
She was taken aback.

Let out a small exclamation.

Li Xiu was also taken aback.

He reflexively grabbed Yan Liyi’s hand.

It’s just that the inertia of the body is too great, and instead of grabbing Yan Liyi, Li Xiu was directly taken over by her.


The sound of chairs falling to the floor.

Fortunately, the chair was not high and the fall was not heavy, and Li Xiu’s hand protected Yan Liyi’s head in time.

The little one slept deeply and never woke up at all.

And at the moment.

The two were originally extremely close.

In this moment, it completely turned into intimate contact.

Small room.

There are fine clouds of dust floating in the air.

The light falling from the window jumped finely, enveloping the two of them.

In this way, Li Xiu pressed on her body and held Yan Liyi in his arms.

The two were stunned in unison.

Yan Liyi’s cheeks, at this moment, quickly rose two red halos.

The cold cheeks turned into a touching color.

Her voice trembled slightly.

Stretching out his hand, he gently grabbed Li Xiu’s sleeve.

“That, Li Xiu…”

She spoke.

Li Xiu immediately reacted.

The whole person was stunned and stood up in a hurry.


He coughed violently, and the whole person was suddenly a little embarrassed.

“So, are you all right?”

Li Xiu got up, stretched out his hand, and pulled Yan Liyi up.

The latter shook his head, not daring to look at him.

The atmosphere in the room was too awkward.

Li Xiu made an excuse and turned around and went out.



Li Xiu took a deep breath.

He went under the eaves and sat down under the eaves.

Counting up, I have lived two lifetimes, and I have never talked about a serious relationship.

However, he knew that he really liked Yan Liyi.

Every smile she had, every touch, made her heart move.


Now it’s like a layer of window paper between the two.

Yan Liyi will also be shy and will blush.


She probably still likes herself, right?

The more Li Xiu thought about it, the more his head hurt.

“Let’s plant watermelons!”

Li Xiu sighed.

Simply walked to the backyard and flashed into the space.

At this time, the space is still foggy.

The sound of the spiritual spring water is very comfortable and comfortable.

He first planted the watermelon.

In the gap between the fields, strawberries were planted.

In fact, this Lingtian said that it was talking about an acre of land, but compared to an acre outside, the utilization rate was still much higher.

After all, it doesn’t have to take into account planting area and soil utilization.

Li Xiu tried, no matter how densely something was planted, the yield it grew would not be affected.

Li Xiu planted the strawberry seeds in a circle.

Strawberries ripen a little longer.

But now that you plant it, after a while, it should also be ripe.

Li Xiu stood up and loosened his muscles537.

I was about to dodge out.

Suddenly, he remembered that he still had the rose seeds that Qin Laosan had given him in his pocket.

He quickly took it out.

Walked to the spirit spring water, found a spoon, filled it with spirit spring water, and then put these seeds down.

I saw that the black engine oil that was originally stained on the seed in front of me actually began to melt rapidly the moment it came into contact with the spirit spring water!


It’s amazing!

And after the oil has melted, the rose seeds begin to germinate.

The germination rate is almost 100%!

There were only a few flowers left that had not sprouted, all of which were originally completely dead.

Although the space is powerful, it cannot be brought back to life.

Flower seeds germinate quickly.

After a while, the dense stuff covered the entire spoon.

Li Xiu was like pulling out a pot of flower seedlings like pulling out a pot of flower seedlings.

Walked to the edge of the spirit field and planted them one by one.

Finally, pick up the shower and water it one by one.

After doing all this, he carried a large bucket of spiritual spring water, picked some vegetables, and flashed out of the space.

Li Xiu sat on the steps, glanced at the backyard, and then glanced at his house.

Now you can’t worry about eating and drinking.

The money is almost earned.

Li Xiu calculated that he now had a small fifty thousand in his hand.

At that time, 60,000 catties of watermelons will be sold again.

I have 110,000 myself.

One hundred and one hundred thousand, in this year, is a huge amount of money.

