After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 68: Cotton buns!

For the next half month, the Zerg and the Federation were still testing each other, Cecil and Zhou Mian discussed countermeasures and deployed troops every day, and the atmosphere in the army became more and more tense.

Gu Xingzhi also brought soldiers from the frontier to support.

At this moment, Cecil and Zhou Mianwo are enjoying a rare leisure time in the room.

Cecil had someone move a piano in the room. Zhou Mian was playing it now. Cecil held him with one hand and followed Zhou Mian's fingers with the other.

"It's so difficult." Cecil put her head on Zhou Mian's shoulder and muttered, "Teach me a relatively simple song, I won't learn Moonlight anymore."

Zhou Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This man, Zhou Mian wanted to start with basic skills when he said he wanted to learn how to play the piano, but Cecil wanted to play the moonlight in one step.

"I told you all." Zhou Mian patted Cecil's hand and said, "It's not ashamed for the little lion to hear it."

Now that Zhou Mian's belly has been determined to be a boy, after the determination, Cecil named Leo, hoping that he will lead bravely like a lion.

"He dares to dislike me." Cecil put his hand on Zhou Mian's stomach and smiled: "This little brat is the one who wants to rob Mianmian from me."

Zhou Mian said helplessly: "What?"

"I'm jealous." Cecil pouted deliberately.

"You..." Zhou Mian wrapped her arms around Cecil's waist and said, "Do you still look like an admiral?"

Cecil smiled and lowered her head to kiss Zhou Mian's forehead.

"Knock knock."

The two were stunned.


Gu Xingzhi's voice came from outside the door: "Report!"

Cecil reluctantly let go of Zhou Mian, got up and straightened his collar and said, "Come in."

Gu Xingzhi was in neat military uniform, and he stepped forward with his sword and said: "Half of the frontier army has arrived! Waiting for the general's order!"

"Okay." Cecil nodded.

After Gu Xingzhi and Cecil discussed a few words, Cecil raised his eyebrows and asked, "Have you seen Ellen?"

Gu Xingzhi's face froze, and he said stiffly, "I saw you before."

Before the army was officially moved, Gu Xingzhi went to Desolate Star to discuss with Cecil and others, and met with Ellen.

"Huh?" Cecil laughed. "A quarrel?"

Gu Xingzhi was silent.

After he saw Ellen before, he was holding a man with a sweet smile, ignoring him at all.

Gu Xingzhi felt that the man's back was very familiar, but he didn't have the energy to take a closer look. God knows how much effort he spent to suppress the anger in his heart at that time.

"Brother...! We will get married when we return to the capital."

In the dark corridor, Ellen tiptoed slightly and whispered, "Would you like it?"

Then I saw the man nodded silently, and the two of them were like no one else around, not paying attention to him at all.

At that moment, Gu Xingzhi only felt angry, but he had no right to interfere with Yi Lun, so he could only strode away with a sullen stomach.

Cecil and Zhou Mian knew what was going on when they saw Gu Xingzhi's expression, and couldn't help but wax him.

This Ellen... is also really skin.

Zhou Mian paused, hesitating to speak, but then he didn't say anything, and watched Gu Xingzhi leave with a strong resentment.

After Gu Xingzhi left, Zhou Mian and Cecil looked at each other.

"Don't worry." Cecil patted Zhou Mian with a smile and said, "They have been noisy since childhood."

Zhou Mian nodded.

"But do you believe it now?" Cecil raised his eyebrows and said, "Gu Xingzhi is more masculine than me."

Zhou Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Gu Xingzhi and Cecil on the other end planned to return to his battleship after reporting.

go back……

Gu Xingzhi stopped and looked at his black boots in a trance.

Ellen is here too...

Do you want to go see him?

Just, at least to say hi? Not for anything, just say hello.

Gu Xingzhi was still hesitating in his mind, but his body was very honest, and his feet had already involuntarily walked towards the temporary plant plant of the main battleship.


Gu Xingyi was stunned.

Just as he walked to the gate of the plant plant on his front feet, he saw Ellen on his back and fell with a big box.

