“Oh? If I’m not mistaken, Dalvin’s “The Savior” had been collected by Charles the Prince of Eagles, and then Charles II came to power and the painting was transferred to him, and then Charles II transferred the painting to the Duke of Bai Jinhan, and the son of the Duke sold the painting in 1763, and the painting disappeared from the eyes of the world. A man with a cigarette roll next to the old man recalled.

“And what about later?” Everyone became curious about the painting.

“In 1900, a collector obtained the original painting, which at first he suspected was the work of a student of Dafen, and then the painting disappeared.” The man fell into deep thought.

A middle-aged woman continued: “This painting has bright colors, delicate brushstrokes, and looks very realistic.” ”

Another person shook his head: “Imitations can also do this, let’s wait for the curator’s analysis.” ”

The old man put on rubber gloves, carefully touched the surface of the painting, and stretched out his hand: “Give me the tool for infrared rays.” ”

A middle-aged man next to him immediately took out a pen from the toolbox he was carrying.

Vincent looked at Li Zekai: “Mr. Li, who is this?” ”

Li Zekai introduced to everyone: “This is the director of the National Museum of the United States, Zhang Zhihai, these are experts in museum art. ”

When I heard that this old man was from the National Museum of the United States, everyone’s attitude couldn’t help but be a little respectful.

After all, the Guo Family Museum in the United States is the most authoritative museum in the United States, and Vincent really did not expect that because Jiang Han’s words shocked the director of the National Museum of the United States.

Old man Zhang completely ignored everyone’s discussion, held a magnifying glass, lay on the ground, carefully inspected, and occasionally took an infrared pen to illuminate, occasionally wiped it carefully with a cloth.

After a long time, he was shocked beyond description…

“This, the hair and crystal ball of this painting, is the expression of Duffin!”

Seeing the old man’s hands trembling with excitement, everyone was shocked!

Is this really the real work of Duffin?!

The old man looked at a middle-aged woman: “Gray, clean up the painting!” ”

“Okay curator.”

The middle-aged woman took out professional tools and began to clean up the painting.

Everyone was talking, but Li Zekai was silent, just looking at Jiang Han with interest.

“Oh my God, no, are we going to witness the birth of the true work of Dafen today?” A boy exclaimed.

He Yue shrugged: “I don’t believe it, it’s too coincidental, could it be that Jiang Han is an expert in oil painting?” ”

Think about it, even if you are a professional who is dozens of years old, there is no way to identify the authenticity of the painting at once, and Jiang Han, an 18-year-old boy, how can he have such a vicious eye?

The probability of this happening is too low!

After half an hour of cleaning, the painting seemed to be even cleaner, and Old Man Zhang looked closely again, his eyes widened.

“This is indeed the true work of Dafenqi!”


Both Jiaxin Wealth Management’s customers and many experts were stunned.

Old man Zhang said to everyone: “After the oil painting has been cleaned up, it is not difficult for us to find that the posture of Yesu’s right hand has been adjusted, if it is a fake, the author does not need to do this.” ”

One of the experts also looked closely with a magnifying glass and said suspiciously: “Maybe the author of this fake did this on purpose?” ”

“Impossible,” said Mr. Zhang categorically, “one of the great features of Dafen’s technique is that he presses undried paint into his eyes, creating a hazy beauty, and it is not difficult to find it when we take a picture with an infrared pen.” ”

“Looking at this again, the curly hair, the closer to the viewer, the clearer it is, which is also a major feature of Dafen’s technique, which is perspective.”

Everyone took a closer look, and it really was!

Vincent was very surprised, this curly hair, and Jesu’s smiling lips, felt very similar to the painting of “Mona Lisa”!

Why didn’t he notice it just now?

He couldn’t imagine that if the painting was real, then how would he explain it to the president?

Will it be fired?

Although the boss himself agreed, after all, he sold this painting to Jiang Han!

Thinking about the price of Dafen’s work, Vincent’s heart is extremely apprehensive!

In other words, his move made his boss lose at least hundreds of millions of dollars!

