After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 28: Zhou Mian's baby boy

The girl was right, Zhou Mian was about to save the girl before, but Cecil standing behind him clearly saw the sniper Jiang Ra. shoot. gun. The mouth is aimed at Zhou Mian.

Cecil was stunned, he did not expect that there would be snipers on the scene.

First of all, in this era, snipers are actually very rare. After all, they can only do assassination work, and now humans and Zerg fight against each other, which is no more useful than melee combat and manipulating mecha. Secondly, the sniper actually aimed at Zhou Mian

In other words, this sniper was invited by the royal family, who deliberately wanted to kill Zhou Mian.

Cecil didn't have time to think about it so much, so he could only lift his foot and kick directly at someone's fleshy part. However, his actions revealed his flaws, allowing the enemy to take advantage of it.

The dagger of the Royal Army stabbed into his waist, Cecil didn't snort, and directly kicked the attacker's neck with a roundabout kick.


At this moment, Zhou Mian stared blankly at Cecil, her thoughts fluctuating.

"Alright, alright, your general is handsome and brave. I'm really fine." Seeing Zhou Mian's reaction, Cecil reached out and patted his head, coaxing him like he was patting a dog's head: "Let's go to the aircraft for healing. ?"


Zhou Mian directly put Cecil's hand on his shoulder. If Cecil hadn't deliberately held Zhou Mian, he would have almost picked him up.

Chris glanced at him, and the mood in his eyes changed.

Zhou Mian cares about Cecil very much.

But how could they get along for such a short time...

"Marshal! The box has been inspected, and it is indeed Red Luoluo from Insect Star!"

Chris recovered and looked around.

Those Royal Army and Zerg have been locked into the aircraft dedicated to prisoners under the pressure of dense guns, and those trading boxes are also regarded as physical evidence and are being loaded onto the main battleship.

The girl is now an important witness, and is being guarded on the main battleship.

Chris narrowed his eyes.

Then, the royal family... have their worries.

On the aircraft, Zhou Mian frowned slightly as she looked at the doctor who administered Cecil.

After cleaning and bandaging, after the doctor left, Zhou Mian said, "Admiral... If you can trust me, I have ointment, which can not only make the wound heal faster, but also relieve the pain."

Cecil raised his eyebrows and said, "Ointment extracted from plants?"

Zhou Mian nodded.

Not many people dare to use those ointments. Even if someone in his own army is injured, he will use it quietly after much persuasion.

Chemical plaster is not friendly to new humans, and it is easy to cause sensitivity and adverse effects, and now everyone has regarded things extracted from plants as drugs, which has directly led to the stagnation of medicine.

Cecil leaned on his arm and smiled: "As you wish, you can paint anything you want on me."

Zhou Mian smiled, pulled up the quilt for Cecil and said, "Admiral take a good rest."

"Are we going back to Zhou Mansion now?"

Zhou Mian shook his head and said, "Send the admiral back to the Federation first."

"Hi... I'm really not that delicate." Cecil said helplessly, "No need, really no need."

"Even if you are not injured, we are going back to the Federation." Zhou Mian paused and said, "It's what Chris meant."


Zhou Mian explained: "I came here to avoid suspicion, and then Chris and the others will start investigating and detaining the royal family. The Glacier Capital will probably fall into that invisible **** storm. I'm not suitable to stay there, and the Zhou family's forces are not in the capital. It is easy to be counterattacked. Secondly, it is also for my safety. It is said that... the royal family has hired a killer to target me. "

Cecil remembered the sniper and nodded in understanding.

Killing Zhou Mian has many advantages. First, it can make a fuss about the alliance between the Federation and the Glacier. Second, Zhou Mian's identity is sensitive. Third... Zhou Mian is the beginning of all this and the first witness in the court. .

After all, the culprit behind the destruction of the Zhou family was the royal family.

Strictly speaking, the Zhou family is the identity of the victim.

"It's almost over." Cecil paused, then suddenly held Zhou Mian's hand.

"What's wrong?"

Cecil said, "You haven't gone to see your father, have you?"

Zhou Mian was stunned.

Cecil was right, he didn't have time to attend the funeral, and then...

Zhou Mian lowered her eyes and said, "There are only cold tombstones left. It doesn't make sense to go or not..."

Cecil frowned slightly, just as he was about to say something, the aircraft was approaching the bridge and was about to leave the Glacier Realm.

The two were stunned.