If nothing else, decorate the house, more than enough.

Li Xiu stood up, patted his butt, and glanced up at the blue sky.


He only felt comfortable physically and mentally at this time, and the blue sky was exceptionally beautiful!


Three o’clock in the afternoon.

The milk balls finally woke up.

Last time she got out of bed barefoot, Li Xiu told her that she would not be allowed to do this next time.

The little one is obedient.

This time, he opened the curtains and shouted milkily to the outside of the window: “Shout! Baba! It’s time to wake up! ”

Li Jiao is leveling the yard, ready to sprinkle grass seeds in the yard!

Hearing the sound of milk balls, he thought he had misheard.

I was stunned at the moment.

Standing up and listening for a while, I realized that the sound was coming from the window.

“Oh! Over here! Over here! The regiment is here! ”

Li Xiu turned around.

I saw the little one’s face looking at himself through the window.

A pair of big eyes, flickering, like two dark grapes.

Two fleshy little hands grasped the window and looked at themselves.

Li Xiu actually felt that she was a little aggrieved.


Li Xiu quickly answered.

He threw down the grass seeds in his hand, clapped his hands, and hurried over to the milk balls.

“Tuan Tuan, wake up?!”

The little (CBCC) guy saw Li Xiu coming over and immediately showed a big smile.

“Hmm! Tuan Tuan is still dreaming! ”

The little one had a big smile.

When Li Xiu walked into the room, he saw her dancing with her hands.

“Such a big strawberry!”

The milk ball said milkily: “Tuan Tuan hugged, ah-woo-woo nibbled and ate!” ”

Li Xiu was amused by the little guy.

He picked up his clothes and said to Tuan Tuan: “Hurry up and get dressed, don’t get cold!” ”

Milk dumplings nodded.

Obediently sat in Li Xiu’s arms.

Get dressed and pants.

Li Xiu put on her shoes and socks again.

The little guy glanced up and said immediately, “What about hemp?” Tuan Tuan wanted to be numb. ”

Went out early this morning.

The little one is still more sticky to the mother.

Li Xiu said: “Mom went shopping, will come back immediately, Tuantuan first play with dad, okay?” ”

The little one nodded obediently.

He took Li Xiu’s hand and walked out.

She walked into the yard and saw grass seeds in a red plastic bag.

Curious asked, “What is this?” ”

Li Xiu explained patiently.

“This is grass seeds, sprinkle them on this, and when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will be able to grow small grass!”

Of course, Li Xiu lied.

He was going to secretly pour some spiritual spring water on this evening.

As long as it sprouts, no matter how much, it will look better than this bare black soil.

When you enter the county in a few days, buy some children’s toy facilities and come back.

The small world that belongs to the regiment is considered complete.

As for the other side.

Yan Liyi should be planning to plant flowers.

Li Xiu remembered the rose seedlings in his space.

This should be a surprise for Yan Liyi.

When the grass seeds are sprinkled.

Yan Liyi is back.

She held a black plastic bag in her hand.

As soon as the milk ball heard the door opening, he quickly rushed over.


She opened her arms and flew straight into Yan Liyi’s arms.

“Tuan Tuan missed you!”

The little guy was coquettish, and the hairy little head rubbed and rubbed in Yan Liyi’s arms.

Yan Liyi didn’t see the little one this day, and she also missed her tightly.

Immediately picked her up, leaned over and kissed her on the little cheek.

“Did Tuan Tuan have fun hanging out with Dad today?”

Yan Liyi asked with a smile.

The little guy nodded: “Happy, Tuantuan also saw monsters, saw a lot of large watermelons, and ate wontons!” ”

The milk ball suddenly remembered something, turned his head and shouted at Li Xiu: “Dumpling! What about the wontons you bought for Mama? ”

Li Xiu pointed to the stove.

“In the evening, our family of three has to eat wontons again.”

He buys more.

Bought two pounds.

There are five bowls in the store.

