He continued to try with brute force in front of the room door. After only a quarter of an hour, Jinshang had finished his investigation.

Zhijian Jinshang came back and used a little spiritual power on the collection of patterns on the door, and the door of the room opened.

Jinshang gave Lin Yichen a"Look, it's that simple" smile. Lin Yichen had the idea of ​​​​beating Jinshang.

But he endured it and entered the room quietly.

The room was in a mess and there was no trace of tidiness at all. Even some tables, chairs and benches had been damaged. There seems to have been a long fight here.

Or maybe it's a self-struggle.

Because Lin Yichen looked at the messy footprints on the ground, there was only one sole pattern, and all the footprints here belonged to one person.

The destruction of the furnishings here was also caused by this person.

Lin Yichen searched next to the table that the man had overturned and found a small object that looked like an identification mark.

He picked up the small object and examined it and found that it was the badge that marked the high level of the demon clan.

There may be an important person from the demon clan living here.

In fact, the leader of the demon clan is not one person, but a number of people, and these people together form the leader of the demon clan.

Because the current demon clan has been torn apart, the people in the city set up this so-called leader of the demon clan in order to satisfy their own vanity and to make the demon clan better and better.

There are many demon leaders. In order to facilitate identification, they designed a badge for all demon leaders to wear on their clothes, which is something like a symbol.

People with this badge among the demons symbolize power.

Although the leaders of the Demon Clan also want to make the Demon Clan better and better, the barrenness of this place prevents these people from being truly selfless.

Therefore, the later leader of the demon clan slowly became synonymous with cruelty and rogueness.

The appearance of this badge at this time can fully prove their identity. The owner of this room is the former leader of the demon clan.

But how could such a person go crazy and smash everything in his room?

No one could figure out why he hated the things in his room so much that he wanted to smash them to vent his anger.

He even left such messy footprints on the ground, a man who had been so crazy in his own room.

The most important thing is that he never came in from the beginning to the end. No one knew that this person had gone crazy and smashed his own room.

Lin Yichen went to this person's bed again and found that the bedding had become messy.

Suddenly, the flakes of skin falling next to the quilt caught Lin Yichen's attention.

He picked up the skin flakes and looked at it carefully, and found that the skin flakes were no different from those on the monsters.

That means that the leader of the demon clan was controlled by a mysterious force and became a monster as his consciousness gradually faded. Later, he destroyed everything in his room.

Then he destroyed everything in his room and ran out of his room.

After deducing this, Lin Yichen checked at the door of the room again, and sure enough he saw the pattern of shoes that was consistent with the pattern on the floor in the room.

The leader who turned into a monster ran out. This might be the first person to become a monster.

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