“You see, his two fingers are clearly depicted, and the face behind him is blurred, and this painting uses the same technique as Dafin’s other works, so I’m sure this is his real work!” Old man Zhang was very excited.


It’s genuine!

Hearing this, everyone was blindsided!

“I wipe, it turned out to be true! Then this guy sent ah. ”

“Why didn’t this good thing catch me up? This painting has been hanging here for several years, and no one has found it to be the real thing…”

He Yue was also very shocked, as a genius girl in the eyes of her classmates, she often flew to the Mi Country to invest, such activities without exception, every time is a champion, but Jiang Han’s appearance makes today different!

I originally thought that the defeat was in the hands of Li Zekai, which was quite decent, but I didn’t expect to lose to a teenager!

He Yue’s gaze swept over Jiang Han, and his heart was extremely shocked, who is this young man?

Although Li Zekai was quietly watching in the crowd, his eyes were also extremely shocked!

An ordinary Celestial Empire boy was able to identify the true work of Dafenqi, and bought it for 90,000 US dollars…

In a few years, it can be worth at least hundreds of millions of dollars at an auction!

That’s not a rate of return of 10,000!

The original owner of this painting is estimated to be able to cry to death …

This teenager’s eyes are too poisonous!

He began to invest at the age of ten, playing stock futures, gold and silver, and can be said to know the US securities market well…

But today, he actually lost to an 18-year-old boy!

It’s incredible!

When everyone was trying to buy stocks, Jiang Han found another way, bought a painting, and earned hundreds of millions of dollars in a while!

At least two billion Celestial Empire coins.

And from just now, no matter how everyone didn’t believe it, Jiang Han was very calm, and the maturity he showed was rare at this age…

Based on this alone, it can be concluded that this teenager is not an ordinary person!

The other two account managers were also dumbfounded, just now they laughed at Jiang Han and Vincent, but they didn’t expect Jiang Han to directly buy a genuine work of Dafenqi to compete!

This luck, no one!

And this game, limited to one hour of investment, does not say that you cannot invest in oil paintings…

So, they had to admit that they lost!

You can only consider yourself unlucky!

One of the men walked up to Vincent, and he was completely imposing: “Vincent, I really look down on you, our $200,000 will be transferred to you later~.” ”

Vincent is frowning now, anxious like ants on a hot pot, where can he care about this 200,000 gamble?

If you are not careful, not only will the promotion of the director be yellow, but you may also lose your job!

He thought about it and immediately called the president: “Andrew, tell you the unfortunate news…”

The president on the opposite side drank red wine leisurely: “What’s wrong?” ”

“The painting you sold to my client just now is a genuine work of Leonardo da Vinci… The director of the National Museum of the United States identified it. ”


With a click, Vincent heard the sound of the wine glass falling to the floor!

“You wait for me, I’ll come right away!”

Looking at Vincent’s anxious look, Jiang Han was a little helpless: “It’s okay, if you are fired this time because of this matter, you will work for me.” ”

Anyway, Jiang Han already has funds in his hands, and there is a shortage of talents, and Vincent, as one of the top ten star managers in the US securities industry, can also be counted into Jiang Han’s eyes.

Working for Jiang Han?

Vincent felt in his heart, Jiang Han is only now an adult, he has become a billionaire, with extraordinary talent and a keen sense of business, in another ten years, his development will be unimaginable…

Maybe it’s even more powerful than Old Man Flynn?

Maybe it’s not bad to follow Jiang Han!

Thinking of this, Vincent’s heart was much calmer.

The experts of the National Museum of the United States, lying on the ground and studying for a long time, all stood up, and everyone’s eyes were full of joy!

“This painting is genuine, there is no doubt about it.”

“I didn’t expect to see the true work of this “Savior” in my lifetime, I am really lucky!” A man said sincerely.

Another middle-aged woman was about to cry: “Yes, Duffen is such a great person!” ”

Old man Zhang looked at everyone: “Which Tibetan friend has such insight and discovered the true work of Dafenqi?” ”

Jiang Han said expressionlessly, “It’s me.” ”

“Haha, what a hero out of a teenager! I’m curious, how can you have such a high artistic attainment? “Old man Zhang was very surprised to find that this painting turned out to be a young man from the Celestial Empire!

