After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 11: night like you

After arranging the military affairs, after leaving the military office building, Zhou Mian said with a smile: "I want to go to a place next, and the general can go back to Zhoufu to rest first."

"Where to?" Cecil said, "I have nothing to do, I can accompany you."

Zhou Mian had a meal.


Cecil felt a little uneasy in his heart, so he smiled and said, "Mysterious, wouldn't I be looking for some concubine before I even got through the door, right?"

Zhou Mian remembered the hot search he saw in the morning, and couldn't help but chuckle.


"You are, don't lie to me." Cecil stepped forward and raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Zhou Mian only felt that a black shadow suddenly enveloped him.

"I... I just want to go to the cemetery." Zhou Mian tilted his head and said, "Go and send flowers to my father."

Cecil was taken aback.

Afterwards, the two went to the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers.

Seeing that Zhou Mian was still asking where the administrator's father's cemetery was before entering, Cecil asked curiously, "Why don't you know?"

"Everything happened too fast before, the situation was urgent, and I didn't even go to my father's funeral." Zhou Mian shook his head, and now he thinks it is absurd.

He spent many years fighting outside and didn't take much care of his family, but when he returned home after the war, he suddenly learned that his father would not be able to support it.

Suddenly, my father left, and my sister also left, suddenly even a little unreal.

"If you're sad, you can tell me," Cecil smiled. "There's a handsome shoulder here."

Zhou Mian also smiled: "I'm fine."

"I'm serious, tell me if you have any problems, and I can help you."

"I really don't have a problem." Zhou Mian shook his head and said, "Those people are just bewitched by gossip, and they can't be explained for a while."

Zhou Mian was smiling at Cecil, but Cecil felt that this person was cold.

Invisibly isolates people.

Cecil touched his nose and said "um".

Afterwards, the two returned to Zhou Mansion. After Zhou Mian set up the best room for Cecil, he went back to the room to look for things.

This is his home in the Glacier Capital, but he rarely returns, looking both familiar and unfamiliar at the moment.

Zhou Mian opened the cabinet and searched, but couldn't find what he wanted.


Where did it go?

Zhou Mian frowned slightly and searched all the places in the room that could hide things.

After finding the second half of the night and still no results, Zhou Mian had no choice but to call Zhou Ying.

With such an awkward relationship between the two, Zhou Mian didn't want to disturb her originally, but this is the only way now.

"... Zhou Mian?"

"Sister, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have to ask something urgent." Zhou Mian said, "Is there anyone coming into my room during my absence?"

"Did you lose something?"

"Yes, a ring."

Zhou Ying paused for a moment and said, "I see, it's the silver one, right? I used to watch you play with it a lot, and I had to take it for repairs from time to time. It's very precious."

"Sister know where?" Zhou Mian's eyes lit up.

"I'm here. I'm sorry... I forgot too many things before. I forgot to tell you that when my father was sick, the Royal Army often came to go wild and raided our house. The jewelry in my father's and my room were all confiscated. already."

Zhou Mian widened his eyes.

This... he didn't know.

He doesn't know anything.

"I saw your precious ring before, and I helped you hide it quietly on your body."

"Thank you, sister." Zhou Mian was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm sorry."

"...No, there's nothing to apologize for, it's all over." Zhou Ying said, "Then do you plan to take this ring back?"

"Yes. I will take the time to personally go to the barren star to retrieve the ring."

"It's really a treasure... Where did this ring come from?" Zhou Ying couldn't help laughing and crying.

Zhou Mian just smiled.

After Zhou Mian finished asking, the two had nothing to talk about, and Zhou Ying immediately hung up on the grounds that someone was looking for them.

Zhou Mian breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't lose it.

Zhou Mian is not the biological child of the Zhou family, but her childhood memories before being adopted by the Zhou family are gone.

The young memories formed pieces of blurry scenes and broken voices. All Zhou Mian could remember was the big brother whose figure was blurred.

And this ring is the only thing with substance brought from his youth, and the only thing that connects him with that figure.

Obviously he didn't remember it, but Zhou Mian paranoidly wanted to keep the only remaining clue.

On the other hand, Cecil was not idle either.

Cecil was lying on the bed, driving the back of his head with one hand, and opening the terminal and video with the other.

"Hey, why is the admiral so free to come to me?"

In the video is a man with long curly hair. The man is extravagant, and his facial features are enchanting and charming.

The man looked as if he had just taken a shower, with a bathrobe casually draped over his body, and his damp blond curly hair casually draped over his shoulders.

Cecil said in disgust, "Why does the Prince of the Federation dress like a guy who sells it."

"...Are you wrong?" The man blinked and said, "Is it my fault that you look good?"

The Federation, like Glacier, also has royalty, but Glacier's royal family has ulterior motives, while the Federation's royal family...

It's almost like this prince, who spends his days drinking and drinking and "selling" in beautiful clothes. Mainly because the federal military family is too powerful, the royal family has little action and ambition, and basically only participates in cooperating with Cecil in governing the country, and is considered a round table member.

Cecil rolled his eyes and said, "I have something to discuss with you."


Cecil said: "You look at the document I sent you first."

"Ah... ummm."

The man opened another window in the terminal to read.


The man glanced at it and then widened his eyes.

"Are you crazy?"

Cecil said: "It is also good for the Federation to do so."

"No...why? You don't want to help Admiral Zhou, do you? I thought you two were just contracting and marrying your heart and mind?"

Cecil resisted the subconscious action of touching his nose and said, "It's all said, it's also good for the Federation."

The man paused for a moment, and looked at Cecil with eyes that probed into gossip.

"My brother, you won't... the fake show is really done, right?"

"Fill up the hole in your mind." Cecil said decisively: "It's just that I know him, he, like me, is a general who fights for his country and the people, giving everything, including his life, to It is the biggest betrayal. I will not sit idly by and ignore it.”

"Ah...? Mmmm." The man couldn't understand, but only caught one point.

"Yo? You know him?" The man smiled while holding his chin: "It sounds very intimate?"

Cecil sneered: "I dare say that I am the person who knows him best in the world. You, the rotten cucumber holder who hangs around in bars, will not understand our feelings."

The man twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "So is the purpose of your video for me to show your unique feelings or to attack me personally?"

"No, I want you to help me sort out and improve the documents I just sent you, make a contract, and find a way to convince those immortal MPs."


And then without giving the man a chance to resist and refuse, Cecil decisively hung up the call.

Cecil stretched and stood up to the balcony.

It was midnight, and it was pitch black outside, and occasionally a cold wind blew into the balcony.

The temperature of the glacier system is cold all year round, there is no sunshine and there are no four seasons.

Cold, eternal, quiet and soft.

Cecil smiled, just like Zhou Mian.

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