When we arrived at the Far North, it was indeed not much different from what people call the Far North.

As soon as they arrived here, the four people were stunned by the depression and desertedness here.

There is yellow sand flying all over the sky here, and there are many particles in the air. When you inhale it into your lungs, it feels like your breathing is being blocked.

The weather here is cold, and snow is still falling in the sky. Because the temperature is extremely low, it is not easy for the snow to melt when it falls on the body.

As a result, the three of them were shivering in the freezing snow.

Even if the three people are already at an extremely high level and do not need thick clothes to keep warm, if the falling snow on their bodies cannot be removed in time, their body temperatures will become extremely low.

In this low outside temperature environment, if there is no normal body temperature to ensure their survival, then the three of them will be easily invaded by the cold air of the extreme north.

Lin Yichen felt that something was wrong at this time. If they could not adjust their body temperature in time, then the three of them would most likely not be able to survive until they found the demons.

Lin Yichen first gave Hu Xidu some of his spiritual power.

As a divine beast, Hu Xi's own spiritual power cannot provide him with the power to maintain body temperature. Only Lin Yichen can transfer his spiritual power to him.

Then he could store Lin Yichen's power in his Dantian, so that Lin Yichen's spiritual power could continuously provide Hu Xi with energy to maintain body temperature.

Lin Yichen doesn't need to worry about Jinshang, he has fire energy.

The energy he carries can allow him to maintain his own body temperature and even provide energy for Lin Yichen.

Because Lin Yichen and Jinshang are contractually linked, Jinshang's energy can be provided to Lin Yichen for free, but Lin Yichen's power cannot be used by Jinshang.

Lin Yichen is Jinshang's master. Lin Yichen can share Jinshang's power, but Jinshang cannot.

I still remember that when I first discovered this, Jinshang felt it was particularly unfair.

He couldn't figure out why Lin Yichen was only allowed to share his energy, but not allowed to share Lin Yichen's.

As a spiritual body, Shenjian looked at the three people. He was a spiritual body, so he didn't have to worry about whether he was cold or not.

Because there is no entity, there is no feeling that people should have, and they cannot experience the cold.

The three people and one spirit used their spiritual power to preserve their body temperature and strength, and then continued to walk deeper into the demon clan.

When they arrived outside the place where the demons were, the four of them stopped and took a look.

Lin Yichen stood outside the gate. Although this demon clan was in the far north, these doors were still dazzling.

The pattern on the door is the unique explosion pattern of the demon clan, which makes people feel a sense of oppression when they see it.

Following the pattern upwards, there are two models of bats, the symbol of the demon clan with some fangs, standing upright on the gate.

The entire demon clan is black and purple, giving people an extremely eerie and terrifying atmosphere.

However, this kind of thing can also deter some low-level monks. For Lin Yichen, who is extremely capable, the deterrent effect of this kind of thing is basically zero.

When Shenjian saw the door of the demon clan, he shuddered and said,

"It’s been so long since I last saw you, but you’re still so hypocritical."

As he spoke, he glanced at the gate of the Demon Clan.

Hu Xi glanced at the gate and said,

"This demon clan looks quite deserted. Do we want to go in and take a look now?"

"Let's go in, take a look, and meet the new leader of the demon clan for a while."

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