It stands to reason that even if the people of the Celestial Empire know foreign culture well, they will not be so proficient in oil painting.

This painting, if not carefully identified, even Old Master Zhang himself would not be able to recognize it!

Jiang Hanyun said lightly: “It’s just a coincidence.” ”


How lucky is a person to happen to buy a world-famous painting?

It’s also incredible! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Old man Zhang was stunned and said, “Is it because your father’s generation likes to study oil painting?” ”

Jiang Han shook his head, his expression made people look inscrutable!

“My parents are vendors selling baiji buns, just like your burgers.”

Hearing Jiang Han’s words, everyone was even more shocked!

Everyone thought that this was a rich second generation of the Celestial Empire, and the family had a lot of money, so they came to play.

I didn’t expect people to be a rich generation!

Old man Zhang was also even more shocked, if the family conditions are good, he has been influenced by art since he was a child, he may have bought this famous painting because of intuition, and the teenager in front of him is obviously from grassroots!

The parents of the family are street vendors, which means that they are unlikely to have been exposed to oil paintings before!

So to speak, everything in his hands was made by his own struggle…

Thinking of this, Old Master Zhang thought about it with great fear!

At this time, I don’t know who it was, and shouted: “I know, you are Jiang Han!” That godman who made $400 million on the first day of speculating in U.S. stocks! ”

“My grass, it turns out that this is the legendary god!”

“I didn’t expect it to be him, no wonder, I have long heard about his glorious achievements.”

“God! Stock God! Stock God! Stock God! ”

I don’t know who took the head, but many people shouted excitedly.

To them, Jiang Han is simply a god!

This scene shocked Li Zekai, the Celestial Empire originally had this kind of genius!

He has also fought in the stock market for more than ten years, and he is respected as a little superman by the people around him, but even if Li Zekai has never lost money, no one calls him a god.

And now this teenager actually has such great energy!

Li Zekai was very curious about Jiang Han at this time!

He quickly asked the person next to him: “Did he also come to speculate in stocks before?” ”

The person next to him said: “No, he didn’t have long in the United States just now, it is said that he made 400 million on the first day he came to the United States!” And he has only been trading stocks for a month when he is in China. ”

Li Zekai was stunned, such a result, no wonder others called him stock god!

He Yue’s eyes also had a kind of shock, this Jiang Han was too unfathomable!

“Jiang Han, can you sign my name? I’m also from the Celestial Empire, it turns out that you are a stock god, so handsome~”

“Can I leave a call?” I’ll play with you when I get back to the heavens. ”

“Are you called Jiang Han? I heard that you are from Modu, and so am I, and I am in Fudan University, how about you? ”

Jiang Han is handsome, golden, talented and different, and can identify world-famous paintings, and in an instant, many girls are moved by Jiang Han!

Jiang Han didn’t expect to be surrounded by so many girls, if he changed to someone else, he would have been furious, but Jiang Han just took a sip of coffee with a calm face, and did not intend to answer their questions.

Seeing that Jiang Han was very cold, the girls were not only not disappointed, but also more shy.

“Wow, Brother Jiang is not only handsome, but also has a cool personality.”

“The more cold the boy, the more I like it…”

“Let my passion melt you!”

The men present were extremely ashamed, they were not a race compared to Jiang Han.

Vincent stood next to Jiang Han, thinking about Jiang Han’s various behaviors after coming to the United States, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became…

First, in a day’s work, millions of dollars were directly turned into 400 million.

Later, every operation could earn hundreds of millions, and he also saved Flynn’s grandson’s game company…

Attended Mr. Flynn’s birthday banquet casually, and also acquired Marvel by the way…

In just a few days, the funds in my hand are already 1 billion…

Either way, it’s not something that ordinary people can do!