The family has not bought a refrigerator now, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, if you don’t eat it until tomorrow, it will definitely stick to a mess and will break.

“Mama, what is this?”

The little guy suddenly saw the black plastic bag that Yan Liyi was holding in his hand and asked suspiciously. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The black plastic bag looked so dark that you couldn’t see what it contained.

When Yan Liyi went out before, she talked to Li Xiu about buying things, but she didn’t say anything specific.

Of course, Li Xiu didn’t want to ask more.

Now the little one asks.

Li Xiu also followed suit.

Yan Liyi’s expression froze slightly.

“It’s nothing, it’s my mother who needs to embroider.”

Yan Liyi said to the milk ball.

Said and lowered her to the ground.

“I’ll make the fire later.”

Yan Liyi said.

She said, walked into the room, and came out without a black plastic bag in her hand.


Evening, five o’clock.

In the countryside, it is relatively early to eat.

Stoves were raised in every house.

After boiling a pot of boiling water and boiling, Li Xiu put all these wontons in.

Boiling water.

The wontons rolled around in it, and after adding cold water once, they were cooked through.

Thyme’s wonton wrappers are different from ordinary wontons.

This ravioli has a thin skin and a large filling.

Especially when the onion oil is boiled, it is particularly fragrant.

The little one ate the wontons at noon, and this time it is not so hungry.

She ran around the small yard, giggling happily.

“Okay! Tuantuan, go and call your mother to come and eat wontons! ”

Li Xiu said with a smile.

The wontons are ready at this point.

Li Xiu sprinkled a handful of chopped green onions and spooned a small spoonful of lard in each bowl.

The store also gave the bag, which should be boiled sesame oil.

As soon as you open it, you can smell the aroma of Terby.


In the courtyard, the milk ball answered, and then pedaled towards the room.

After a while, Yan Liyi followed out.

Li Xiu glanced at her and was surprised to find that Yan Liyi’s face seemed to be a little bad.

“What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well? ”

Li Xiu asked with concern.

Yan Liyi shook her head.

Smiled at this Li Xiu.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little tired, I’ll just rest early in the evening.”

Hearing Yan Liyi say this, Li Xiu didn’t ask more.

Just keep an extra eye.

Always pay attention to Yan Liyi’s every move.

Li Xiu brought the wontons to the table.

The little one also climbed up.

“Mama, you hurry up and eat, it’s fragrant!”

The little guy looked at Yan Liyi.


The ravioli are delicious.

Ma Ma didn’t eat today!

Yan Liyi came over and sat down next to the milk ball.

She looked at the wontons in the bowl in front of her and was stunned.

“This is also … Too much. ”

The wontons that Li Xiu filled himself were filled with a large bowl.

This sea bowl is the kind of blue porcelain, the largest style.

It’s the biggest bowl in the house.

She looked at the bowl in front of her, looked up and glanced at Li Xiu again, a little crying and laughing: “There are too many, I can’t finish eating.” ”

Li Xiu looked at her seriously: “It’s all soup, there are not many wontons, you ate a zongzi at noon, eat more in the evening.” ”

Yan Liyi didn’t speak.

Just look at him.

The setting sun crumpled in her eyes, shimmering a little more than Hoshiko.

Li Xiu’s heart softened.

He rubbed his eyebrows helplessly and said with a smile: “Good, good, I will eat if I can’t finish eating, don’t waste it, okay?” ”

The tone in which he said this was very spoiled.

Yan Liyi’s heart was in turmoil, and she remembered when the two of them hugged together today.

His temperature.

His smell.

Turbulent and scalding.

Yan Liyi took a deep breath, nodded immediately, and did not look at Li Xiu.

She picked up the spoon, scooped a spoonful of ravioli, blew it, and put it in her mouth.

The taste is really delicious.

Little milk balls ah, one by one.

“Mama, is it delicious?”

The little one asked vaguely as he ate.

Yan Liyi smiled and said, “It’s delicious, thank you Tuan Tuan and Dad for bringing back the wontons to my mother.” ”

Dad and mom.

