After all, it’s still a little cool.

Sleeping in the yard, a cold is troublesome.

Yan Liyi walked over lightly and gently covered Li Xiu with the clothes in her hand.


The clothes she was holding were her own.

Yan Liyi’s body has a very nice faint floral fragrance.

Like the sweetness of osmanthus flowers, like the freshness of lilies, and a little daffodil richness.

A wide variety of flavors are intertwined, unique and distinct.

When Yan Liyi walked towards him, Li Xiu smelled it.

He didn’t fall asleep.

Just close your eyes and recuperate.

When she lightly covered her body, Li Xiu suddenly opened her eyes.

He pursed his lips and looked at her with a smile.

The distance between the two was close enough to feel each other’s breath at this moment.

Yan Liyi was stunned for a moment.

A hint of blush quickly appeared on her cheeks.

“So, you didn’t sleep?”

She paused and spoke.

Li Xiu shook his head.

“Just close your eyes and rest for a while.”

Li Xiu said, “You have worked hard, the yard is cleaned up.” ”

Yan Liyi looked at him and shook her head: “These are nothing, but you, after running outside for a day, it is very hard, and you have to cook when you come back…”

Speaking of cooking.

It’s really what Yan Liyi is embarrassed about.

When she got married, she couldn’t cook.

I learned it slowly.

And there are no ingredients to practice at home, so what she will do has always been simple.

What stir-fried greens, or simply boil a porridge, steam a rice.

As soon as she encountered the big dish, she was a little busy.

The result is hard work Chen Han.

A busy day.

Come back and cook.

Yan Liyi was extremely guilty.

“It really doesn’t matter.”

Li Xiu smiled and comforted.

“Stop talking about this, the family doesn’t speak two words.”

He said.

“Look what this is.”

Li Xiuzhi got up and took out the small black bag he had been carrying with him.

He actually went out with a coat today.

Black leather jacket, still bought before.

I wore a white shirt underneath.

And Li Xiu’s black waist bag has always been tied to his waist, and the leather jacket outside is covered up, and he doesn’t see it at all.

At this moment he took off his clothes.

The small black fanny pack appeared.

Yan Liyi was stunned.

She subconsciously said, “Wallet? ”

Li Xiu didn’t answer.

He unzipped it directly.

I heard a “sting”, the zipper was opened, and the thick banknotes inside appeared in front of Yan Liyi.

“So many?!”

Yan Liyi was stunned.

Yesterday she earned more than a thousand, and she already felt a lot!

However, now this black pocket that is stuffed very full is actually full of money!

Li Xiu nodded with a smile.

“Yes, I sold a lot and earned a lot today.”

He poured out all the money in his pocket and got up to pull out a plastic bag from his pocket.

It’s just as full of money.

Yan Liyi was stunned.

There is actually a thing?!

That’s too much, right?!

“Look at it.”

Li Xiu said with a smile.

Actually, I didn’t count myself.

It is estimated that the reputation of the carrot has long been beaten.

His carrots sell especially well today.

And ran several communities and markets, basically all of them were snapped up.

Even many people heard the sound and did not buy it.

He gave a rough estimate.

Eleven twelve cars were sold today.

That’s eight or nine thousand pounds.

Plus two nylon bags of bamboo leaves.

How can I get more than 20,000 yuan today.


After Yan Liyizai carefully counted all these money, a touch of shock appeared on her face.

“There are actually 23,762 yuan!”

Her voice trembled.

I just think everything is too unreal!

Is this real?!

I made more than 20,000 yuan in one day, which is something I can’t think of!

Li Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Yan Liyi gently and nodded: “Yes, it’s true, the source of these money, legal and just, is earned back by me, you don’t have to worry.” ”

Yan Liyi’s eyes suddenly soured.

She clutched the money tightly, and what came to mind was all the hardships of the past three years.

Because she had no money, she couldn’t eat well during her confinement, and she weaned her milk early.

Because there was no money, Tuantuan could not afford to drink milk powder, and he drank gruel at the beginning of three months.

Because she had no money, she even saved up for a month’s money to barely eat meat once.

And now.

Just three days.

Li Xiu let her see another way of life.

“Thank you… Thank you. ”

Her voice was slightly hoarse and choked.

But this time, she didn’t shed tears.

Yan Liyi looked at Li Xiu and burst into a smile.

The afternoon sun is dazzling.

Along the eaves, it was refracted to the corners of Yan Liyi’s eyes.

She wore a simple and clean cotton and linen skirt, her black hair was soft and beautiful, and the thick hemp rope tied in a low ponytail, and the fine broken hair wrapped her fair ears in it.

Hazy and beautiful.

This smile.

Absolutely beautiful, gorgeous.

Li Xiu only felt that his heart had missed a beat.

He looked slightly unnatural.

Suddenly remembered something, and said, “Didn’t you say you want to cut my hair?” ”

Li Xiudao.

When she went out this morning, Yan Liyi showed a smile to herself like this.

He also remembered in passing that she said that she was going to cut her hair.


Ask for flower collection evaluation tickets!!

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