After Marrying the Vegetative Female Devil, I Was So Happy!

Chapter 4 Sign In With My Wife And Start Practicing!

The night is already deep.

Si Chen, who was sitting beside Luo Zhirou's bed, couldn't help but doze off.

After all, he was still an ordinary person at this time and had not embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

Although his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, there is still a limit after all.

After checking Luo Zhirou's condition again, Si Chen found that her face had actually regained some of its rosy color.

This made Si Chen feel happy. His guess was indeed correct!

Although Luo Zhirou is already a powerful person in the late stage of Tribulation Realm, after entering this vegetative state, she still needs to absorb a certain amount of energy from the outside world.

Si Chen picked up a quilt from the end of the bed and spread it on the ground beside Luo Zhirou's bed.

Although it was the wedding night, it was impossible for Si Chen to really do anything to Luo Zhirou.

Putting aside Luo Zhirou's willingness or not, Si Chen would never be able to do anything based on her current state. He is not a beast!

However, Si Chen has not forgotten that now that noon has passed, he can sign in again!

Gently holding Luo Zhirou's hand, Si Chen issued a sign-in instruction to the system!

There are two prerequisites for system sign-in: distinguished status and sign-in distance!

Si Chen has already arrived beside Luo Zhirou, of course he wants to be as close to her as possible!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in next to Luo Zhirou, the leader of the White Feather Sect in the late stage of the Tribulation Realm! Obtained rewards: 5000 points, attribute gift pack (luxury)*1! 】

[Today’s discounted items:

The prefecture-level mid-level exercise "Resurrection Buddha's Hand" is priced at 10,000 yuan, with a 40% discount!

Attribute gift pack (large), priced at 1,000, 20% off!】

(Grade classification: Huang, Xuan, Earth, Heaven, Creation, King, Saint, Emperor, each level is divided into upper, middle and lower grades)

After signing in, Si Chen looked at Luo Zhirou for a long time. Finally, he held Luo Zhirou's hand and murmured softly.

"Can you feel...we are getting married..."

Lying on the ground next to Luo Zhirou, Si Chen turned his attention to the system interface.

After receiving five thousand points and a luxurious attribute gift pack again, Si Chen couldn't help but sigh, he is worthy of being the leader of the most powerful demon sect. This reward is much richer than any of his previous ones!

Points can be used by Sichen to purchase daily discounted products.

The attribute gift pack allows Si Chen to obtain attribute points that can be used at will!

Including the few days he signed in with the two guardians, Si Chen now has 8,000 points, three attribute gift packs (large) and one attribute gift pack (luxury)!

The attribute gift packs rewarded by the system are also divided into different sizes: mini, small, medium, large, and luxury.

Contains 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 attribute points respectively!

After opening all the attribute gift packs, Si Chen couldn't help but hesitate a little as to which item he should add attribute points to.

In the past, he was an ordinary person and only interacted with ordinary people, so he added all his attribute points to strength.

But now, where he is, there is no ordinary person left.

After thinking for a long time, Si Chen finally added fourteen plus the previous three points, a total of seventeen attribute points, to his qualifications.

As a time traveler, Si Chen naturally knows how important qualifications are to a monk!

After adding points, his qualification has changed from 30 before to 47 now!

If it is true that according to the system, the average value of ordinary people is 10, then he is now many times higher than ordinary people.

After doing all this, Si Chen looked at today's discounted products.

First of all, the attribute gift pack must be purchased. After all, this is the main way for him to improve his strength.

After buying the attribute gift pack first, Si Chen's eyes fell on that skill again.

"Resurrection Buddha's Hand": a special technique derived from ancient Buddhism, which can rejuvenate people and has excellent healing effects!

After looking at this technique and the beautiful figure lying on the white jade bed, Si Chen finally decided to buy it.

At this point, Si Chen's qualifications have become 50, and only 1,200 points are left of the 8,000 points he worked so hard to obtain.

He didn't feel bad at all for paying points to buy a technique that was useful to Luo Zhirou.

However, Si Chen now faces a very serious problem.

He doesn’t understand cultivation at all and has no spiritual power in his body. How can he operate the "Resurrection Buddha's Hand"!?

Although the things the system sells every day are good, they are all based on his certain spiritual power.

But just as Si Chen was lying on the floor and tossing and turning, he suddenly realized something!

He is no longer the handyman disciple he was back then!

He is now the leader of the White Feather God Sect... Madam?

Although the title is a bit strange, it can also give Si Chen a lot of things.

Si Chen got up from the ground, pushed open the door of the room and came outside the room.

"Two guardians, are you here?"

"Here I am!"

With almost no waiting, Mr. Mu's voice immediately sounded in Si Chen's ears.

And Si Chen also told them his purpose of coming.

"I want a book that can help me get started, is that okay?"

After Si Chen finished speaking, Mr. Mu and Mr. Liu who were hiding in the dark also fell into a brief silence.

After a while, Mr. Mu's voice came again: "Of course you can, but I don't know why the young master wants to practice?"

"Why practice?" Si Chen was slightly stunned.

But he still said softly: "Maybe it's because I don't want to see her lying there like this, but I can't do anything about it! Or maybe it's because my self-esteem doesn't allow me to be so weak?"

"Sir, please wait a moment!"

Unknowingly, the two guardians' names for Si Chen also changed.

Not long after, Mr. Mu in the shadows appeared in front of Si Chen holding an ancient scroll.

"Sir, this is the technique that the outer disciples of the divine sect learn when they first enter."

"I don't know what the master's qualifications are now, but I think he should be able to successfully enter the foundation building stage within half a month."

There is one thing that Mr. Mu has not said yet, that is, those talented disciples usually enter the foundation building period within three to seven days.

However, in order not to hurt Si Chen's self-esteem, she still turned seven days into half a month.

Si Chen took the skill scroll from Mr. Mu's hand and nodded to her gratefully.

"Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome, sir, just follow your heart." Mr. Mu nodded: "It depends on you for the leader to wake up!"

Then, Mr. Mu's figure slowly disappeared again, and Si Chen also returned to the room.

Coming to Luo Zhirou's bedside, Si Chen held her catkin hand with his big hand.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I am going to start practicing. After I have spiritual energy in my body, I can help you recover."

"I don't know how long it will take me to get started with my talent. How long did it take for you to get started? Half a month?"

"They all say that you are extremely talented and you should be able to get started quickly. Is it seven days?"

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