After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 59: Exchange messages

How is it possible... how is it possible.

Zhou Mian never thought about this issue in her life - having children.

Although this is nothing unusual, in the past days, Zhou Mian only thought about wars, plant plants, and those messy pirates, black phoenixes, Zerg, etc., and he didn't even think about falling in love with others. Before Marriage is only for the two families to live together peacefully. After that, Zhou Mian just passively asked Cecil to pursue... Well, Zhou Mian thinks that should be considered a pursuit.

However, now it is suddenly necessary to upgrade directly to having children.

Birth, child, child.

To be precise, it is to give a new life out of one's own body.

Zhou Mian was completely stunned and touched his stomach, unable to believe that there was a small life inside.

So Zhou Mian lost sleep that night, and had no sleep for the whole night.

Zhou Mian tossed and turned in the quilt, staying up until the early morning with mixed thoughts, until the fish's belly was white in the east, and when the sun was slowly rising, Zhou Mian got up with a "smack", and hurriedly searched the Internet for "pregnancy attention". Matters”, “Do I need to quit when I’m pregnant?”…

Zhou Mian also checked "Can I fight when I'm pregnant?" and "Can I fight with people when I'm pregnant?", but maybe there are no pregnant women or pregnant women who would have such troubles, so the search came up with no results.

Zhou Mian scratched his cheeks and frowned.

There is no "abortion" in Zhou Mian's concept. What worries him is how to face the child and Cecil, and more importantly, the immediate problem - how can he protect the child.


Zhou Mian didn't know why, this night Cecil's facial features always appeared from time to time, as if reminding something.

Zhou Mian thought, maybe it was because the child's father was Cecil.

Definitely not because he misses Cecil!

Zhou Mian hugged her knees and was slightly lost.

He never misses a person, and has nothing to worry about.

It should be so.

Zhou Mian bit her lower lip.

Cecil could definitely be the biggest accident of his life.

"Knock knock."

Zhou Mian was troubled when he saw the door was knocked.

Zhou Mian shook his head, forced himself to cheer up, got up and put on a black coat, and also covered half of his face with a veil, just like he used to be on the pirate ship, just like Moon Shadow.

"Come in."

The maid pushed the dining cart in, and didn't dare to look at Zhou Mian. An calmly served the breakfast, then bowed and left with a very respectful attitude. In fact, it's not just the maid, who dares to disrespect Yueying on this pirate ship, who dares to look at the "Queen" more.

After the maid left, Zhou Mian pulled off the veil and started eating the apple pie in front of her.

Zhou Mian didn't want to eat it originally, but considering the child, Zhou Mian had to change her daily routine after preparing, and she had to eat three meals a day.

After cutting the hot and fragrant apple pie that was just baked, Zhou Mian frowned slightly.

Inside was a small note.

After seeing the contents of the note, Zhou Mian paused, then chuckled.

"Really him?"

Cecil sat in front of the monitoring room with her chest folded, listening to Casper's report.

"That's right, the spy has confirmed it and got in touch with Admiral Zhou." Casper handed the encrypted intelligence bag to Cecil and said, "This is Admiral Zhou's reply to the spy. Facts have proved that Zhou The Admiral did not defect."

"Naturally it is impossible to betray!" Cecil snapped: "He can never betray."

It's just that Cecil didn't know what Zhou Mian's purpose was. Anyway, he wasn't joining a pirate. He knew and knew his Mianmian.

"Yes. I'm sorry, it was my slip of the tongue." Casper bowed ninety degrees, and then asked, "Then do we want to…"

The pirates are about to land on the F8 Desolate Star to do what they always do—snatch the city. Zhou Mian not only revealed this information, but also detailed the landing location. Casper asked if Cecil should send support to stop the pirates, or if he turned to F8.

They are currently chasing the small battleship led by the Dark Phoenix.

"Since A Mian gave us this information, he must hope that we can help us. The Federation has been working **** this matter. We must send troops. But we won't go."

Cecil naturally wanted to go to F8 in person, he wanted to see Zhou Mian, and even more wanted to bring Zhou Mian back.

But they are adults, admirals.

God knows how hard it took Cecil to convince himself to let reason replace impulse.

Zhou Mian didn't want to come for another purpose without telling him, Cecil couldn't destroy his plan without authorization. And the Black Phoenix finally found clues here, which was related to Zhou Mian's antidote, and he couldn't give up.

Casper was taken aback by Cecil's decision, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Casper felt that Cecil had changed.

Originally a person who went his own way... Casper originally thought that Cecil would go to Zhou Mian at all costs and take back what belonged to him.

But Cecil didn't.

Cecil said, "Is there anything else?"

Casper returned to his senses, and then said: "Yes, Kevin sent back news that the Supreme Court of the Federal Capital had completed the execution of the criminal Mo Qing, and the execution went smoothly. Mo Qing has no relatives, so the relics and family properties were donated to charities."

Cecil nodded and sighed heavily.

"Mingyan, what happened to them?"

"Although the secretary-generals are reluctant, they understand the admiral and the court's decision." Casper said: "Admiral need not worry."

Cecil waved.

Casper left to investigate on the deck, and Cecil looked at the monitoring screen in front of him, fascinated.

Cecil held a ring in his hand and kept rubbing it.

"Brother... I'll give you this ring. If we really get separated, don't forget me."

"You must find me...!"

The ring has been faded by the owner's rubbing.

Cecil closed his eyes slightly.

Cecil's fingertip was cut because of too much force, and a few drops of blood flowed out of the wound, but Cecil didn't notice it, as if he had lost consciousness.