And today, Jiang Han participated in a competition and accidentally bought Dafen’s masterpiece, instantly earning hundreds of millions of dollars…

Where is this man, this is clearly God!

Jiang Han, what kind of person are you?

At this time, the elevator rang, and a middle-aged man with a combed head ran over: “Vincent, who bought the painting?” ”

Vincent looked embarrassed and pointed to Jiang Han beside him.

When the middle-aged man saw Jiang Han, he was very surprised, why was he so young?

He frowned, “You are Jiang Han, right? As soon as they came to Nule Music, they stirred up the American stock market. ”

He had also heard Jiang Han’s story from Vincent before, and although he was surprised, as long as Jiang Han made money, they could also earn commissions, so he didn’t care.

But now that Jiang Han bought his grandfather’s painting, it has been proved to be true, even if he is the president of the United States Firstrade Securities Company, he can’t be calm!

On the way here, he had asked himself countless times, why was he so stupid?

Want to hang your grandfather’s paintings in the company?

If Grandpa Izumi had any knowledge, he would probably jump out of the grave and hack him to death, right?

Thinking of this, he was even more annoyed!

Jiang Han nodded: “Stirring the US stock market is not talking.” ”

For him, hundreds of millions of dollars are nothing to stir.

The president of Jiaxin Financial Management grabbed Jiang Han’s hand and said earnestly: “Mr. Jiang, in fact, this painting is collected by my grandfather, I don’t know if it is a genuine work, can you raise your noble hand and return the painting to me?” ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar——

I wipe, the president of the first financial company in the United States, even words do not count?

Without waiting for Jiang Han to speak, everyone accused one after another: “You thought it was a fake, so you hung it on the corridor at will, and now Jiang Han bought it, and it was identified by experts as a genuine work, and you came over again, it’s really disgusting.” ”

“Yes, the president of such a big company as yours, okay? If you don’t talk about credibility, who will dare to invest in your company in the future? ”


Jiang Han’s expression became cold, and he picked up the invoice in his hand: “There is a camera in the company, I also have the invoice in my hand, if you want to draw back, then don’t think about it, if you file a lawsuit, I will accompany you.” ”

“Good! You can say that again! ”


“If you do this, we’ll spread the word!”

“Yes, there will be no one to invest in your company by then!”

Li Zekai stood aside, watching all this coldly, Jiang Han is not only a genius in the stock market, but also has a clear mind, and knows to keep invoices, can it be said that he foresaw all this when he bought the painting just now?

It’s terrifying to think about!

Li Zekai thought in his heart, and his hair was about to stand up!

The middle-aged man was suddenly calmed by Jiang Han’s momentum, there were so many people on the scene, how could he not deny it.

That’s hundreds of millions of dollars, that’s gone!

He regrets not falling!

But if Jiang Han is forced to hand over the painting, the company’s credibility may encounter a big crisis!

Thinking about it, the middle-aged man had to swallow tears into his stomach!

“Mr. Jiang, you are right, this painting is yours, you take it.”

Vincent stood aside, or the first time he saw the boss so haggard…

Hundreds of millions of dollars are gone, in exchange for you, don’t you feel distressed?

Vincent stepped forward and wanted to comfort the boss: “Andrew, I’m sorry…”

Andrew waved his hand and said with a lost soul: “No need to be sorry, it’s not your fault, I’ll go first.” ”

After the president left, Old Master Zhang, director of the National Museum of the United States, looked at Jiang Han: “Little friend, I have a request, I wonder if you can agree to it?” ”

“You say.” Jiang Han had long guessed what the old man was going to say later.

Old man Zhang said: “This famous painting appeared in the United States today, it is our luck, you have to say that it is worth hundreds of millions, billions or billions, as a treasure of our predecessors, we have the responsibility to protect it, its artistic value is immeasurable!” ”

Many people nodded one after another, the pattern of the old man is very large.

“Yes, it’s a work of art and can’t be measured in money.”

“Since I have seen it, as the director of the museum, my responsibility to protect the famous painting is unshirkable, can you sell this painting to us?” Old man Zhang looked at Jiang Han expectantly.

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