"His Royal Highness!" A researcher on the side hurried over and asked, "Are you alright?"

"It's alright, alright!" Ellen didn't complain, but quickly got up and quickly put back the herbs that fell out of the box with the researcher.

"Sorry sorry...I didn't see the steps." Erlen wiped the sweat from his forehead and lifted the suitcase again.

Gu Xingzhi stood aside, shocked to the point of petrification.

Is this... Ellen?

Wasn't it pierced by the soul?

Is this really the one he knew, the squeamish Ellen?

In the past, Iren would not let him move the box, even if he fell, he would drag him and cry and say it hurts.

But the Ellen in front of him didn't look like a noble prince at all. He wore simple clothes, his blond hair was tied up, his sleeves were pulled up, and he was busy in the plant plant without touching the ground. He got up and continued to direct everyone to work, and he was already able to stand on his own in the plant factory.

Gu Xingzhi stared at Yi Lun blankly.

"That one over there! Take the instrument and go with me to B8 to see the patient. And..." Yi Lun turned to see Gu Xingzhi, but was stunned.

"...Gu Xingzhi?"

The researcher on the side saw Yi Lun standing still, staring blankly at Gu Xingzhi, smiled and left with the instrument.

Gu Xingzhi didn't say a word, just stepped forward, squatted down, and opened Yi Lun's trousers.

"Hey...!" Ellen stared, "What are you doing!"

"You're injured, apply the medicine first." Gu Xingzhi frowned at the bruise on Yi Lun's knee.

What surprised him was that there were many tiny scratches on the backs and palms of Ellen's hands, and there was also a bruise on his left elbow.

Gu Xingzhi's brows were even tighter, and he grabbed Yi Lun's wrist and said in a deep voice, "How did the wound come from?"

After all, it’s not a secret, Ellen said honestly: “The palm and the back of the hand were accidentally obtained when picking herbs and moving things, and the elbow was accidentally pushed and bruised by the patient who went crazy a few days ago. "


"You..." Gu Xingzhi sighed and said, "Why are you so troubled? Wouldn't it be good to stay in the capital well?"

"Do you look down on me!" Yiren said with rounded eyes: "I can now be on my own, and my swordsmanship has improved a lot, and I can even handle the battlefield!"

Gu Xingyi was stunned, he didn't expect Yi Lun's reaction to be so big.

Yi Lun's face flushed with excitement, and he tugged his shoulders and shouted, "Gu Xingzhi, you are such a bastard!"

Seeing Yi Lun trembling with anger, Gu Xingzhi immediately grabbed his arms and said warmly, "I said something wrong, don't be angry, don't be angry."

The rest of the plant factory saw that Ellen suddenly yelled, and immediately lowered their heads and dared not look at them.

Gu Xingzhi took Yi Lun away, came outside, and said, "Yi Lun, don't be angry."

Gu Xingzhi actually didn't understand why Yi Lun was so angry.

"Can't you see all my efforts, you?!" Ellen trembled and clenched her fists tightly: "You still look down on me!"

"I don't look down on you, I feel sorry for you." Gu Xingzhi held Yi Lun's hand and frowned, "I also...I don't want to."

Ellen was taken aback.

"It's up to you!" Ellen retracted his hand and shook his head.

Gu Xingyi was stunned, remembering the man who was holding Yi Lun before, and his aura also sank.

"Before... who was the man you were with?"

"…Huh?" Ellen blinked.

Gu Xingzhi's face was cold and his eyes darkened: "Who is he, where does he live, how old is he this year, and how did you know each other? How did he approach you."

"...Oh." Yi Lun remembered that it was Wang Xun who had pretended to be a couple with him before to show Gu Xingzhi.

Yi Lun sneered, his eyes turned and said, "Guess what? It has nothing to do with you anyway."


Ellen raised his eyebrows and said, "It's not that I don't deserve to be with you, then you don't care if I'm with others. You hate me anyway."

"Iren...I didn't, you know, I..."

"I don't understand." Erlen interrupted flatly.