There were many people gathered at the gate by the bridge, all of them were Glacier people holding banners.

As soon as Zhou Mian's aircraft came over, the people immediately became excited.

Although they were using small aircraft, they were followed by a large line of escorts from the Glacier Government and the Federation behind them. As soon as they flew over, they were the most eye-catching scenery in the sky.

"Admiral Zhou! Admiral Zhou!"

Zhou Mian turned slightly to the side, looked out the window, and was stunned.

The man downstairs was holding a sign that said—

Admiral Zhou, we have your back!

Admiral Zhou, we will always believe in you!

The densely packed signs are all his name.

Zhou Mian paused, disturbed the window, leaned out slightly, and waved to the people below.

"Admiral Zhou! Admiral Zhou!"

The sound of the wind covered up the noisy voices below, but Zhou Mian had already seen everything from their faces.

Cecil smiled and said, "It seems that last time was an accident, your 'black fan' wanted to hit you. I also noticed last time, when those people scolded you before, there were also people fighting with them. The one who speaks for you."

The conspiracy of the royal family has not been fully disclosed, but there are still people who support Zhou Mian at this moment.

Zhou Mian looked back at Cecil.

Cecil shook his head and said, "I didn't arrange it, and I'm also surprised."

The crowd below was moving, and the wind stopped sympathetically at this moment.

So Zhou Mian vaguely heard a word.

Below, a young man held a sign and shouted: "Admiral Zhou, this will always be your home!"

Zhou Mian paused, then closed the window.

At this moment, the fog in front of me seemed to be dispelled by someone, and it became much clearer.

Zhou Mian suddenly smiled at Cecil.

Cecil shook his head, reached out to Zhou Mian and said, "My back hurts, come and give me a blow."

Zhou Mian held the thick hand and said, "You better go to sleep."

"Can't sleep." Cecil said, "I was frightened by the enthusiasm of the Glacier Man."

And after arriving in the Federation, the Federation told Cecil what true enthusiasm was and what a real welcome was.

Zhou Mian looked at the battle in front of him and was stunned.

It was not the first time that the two of them went back and forth to the airport, but their previous actions were kept secret, but this time Cecil took Zhou Mian back to discuss the cooperation between the two countries. Passionately jammed at the airport and wanted to see the two of them up close.

Comparable to the entertainment industry star chasing scene.

Federal soldiers and airport guards have stopped those people at the scene, trying to clear a small passage that would allow the two to leave the wilderness smoothly.

After all, this is not an enemy, it is just a fanatical fan, and no violent means can be used.

Zhou Mian said: "This... what should I do?"

"What else can I do? Although everyone's love bothers me, I can only bite the bullet and accept everyone's admiration for me." Cecil had long since become accustomed to it and held Zhou Mian's hand. : "Let's go, don't be afraid."

After the two got off the aircraft, the screams became louder. People on both sides of the road crowded and wanted to rush to shake hands with the two, making their return a red carpet scene.

The poor federal soldiers became a wall of human flesh, standing in two rows and trying to isolate the people from Cecil and Zhou Mian.

Although Zhou Mian was at a loss for such a scene, he was protecting Cecil after getting off the aircraft.

Cecil was injured, and Zhou Mian was worried about being bumped and touched, so he surrounded him the whole time, wishing he could be protected in his arms.

Although Zhou Mian was a head shorter than Cecil, he still tried his best to hug Cecil, reaching out to avoid the overly enthusiastic hands of the people and the soldiers who were pushed back.

Cecil wanted to stop him at first, but seeing that Zhou Mian insisted on doing so, he very usefully enjoyed the feeling of being protected.

This is the first time.

Cecil felt a little subtle.

"Admiral! Madam!! Excuse me, what did you gain from going to the Glacier System this time?"

"The two of you are said to have successfully exposed the conspiracy of the Glacier Royal Family this time. Is it true?"

"Excuse me……"

They were all sensitive topics, and Cecil didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"The gossip says that the two are not on good terms and sleep in separate rooms at home. Is this true?"


Cecil raised an eyebrow and looked at one of the reporters.

"What did you say?"

The whole place clucked and was quiet.

The reporter was also stunned.

Most afraid, the air suddenly quiet.

The author has something to say: little cuties, take a day off tomorrow! See you tomorrow/v

Thanks to yellvalley for 3 lands/mines, Xiaowei 2 lands/mines, yiuyiu, Mo Yichenglei 1 lands/mines!

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