Lin Yichen felt something was strange. This magic box was the most precious treasure of the demon clan. Why didn't the demon clan use the magic box to deal with these monsters at this critical moment?

Lin Yichen asked the woman,

"Do you know what the magic box is?"

As a sacred object of the demon clan, the magic box should be something everyone knows, but unexpectedly, the woman replied that she didn't know. As soon as this answer came out, even Jinshang and Huxi realized that this matter was not simple..

As a clan treasure, many clan members don’t even know about their existence. What does this mean? It shows that someone is causing trouble behind the scenes.

After this magic box was obtained by the so-called leaders of the demon clan, they did not inform the other demons. Instead, he took it for himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Yichen felt that all the blood in his body rushed to his head. The anger filled Lin Yichen's heart for a long time and could not be dissipated.

He thought that those demons were just because He argued with the God Realm over the issue of the Earth Realm and refused to repair it, disregarding the lives of the people on both sides and going to war.

But Lin Yichen was wrong. He overestimated the so-called leader of the Demon Clan.

This leader ignored the names of all the people of the Demon Clan. , he attracted the monster he created with the magic box to the city, so that all the people here had to abandon their homes.

Abandoning the place where he had lived for a long time, he left here because of other people.

Lin Yichen will The joints in his hands turned white, and the bones collided together and made a creaking sound.

He was so angry that he could not find anyone who could be so shameless.

When Jinshang heard what the woman said, he was also extremely angry..

He once saw his former master being killed by someone he trusted. Now in this demon city in the far north, he once again felt the helplessness and pain he felt at that time.

Jinshang's ability at that time was too weak. He couldn't do anything, but this time he has become stronger, and this time he can avenge the people in the city.

Jinshang bit his silver teeth tightly, he was afraid that he would be angry when he opened his mouth. He said a lot of unpleasant things.

He closed his mouth and swallowed all his words.

Because he knew that there was no use in saying these words now. He could only use them when he met the demon leader. The most useful thing is to pour all the anger on him.

Hu Xi didn't say anything. He just silently remembered the bad things those people had done and kept them all in his heart. The divine sword on the side seemed to have been there for a long time. It seemed clear. He was the only one who didn't look angry. Instead, he had an expression that I knew he was.

Excalibur has a very bad impression of the demon clan. On the other hand, the relationship between the two clans has become so good that they are inseparable, but Demon Lord Still summoned the magic soldiers to launch an attack on the God Realm.

The woman could not see the expressions of the three people at this time, but she also felt the anger of the three people.

The woman comforted,

"It's okay, you don't need to be so angry. I have taken it lightly since this incident happened."

After speaking, it seemed that she felt the good intentions of the three people.

The woman raised the corners of her mouth, smiled at the three people and said,

"Thank you, you still want to help us poor people"

"Almost no one has come to this far north place for so many years. Even if someone comes, they just come and grab some things and leave. No one has ever truly cared about us people like you."

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