Gu Xingzhi looked at Yi Lun blankly, not understanding why Yi Lun suddenly changed from hysterical to so cold.

Yi Lun turned his head and smiled, and said deliberately, "I grew up in a golden nest. I'll never understand. So now, why don't I decide to give up on you? I don't want to understand."

"You..." Gu Xingzhi's eyes were scarlet.

Ellen snorted coldly and turned away.

Yi Lun knew that Gu Xingzhi was for his own good, and he understood the reason.

But... Yi Lun lowered his eyes, he just wanted to win the respect of Gu Xingzhi, he just wanted an equal relationship.

Gu Xingzhi looked at the back of Yi Lun's departure, clenched his fists with both hands, and made a clear sound.

Gu Xingzhi took a deep breath and took out the terminal.

"Find someone for me."



Three months later, the battle became more and more stalemate. The Zerg and the Federation have already fought several times, and the losses on both sides are not big at present, but if you really want to analyze it in detail, the Federation is actually slightly better.

Under Cecil's reorganization and control over the years, the federal military has been extremely powerful, and now, with the addition of the Glacier's troops, it is even more powerful.

"Brother... When will uncle come back?"

Inside the room, Xiaole took Zhou Mian's arm and said, "I miss him."

Zhou Mian lay on the bed with Xiaole and smiled: "It's almost there... Your uncle has sent a letter back, saying that he won the battle and is now resting and preparing to come back."


Xiaole changed his posture, put his head on Zhou Mian's arm and blinked, "Don't you want to be uncle?"

Xiaole stretched out his hand and carefully placed it on Zhou Mian's protruding belly: "Where's my brother? Don't you think about it?"

"Yes I do."

Zhou Mian lowered her eyes and said, "Thinking... I mean Xiaole's younger brother."

Zhou Mian thought, it must be the relationship of the baby. He's not that delicate, but he hasn't seen him for a week, so he doesn't... he doesn't think about it.

Zhou Mian reached out and touched his stomach.

The doctor said that he could give birth anytime these days. To be honest, he still felt a little aggrieved that Cecil was not around.

But Zhou Mian understands that this matter cannot be willful.

There was news from the spy that the Zerg Queen passed away last week, and the Zerg royal family was pressing the news, but the interior was already in chaos.

"elder brother……"

Zhou Mian was thinking, when he saw Xiaole buried his head in Zhou Mian's arms and muttered: "When my brother is born, will my brother and uncle not want Xiaole..."

Zhou Mian was stunned for a moment, then reached out and rubbed the top of Xiaole's head and said warmly, "How come? My brother is my brother, you are you, and the two are different people."


"Really, brother..." Zhou Mian hugged Xiaole and smiled: "I will love you and protect you all my life. You will always be my and Cecil's child, understand?"

"Oh..." Xiaole blinked and said, "In the future, will my brother be the general and I will be his lieutenant?"

"Huh?" Zhou Mian raised her eyebrows and said, "Who told you this?"

"Brother Ellen, he said that my brother and I will protect the Federation together in the future." Xiaole muttered, "Listen... it's so hard..."

Zhou Mian looked at Xiaole's frowning smile, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she pinched his chubby cheeks and said, "You better sleep, my brother hasn't even been born yet."

"Hmm." Xiaole obediently closed her eyes: "Good night, brother."

"Good night."

Zhou Mian turned off the lamp.

Xiaole has become more cheerful every day since he followed Zhou Mian, and now he is no different from ordinary children.

Xiaole took a nap at noon today, so she could wake up with a little movement in the middle of the night.

After hearing Zhou Mian's groaning, Xiaole opened her eyes and turned on the lamp.

"……elder brother?"

Zhou Mian's face was pale, and there was fine sweat on his forehead.

Xiaole was a little scared, and hurriedly grabbed Zhou Mian's hand and shook it.

Zhou Mian frowned, hugged her stomach and whispered, " someone."

"it is good!"

Xiaole hurriedly jumped out of bed to find Ellen who was sleeping next door.

Xiaole remembered what Cecil explained to him, and before leaving the room, he ran to the bedside and shook the bell hanging beside him.

