Because the four people's subconscious also told them that a very dangerous situation was waiting for them ahead.

Lin Yichen said to be careful, holding the Jinyue Sword on his mobile phone as if he was about to draw the sword.

Everyone here has seen the power of monsters, and they must prepare in advance to minimize the chance of being harmed by monsters.

Moving forward, the four of them have used spiritual power to protect their bodies. If they are injured by a monster, the monster's poison will take longer to spread throughout their bodies.

This can provide enough time for several people to detoxify and minimize the damage to everyone.

Moreover, the four of them were afraid of being surrounded by monsters, so they formed a circle with their backs to each other as early as when Lin Yichen said to be careful.

In this way, even if monsters are surrounding them from all directions, they can respond immediately.

The four of them walked forward slowly and cautiously, for fear that a monster would come out and catch them off guard.

Lin Yichen was walking at the forefront. As he walked, he observed the place next to him. There was already a lot of blood on the ground here, perhaps from the previous fight.

Because Hu Xi had a mysterious power appear when he was fighting monsters before, he didn't dare to use his spiritual power now. He could only show his sharp claws and adopt a defensive posture.

Hu Xi has guessed that his energy mutation is related to the mysterious power of the monsters, so he also wants to figure out the relationship between the energy in his body and the mysterious power.

He also observed as he walked, but unlike Lin Yichen, what he observed was not traces of the existence of monsters, but traces of energy fluctuations.

Next to him, Jin Shang was usually aloof, but he had already paid attention to it at this time. He tensed his body, his hands contained spiritual power, and the fireball was about to move in his hands.

Jinshang's eyes also became sharp, and no change could escape his eyes.

Although the Divine Sword has no entity, standing among the three of them at this moment, it seems that he, who was originally ethereal, has an entity.

In addition, the four people have good temperaments, so this team seems to be extremely powerful.

As several people continued to walk forward, the roar of the monster became louder, and from the level of the sound, it could be felt that the number of this monster was not one or two, but a group of monsters.

But they all had no choice but to face these monsters.

The closer the Magic Box on the Divine Sword got to the monster group, the harder it became to suppress it. The Divine Sword once again strengthened the seal, and finally managed to stabilize the Magic Box.

Lin Yichen, who was leading the way, also felt the strange movement of the magic box because of his own spiritual power.

He turned his head, glanced at the magic box, and then raised his head to look at the divine sword.

Both of them had determination to crack this mysterious power, and then they looked at Hu Xi in tacit understanding, and all the words in their hearts were reflected in this look.

Lin Yichen turned his head and stepped gradually firmer. Jinshang next to him put his hand on Lin Yichen's shoulder. This was Jinshang's trust in Lin Yichen as a friend.

Lin Yichen took a few steps forward. Suddenly, the roars of all the monsters disappeared completely. Lin Yichen could not judge their direction, so he stopped in place.

He had to wait for the sound to reappear so that he could accurately find the location of the monster group and eliminate them in one fell swoop.

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