"woo woo woo woo--"

Cecil was in a trance when a sharp alarm sounded. Cecil responded quickly, immediately put away all his emotions, took his sword and got up and left.

"The Zerg attacked the ship from the southeast! Repeat, the Zerg attacked the ship from the southeast!"

Cecil raised an eyebrow.

Oh, the old man had a falling out with the pirates because of the competition for Zhou Mian, and the pirates even joined forces with the Federation to attack the main Phoenix battleship. Now this old man turned his head and hooked up with the Zerg?

Cecil sneered.

Is this old man quite capable?

I don't know how he got hooked.

Cecil shook his hair and drew his sword onto the deck.


"F8... here it is."

Chi Ying stood by the mast, looked at the city in the distance and said with a smile, "A Mian, are you looking forward to it?"

Zhou Mian frowned slightly.

Chi Ying lowered her eyes and said, "A Mian, you are the same as us. It's just that you forgot."

"I'm not."

"You are." Chi Ying didn't want to argue with Zhou Mian, but just smiled: "When you have to fight, you will understand that you and I are the same people."


These desolate stars were stationed by the Federal Army to defend them, and immediately opened fire to stop them when they saw the flag of the pirates.

Chi Ying smiled and waved his hand.


The pirates dropped their ropes and hooks and attacked the city with the artillery fire.

After the ship landed, all that could be seen was fire, killing and roaring.

The people living in the barren star are all able-bodied recruits or farmers. At this moment, they all came out to fight the enemy with the soldiers stationed there. The two sides fought each other, and blood spurted.

Zhou Mian stood aside, his ears buzzing.

Pirates' methods have always been cruel and bloody. Unlike the Federal Army and the Glacier Army, soldiers usually kill with one blow, stabbing at the key point. However, the pirate's swordsmanship is unruly, constantly piercing, and specifically picks the head and face, and is usually killed. The corpses in the hands of the pirates were tragic.

Zhou Mian closed her eyes, but the voices were still in her ears.


A gust of wind came from behind.

Zhou Mian subconsciously turned around to defend, and slashed the weapon of the person behind him with a sword.

Zhou Mian was stunned.

That man is the Union Army.

I think he attacked him as a pirate.

Zhou Mian understood what Chi Ying said, but he did not fight and let the federal army keep attacking him. Zhou Mian did not fight back, but kept dodging, and finally found a chance to escape.

Zhou Mian stood on the watchtower, thinking that there should be no one here.


"The Federal Army is here...!"

"Boss! Their support is here!" One of the pirates shouted to Chi Ying, "What should we do!"

Chi Ying raised his eyebrows slightly.

Standing at a high place, Zhou Mian, who witnessed the row of the Federal Army battleships, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed while performing.

Cecil trusted him and was still willing to send troops to support him in uncertain circumstances.

Chi Ying said coldly, "Retreat."

The number of the federal army is large, and it is no good to fight hard.

Chi Ying smiled and went to the observation deck.


Zhou Mian was stunned, and saw Chi Ying standing aside, looking at him with a smile.

Chi Ying shook his head and said, "You are really capable. I didn't expect you to be able to send messages under my nose."

Zhou Mian lowered her eyes and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Chi Ying stepped forward, grabbed Zhou Mian's hand, dragged him down, and took him back to his study.

The pirates retreated, and the F8 suffered no major losses. The Federal Army, on the other hand, went all out to chase the pirates. Although they were finally thrown away by the pirates who were familiar with shortcuts, they also managed to break down several of the pirates' ships and captured a large number of people. The pirates who plundered the city suffered heavy losses.

"Not bad you."

In the study, Zhou Mian was sitting on the sofa beside him, Chi Ying was beside him, looked at Zhou Mian and smiled and said, "A Mian, I suggest you honestly explain the secret agents of the Federation, or I and you... it's not over."

Chi Ying pushed Zhou Mian's hair on her cheeks behind her ears with gentle movements.

"I don't mind the loss, what I care about is your attitude." Chi Ying lowered her eyes and said, "You are here with me, but your heart is toward the Federation and Cecil. I don't like it very much."

Zhou Mian said in a hurry, "I don't know what spies are, and I don't know what news is delivered. I think you may have misunderstood something."

Chi Ying just chuckled.


Chi Ying called out, seeing that Zhou Mian didn't answer, she paused, hooked her lips and threw a fist at Zhou Mian.

Even if Chi Ying is beating someone, his posture is still contented, noble and elegant, and his expression has not changed. Compared with his adults, it is more like touching others intimately.

The action looks light, but the force is sufficient.

Chi Ying's speed was too fast, and when Zhou Mian reacted, it was too late to dodge.


After all, the heart is the key point, Zhou Mian's face turned white, and he bent according to the heart.

Seeing Zhou Mian hugging into a ball, Chi Ying was also stunned.

He didn't plan to hit hard, so he hit the stomach. Why did Zhou Mian hand over the key...?

Seeing Zhou Mian's appearance, it seemed that he was injured. Chi Ying shook his head and went to call the doctor.

Zhou Mian vaguely heard what doctor Chi Ying said, and his heart sank.

He can't let Chi Ying find out...

Zhou Mian took a deep breath, and wanted to stop Chi Ying regardless of the pain, but saw Chi Ying turn around and hold Zhou Mian's waist with one hand, pinching his chin with the other, forcing Zhou Mian to look at him.

"I said, no matter what you do, I will forgive you." Chi Ying tilted her head and smiled: "But, I still need an explanation."

Zhou Mian gritted his teeth and said, "The explanation is... I... you and I will never be the same."

Chi Ying's eyes dimmed.

"it is good."

"very good."

The two confronted each other by the door.

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