There were already many wounds on the monster's body, and its attack speed on the three of them had become much slower than when it originally attacked very quickly.

The speed was so fast that both Huxi and Jinshang couldn't dodge it, and Jinshang's fireball attack angered the monster.

It opened its arms, roared, and attacked the two men faster.

Huxi also injected spiritual power, and the monster was attacked by Huxi and slowed down a bit.

Lin Yichen behind him felt its change. Lin Yichen reacted quickly, tapped his foot slightly, and immediately stepped forward with his sword, quickly forming a small thunder and lightning array above the monster's head.

As soon as the thunder and lightning array came out, some blue-purple halos immediately appeared above the monster's head. Slowly, one after another thunder and lightning gradually appeared from the blue-purple halo.

The thunder and lightning summoned by the monks of the Cave Sky Mirror are all sky thunder.

Most people can't bear the thunder in the lower realm, but the monster in the thunder array can withstand 7749 thunders.

While the monster was being struck by lightning, Jinshang was still using an enhanced version of the fireball to cause damage to the monster outside the array.

Finally, under the attack of Jin Shang's fireball and Lin Yichen's thunder array, the monster finally fell.

When he fell down, his eyes were still looking outside the city.

Having finally solved this big trouble, the four of them breathed a long sigh of relief.

The three people gathered next to the monster's body and observed it carefully.

Just now, because of the distance and dark vision, none of them could see clearly what this monster looked like.

Now I could finally see what he looked like.

The light in General Jinshang's hand shone from the monster's head to its feet, and the four people's eyes followed the light and looked at the monster from head to toe.

Lin Yichen found that this monster seemed to be bewitched by something to become like this.

Because judging from his appearance, this monster should have been an ordinary person.

Although his muscles are very strong, it can be felt that he is not a martial arts practitioner.

When he attacked Jinshang just now, his speed was indeed very fast, but there was no plan and he just hit randomly with brute force.

Shenjian glanced at the monster and made a 'tsk' sound, and then he slowly said,

"Why is this person's death appearance the same as that of those powerful demon soldiers in Fang Nian?"

Shen Jian expressed his opinion doubtfully.

Lin Yichen stared at the monster's body for a few more times, as if some idea had emerged from his mind.

He said nothing, looked at Hu Xi, and wanted to hear I heard what Hu Xi had in mind.

Hu Xi also discovered a very strange place on the body. The bleeding at the place scratched by the claws was very strange.

People injured by Hu Xi’s claws would basically be affected by him. The demonic energy was injured, and the wound appeared black and purple. The wound of this monster was blue-purple. This blue-purple color appears due to some special power.

Because Hu Xi once saw it in a book , but this special power is too terrifying, and the book does not mention what this power is. The purple color of this wound has already determined that this monster has been affected by that special power, but what exactly that power is, it is still unclear. It can be seen.

Lin Yichen guessed that this person would appear here because of this power. It must not be a simple coincidence.

Maybe this is the reason why the so-called demon leader brought them here.

Jinshang used his fire ability to bring them here. The monster's corpse turned into ashes.

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