That's the bell for swapping doctors.

In a short while, a large group of doctors who were ready around the clock rushed in.

Ellen also came, still in pajamas, with messy hair and a confused look on his face.

"What, what's wrong?!" Yi Lun stroked his messy hair, hugged Xiaole and comforted him, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay! It's Admiral Zhou... about to give birth!"

Ellen's eyes widened.

"Is my brother about to be born?!" Xiaole hugged Ellen's neck and whispered, "Really!"

"Yes...!" Ellen hurriedly took out the terminal.

He's going to contact Cecil!

Meanwhile, doctors and nurses have quickly moved the instruments over.

"Admiral Zhou, you must calm down and relax..."

Dr. Ford grabbed Zhou Mian's wrist and said warmly, "Relax..."

The pain in his stomach really made Zhou Mian unable to relax, so he could only try hard at this moment.

This pain is different from the pain of ordinary injuries, it is a convulsion from the depths of the body.

Zhou Mian frowned and adjusted his breathing.

"Doctor..." Zhou Mian opened his mouth wide and his forehead was covered in fine sweat. "Yes... is it soon?"

The doctor reassured: "It's coming soon! At least two hours, at most twenty-four hours, and the average person is half a day."

Zhou Mian paused and whispered, "Two hours... so fast..."

Zhou Mian looked a little depressed.

The doctor is puzzled, isn't this the sooner the better? Could it be that the longer the pain, the better?

"Doctor." Zhou Mian asked, "Can you slow down a bit?"


Zhou Mian said: "I want to live a little slower, can you delay it?"

"Admiral, what do you mean..." Ford was only puzzled.

Is this crazy?

"Director." The other middle-aged doctor on the side is not as old-fashioned as Ford. He has been immersed in the research room for many years, and has more actual combat experience and has faced operating tables. He grabbed Ford and said in a low voice: "Admiral Zhou wants to Wait for Admiral Cecil."

Ford was taken aback.

Ford sighed, lowered his head and said to Zhou Mian: "Admiral Zhou, when the production is out of your control, you must relax and let nature take its course."

Another middle-aged doctor also smiled and said, "It's all destiny. No matter what, the little general will get the blessing of General Cecil."

"Hmm..." Zhou Mian shook his head in disappointment.

Ellen was on the side, grabbed the terminal and asked Cecil in a low voice.

"Where the **** are you...!"

"Trust me." Cecil's firm voice came from the other end of the terminal: "I'll be back."

"it is good……!"

Then, the doctor transferred Zhou Mian to the isolation ward in the main battleship.


"Big brother, where do people come from?"

"It came from my mother's belly."


In the dark little room, Xiao Zhou Mian pulled her big brother's sleeve and asked with big curious eyes, "Why does my mother have a child in her belly?"

"Because...this..." The big brother in his memory seemed to be confused.

"Because... married. You can have a baby when you get married."

"Ah?" Xiao Zhou Mian tilted her head, and after a moment of thought, she said with a serious face, "I will marry my big brother from now on."


The big brother was drinking water, and he spit out a mouthful of water.


Zhou Mian opened his eyes in a daze, only to feel that the next world was plunged into chaos.

In the past, women were responsible for reproduction. Although men can now do it with evolution, it is not as easy as women. Fortunately, Zhou Mian was used to the pain, so he also slowly got used to the rhythm of labor.

Zhou Mian was lying on the bed, and Xiaole had been forced by Yi Lun to go to another room to sleep. Only Yi Lun and a few doctors were guarding the bed.

Yi Lun looked at Zhou Mian with a painful face, but the expression on his face was even more uncomfortable than Zhou Mian's, and a small face was pale.


In the future, after he and Gu Xingzhi are together, will he still have children like this?

so painful...

Yi Lun secretly decided that he will never give birth in the future.

That's right, let Gu Xingzhi live! Anyway, he was killed!

Thinking that Yi Lun felt more distressed for Zhou Mian, he held Zhou Mian's hand seriously and said, "A-Mian, don't be afraid, just this time, we won't give birth in the future, let Cecil give birth by himself. !"

