichen didn't sleep well either, so he needed to light some incense to help him fall asleep before going to bed.

Turning around, he saw the things in the display cabinet next to him. It seemed that this general was also a well-known figure in the divine world.

Everything on display is valuable, even if it smells like dust.

But the dust cannot cover its own brightness.

The three people glanced quickly around the room and passed.

Nothing in this villa is important. The most important thing is to figure out what the black shadow Hu Xi saw is.

The three of them continued walking forward, and finally saw the black figure again in the backyard of the villa.

The shadow originally wanted to hide in the dark and sneak attack Lin Yichen.

But the moment he saw Lin Yichen's face, the black shadow knelt down with a plop.

He kowtowed three times and said,

"General, is it you? Are you back?"

As he said that, he buried his head in his arms and cried softly.

Lin Yichen didn't understand why he had such a big reaction, so he asked,

"Who are you to have such a big reaction?"

Hearing Lin Yichen's answer to him, Heiying was extremely shocked. He raised his head and looked at Lin Yichen in disbelief.

Then he said,

"It's me, general. Don't you remember me?"

When Lin Yichen heard this, he rolled his eyes. He really didn't know who the black figure in front of him was.

He thought about it carefully and confirmed that there was indeed no such shadow in his memory.

Lin Yichen Chen replied,

"I don't know you at all, how can I remember you? Hearing these words, Heiying seemed to suddenly wake up. He stood up, turned his back to Lin Yichen and said,

"You're not a general, you're just a guy who looks like him."

Then, he talked about the generals he had followed and lived through life and death with.

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