Seeing his helpless and doting look, Su Anan laughed and leaned back and forth, ran over, hugged him and kissed him actively, saying, "Well, enough of it, today's splash is very enjoyable, tomorrow's continue."

She smiled brightly, her pupils were black and bright, as cunning as a deer in the forest, someone narrowed her eyes and directly blocked her voice with her actions.

He wanted to do this since he just saw her cheerful smile.

So he let her play happily, anyway, he will charge the interest later.

The fish in the fish basket was still struggling, suddenly a carp jumped over the dragon gate, and it really jumped out of the basket and threw itself into the river, with a clatter, startling Su Anan.

She blushed and pushed him away, watching the big fish run away, urging him to catch the fish quickly, and then she ran back to the bamboo hut to change her clothes, not daring to turn her head back, as if a wolf was chasing her.

Shen Juncheng licked his lips, still unfulfilled.

He walked over slowly, carried the fish basket that fell to the ground, glanced at two more, and they were enough to eat, so he quietly followed someone back.

Fortunately, Fu Hao prepared two sets of clothes, this one was wet, and the other one.

When Su Anan changed his clothes and came out, he saw him come back after cutting a piece of bamboo, and he was cutting bamboo.

Still the same clothes, not changed.

After a while, her shyness faded, she walked over and asked, "Aren't you going to change your clothes?"

He shook his head, "No, I used internal force to bake it, it doesn't matter."

Su Anan reached out and touched his cuff, although it was dry, it was still damp.

Seeing her frown, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm rough-skinned and I won't get sick."

Su Anan snorted, watching him play with a piece of bamboo, and asked curiously, "Why don't you want to eat grilled fish, why do you cut bamboo?"

Shen Juncheng raised his eyebrows and explained to her that roasting the fish in a bamboo tube would be more delicious, and it would not burn, and it would also incorporate the fragrance of the bamboo.

Su An'an was greedy for what he said, so Baba squatted aside and watched, a bit like a hungry child watching adults mess around with food.

Shen Juncheng smiled, suddenly feeling like he was adopting a daughter.

He quickened his speed and went to pickle the fish when he got the bamboo. Seeing that she was really busy, he told her to make a fire if she could.

Tsk, Su Anan pouted, why don't you make a fire?

She rolled up her sleeves and went to get the fire book, then found the dead branches and leaves and piled them up, drove the pyre on it, and lit the primer.

But after a while, she started the fire, and said slightly proudly: "Is the fish ready? I have been burning for a long time."

Shen Juncheng snorted, marinated the fish, and placed it in the bamboo tube: "Alright, alright, look at you in a hurry."

As soon as his words fell, a click suddenly came from behind him.

When I looked back, I saw that she was holding a machete and chopped a piece of wood neatly.

Then he picked up the second one, holding the mottled old axe in his slender hand, so inconsistent, yet so skilled.

As if she had been doing it for many years...

For a moment, Shen Juncheng froze in place, staring at her blankly.

Su Anan only chopped a small bundle, which was enough. She bent over to pick it up and held it in her arms. Seeing that the fish hadn't been done yet, she couldn't help urging, "Why haven't you done it yet, I'm on fire. It's been a while, hurry up."

He clenched his palm slightly, watching her crouch down, skillfully adding firewood, tidying up the fire, and responded slowly, "That's good."

He buckled the bamboo tube, sat on the fire with a shelf, and raised the bamboo tube, seemingly unintentionally: "Tsk, that's ok, your fire is very fast."

Su Anan raised her eyebrows, "That's right, I'm not a far-flung cook. I can cook before I leave the cabinet. It's just a joke."

Shen Juncheng smiled, anyone can make a fire, but chopping wood, I'm afraid it won't be the turn of a delicate young lady to do it herself.

His eyelashes drooped slightly, hiding the complicated emotions in the bottom of his eyes.

Su Anan didn't notice it, and continued talking to him excitedly, dancing and naive.

Shen Juncheng fixed his eyes on her hand and recalled that absurd dream again.

In the dream, her hands were full of frostbite, rough and cracked, and they were very different from these delicate hands.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her fingertips and rubbed them carefully, stroking them inch by inch, and asked, "Have you ever had frostbite on your hand?"

Su Anan paused, blinked, and said with a smile, "No, what's wrong?"

He still held her hand, with a hint of distress in his tone, "It's okay, just worried, your hand is cold."

Su Anan laughed. She had just played in the water. It was autumn, and it was normal for it to be cooler, but it was caused by frostbite.

She felt that he loved her too much, made a fuss, held his hand, and mischievously explained that her cold hands were caused by playing with water, and it was thousands of miles away from frostbite, let him not worry.

Shen Juncheng raised his eyes, looked at her agile brows, hummed, and hugged him into his arms.

Su An'an has been used to him kissing her and hugging her at every turn in the past two days, nesting in his arms obediently, and reaching out and pulling his damp robe and placing it by the fire for him to bake.

Shen Juncheng lowered his eyes, watched her subtle movements, stroked her hair, raised his eyes to look at the green green in the distance, and was slightly ecstatic...

The fish was baked in a short while, and he served her to eat it all the way, and he had to pick out the carnivorous fish bones for her.

Su Anan said on her face that she would be fine, and she was not a child, but seeing him so caring, the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise.

After all, who doesn't like being a princess, who doesn't like being pampered, especially by someone they love...

She squinted slightly, looked at his profile, and let out a sigh.

Shen Juncheng, it is enough to have you in this life.

In the afternoon, the two went to play, watching the mountains, water, and the sunset. He led her and told a lot of interesting things along the way.

Time is quiet and you speak with you, and count the fleeting years with you.

The two still ate grilled fish at night, and then went to the hot spring. He still went down first, sitting in the pool, raising his eyebrows to look at her.

Su Anan curled her hair first, then took off her clothes, went down and swam to his side, wrapping around his waist.

He is extraordinarily obedient to her today, pampering her, so she should do what she can to repay.

Shen Juncheng was a little surprised, he hugged him and kissed him, and asked, "Are you happy today?"

"Well, I'm happy." Her tone was brisk, her tail rose up, and she squinted contentedly.

He stroked her hair and said warmly, "Then I'll take you to ride a horse tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." She responded cheerfully, thinking about it, she didn't seem to know how to ride a horse.

He smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you tomorrow."

"Mmmm." She was happy, and dropped a crisp kiss on his side.

Shen Juncheng smiled, his eyes were gentle, he reached out and rubbed her head, hugging her, but honestly.

Su An'an was a little surprised, thinking that he would be the same as yesterday.

That's all, it was just right that he didn't come, she happily soaked in the hot spring, and went back when she was satisfied.

At night, he just hugged her to sleep, but still didn't do anything.

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