"Okay..." Zhou Mian turned pale in pain, but Yi Lun made him laugh abruptly.

I can't even think about it, I want to laugh when I think of Cecil's stomach.

Yi Lun was like this, occasionally saying a few words to Zhou Mian to ease his nervousness. But in the second half of the night, Zhou Mian really couldn't smile.


Zhou Mian held her head high, clutching the sheets tightly.

"Ah, A Mian..." Yi Lun's face turned pale.

"It's okay, normal, normal..." Zhou Mian turned to comfort Yi Lun and said, "You... you can go out first..."

"No, no, I'm with you." Ellen took a deep breath and stood up to help the nurse.

Zhou Mian bit his lower lip tightly.

Really hurts……

Zhou Mian closed her eyes and fell into a groggy state again.

It was like this until the early morning, when the doctor asked Yi Lun to step up and help Zhou Mian up.

Ellen's eyes lit up.

about there……!

Zhou Mian bit a cloth strip in his mouth, his hands clenched into fists, and his back was already wet.

Ellen was about to stretch out his hand when he heard a deafening voice.

"……I come!"


Everyone in the room was stunned.

When the door was rudely slammed open, a tall man pushed the door with one hand, bent down and leaned on his knees with the other, gasping for breath, "Is A Mian born?!"

It's Cecil.


Ellen's eyes widened in disbelief.

Cecil looked very embarrassed, her hair and clothes were messy, with dust and dirt from the battlefield for many days, and Cecil was in a panic at the moment, and she thought it came out of nowhere. the homeless.

Ellen rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating.

"A-Mian...!" Cecil didn't care anymore, he rushed back like a madman, and now he still has the shock caused by the speeding in his head, which is full of dust.

"Oops Admiral! You can't come in, you haven't been disinfected!"

"Admiral, calm down first—!"

"Admiral can't get close to Admiral Zhou! Hurry up, bring the disinfectant and clothes..."

A large group of nurses and guards guarding outside immediately stepped forward to hold Cecil down, and the scene was chaotic.

Iron stood aside, seeing Cecil like this for the first time, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhou Mian opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Cecil being framed.

"Cecil...?" Zhou Mian was also stunned.

How can it be……

Is it really... him?

"A-mian! A-mian! I'm here!" Cecil shouted: "Don't be afraid, A-mian! Don't be afraid, I will come back! I will definitely accompany you, you wait for me!"

"Admiral Cecil..." The guards who stopped Cecil could not laugh or cry, why don't they go out to wash their hands, it's like saying goodbye to life and death.

Zhou Mian blinked and looked at Cecil blankly.

For a moment, Zhou Mian hooked her lips and smiled contentedly.

"it is good……"

It's really him.

It was his Cecil, and Cecil rushed back...

The pain naturally still hurts, but Zhou Mian seemed to be suffocating her strength, she just felt good and warm in her heart.

Zhou Mian stretched out his hand in confusion and grabbed a handful of air.

"Don't worry." Yi Lun stretched out his hand and cut the hair on Zhou Mian's forehead with a smile: "Cecil will come as soon as he disinfects and cleans up!"

After waiting for a while, Cecil really came back wearing a white isolation suit.

As soon as Cecil entered the door, he rushed forward like a madman, hugged Zhou Mian, helped Zhou Mian up, and let him lean against him.

"A Mian... Mian Mian... Don't be afraid, I'm here." Cecil put her head on Zhou Mian's shoulder and kept talking in his ear.

"Don't panic, don't panic..."

I don't know who is panicking.

Even so, Zhou Mian still felt at ease.

Unprecedented peace of mind.

"I'm not afraid."

Just when the sun rose, Zhou Mian finally gave birth.

The pain of childbirth is really not a normal pain, it is an unbearable tearing pain for ordinary people, even Zhou Mian couldn't help crying out.

Fortunately, everything went well, Zhou Mian was safe, and the baby was healthy and crying loudly.

Really like a little lion, born facing the rising sun.

This is the best news in the Federation in recent years, aside from the marriage of Cecil and Zhou Mian.

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