These two titles, coming out of Yan Liyi’s mouth, seemed to bring temperature.

Li Xiu’s heart was hot.

Looking at Yan Liyi, a thought in his heart became stronger and stronger.

This is his wife and children.

This is the most precious person who has been lost and regained.

It is also the object of this life, and I have to protect it desperately.



Cool breeze.

Now the temperature difference is large.

The temperature is cold in the morning and hot at noon.

Taking advantage of the night, Li Xiu brought a large bucket of spiritual spring water out of the space, ready to water the grass in front of him.

Grass seeds were sprinkled during the day.

According to the ordinary time course, it will take at least more than a week to germinate.

Only irrigation with spiritual spring water can shorten the time process.

He carried the shower and watered all the soil in the small yard twice.

Just as he was pouring it for the third time, he suddenly heard some sounds from the corner of the courtyard.

Li Xiu was stunned.

Those who did not come remembered the day they had just been reborn, and Yan Liyi was taking a bath.

This time, the sound also seems to come from there?

As a matter of fact.

Since that time, Li Xiu basically has a number in his heart.

Whenever there was a sound from the corner, he would listen carefully for a while.

The sound of water should be Yan Liyi.

Fortunately, there were no accidents these days.

Just when he thought that this time should also be when Yan Liyi was washing, next, there was another sound.


It was the sound of the basin being knocked over.

There was also Yan Liyi snorting.

Li Xiu’s scalp exploded, startled, and the whole person rushed directly towards the corner of the wall.


Li Xiu was taken aback.

Quickly ran over and shouted.

In the alley, Yan Liyi did not speak, but Li Xiu was closer, and he could hear her aggravated breathing.

Apparently injured.

Li Xiu was startled when he rushed over.

I saw that on the concrete floor, the basin of water had been knocked over.

Yan Liyi curled up in the corner of the wall in pain, and the whole person was sweating.

She sat in the water stain, drenched.

Seeing Li Xiu coming over, her face changed slightly, biting her lips, and forced a little smile to come out.

“I, I’m fine.”

Yan Liyi turned to Li Xiudao.

However, at this moment, on one of her small faces, she was sweating profusely and looked terribly pale.

“It’s all like this, and I said it’s okay!”

Li Xiu calmed his face, walked over quickly, bent down, and picked her up.

“We’ll go to the hospital now!”

Although there is no major hospital in the village, the health center is open 24 hours a day.

Li Xiu hugged Yan Liyi and directly prepared to take her out.

Tuan Tuan was already asleep by this time.

Go out and come back, it should be fine.

That’s right.

And money!

Li Xiu quickly ran into the room with Yan Liyi in his arms and pulled out his pocket from under his bed.

There are still more than 20,000 earned today, which should be enough.

Yan Liyi was held by Li Xiu at this time.

It’s a little crying and laughing at the moment.

“Wait a minute.”

Yan Liyi saw that Li Xiu didn’t listen to his words at all, and helplessly aggravated his voice at the moment: “Li Xiu, wait a minute, I’m really fine.” ”

Li Xiu finally regained his senses, stopped, and looked at her.

It’s okay?

“Your body is shaking.”

Li Xiu’s eyebrows were heavy.

Her body was shaking terribly.

How do you call it’s okay?

In case it’s appendicitis or something, you must be in a hurry!

Seeing Li Xiu’s serious look.

Yan Liyi looked away slightly.

She whispered: “I’m really fine, it’s menstrual pain.” ”

Although she was embarrassed, Yan Liyi still spoke.

“It’s old and sick, today and the next day, it will be a little painful, and it will be fine in two days.”

Yan Liyi said.

Li Xiu frowned, “But you’ve never had it before. ”

The two also lived together for a while before getting married.

Although she didn’t have the same room, she found it herself once when she was menstruating.

It will be a little uncomfortable, but it won’t hurt like this.

Just now, he almost thought she was going to faint!.

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