Blue Grotto Corporate Meeting Room.

Zhang Zhe sat on the main seat unceremoniously and said straight to the point:

"Regarding the matter of financing, I wonder how Jin Dong is thinking about it?"

Although Zhang Zhe did not come over in the past two days, he knew the progress of the negotiations very well.

Kim Chang-han and the other shareholders of Blue Hole decided that eating chicken would definitely catch fire, and said that they were not willing to take out too many shares.

What they are doing now is only the cost of game promotion, and raising too much money will not benefit the company in any other way, but will reduce the amount of shares in their hands.

Even if Bluehole has been losing money in recent years, since these shareholders have persisted until now, there is no reason to start conceding profits at the last minute before the new game goes live.

So the negotiations went on for three days, and the blue hole still bit the price of 90 million and was only willing to give 7.5% of the shares.

But this number, how can Zhang Zhe be satisfied?

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhe brought Kim Seok-chang over today.

On the surface, he was invited to dinner at noon, but in fact, it was to take advantage of the momentum of the Kim Foundation!

In business negotiations, borrowing is a technique that is often used, and if it can be used well, the impact on the negotiation is too great!

"Zhang Dong, our company is still the original condition. "

Kim Chang-han thought for a moment and replied:

"After all, 90 million RMB is enough for us to carry out early publicity. "

"I think your company is not just bad at publicity costs. "

Zhang Zhe pointed out:

"If I'm not mistaken, your new game probably hasn't passed the review yet, but it's not an easy task, and sometimes it needs to be done. "

"Even if the game is done well and the publicity is in place, if the review does not pass the game and cannot be launched, then everything before it is useless, so this aspect should still be paid attention to!"

"In order to avoid the company's lack of money, I can invest an additional 300 million RMB in exchange for 25% of the shares, Jin Dong consider?"

Hearing Zhang Zhe's words, Kim Chang-han fell silent directly.

In the past few days, he was not idle, but investigated Zhang Zhe's background.

After all, his network is in the country of base, and even if he wants to understand the affairs of the country of Xia, he will definitely not be able to go deep.

But just the ones that were simply investigated were enough to make Jin Changhan pay attention, Zhang Zhe's background in Xia Guo was definitely very deep!

The fact that his company's games can enter the Xia Guo market has always been an obsession in Jin Changhan's heart.

In 11 years, the MMORMG online game "TERA" developed by Bluehole with huge funds became popular in the country as soon as it was launched.

and suppressed the Sword Spirit, the Ninth Continent and the Legend of Rocky Heroes, becoming the first of the four heavenly kings in the game industry of the baseball country at that time, and was in the limelight for a while.

The first venture was a great success, and Kim Chang-han was also a little floating.

Xia state-owned game company wants to get the agency right of "TERA", Jin Changhan directly opened a sky-high agency fee of 40 million US dollars, close to 300 million RMB!

This price is not to mention the average game company, even Penguin is not so rich.

Finally, after seeing Sword Spirit, Rocky and other games enter the Xia Guo market and make a lot of money, Jin Changhan began to regret it.

In 14 years, "TERA" was officially launched in Xia Guo, but at this time, the market has been divided up by the former little brother, where is their foothold?

Not surprisingly, "TERA" went cold not long after it went live, which hit Kim Chang-han hard, and he began to study the reasons for the failure.

Later, he found that the legendary page game of Xia Guo seemed to be very popular, and Jin Changhan ordered the development of the mobile game "Demon Contract" that imitated the Krypton Gold end game, wanting to return to the Xia Guo market.

But in the end...

This game has not yet entered the summer country, because of the very poor reputation, it was discontinued after a simple test in the baseball country, and the blue hole at that time became a laughing stock in the game industry.

Now with the battle royale, Jin Changhan wants to re-kill the Xia Kingdom market.

But if he doesn't agree to Zhang Zhe's investment, is there still this opportunity?

Zhang Zhe's meaning is already obvious, that is, to jam himself from the game review.

With the background of the other party, if you use your relationship to resist the blue hole, does the blue hole have any resistance?

More importantly, Zhang Zhe also has Jin Xichang beside him, and the other party is following Zhang Zhe like a little brother!

Even if you make up your mind, you won't set foot in the Xia Country market.

But if it really annoys Zhang Zhe, he and the Kim Foundation launch a blow against the Blue Hole, so that the game cannot pass the review in the baseball country...

If you can't review the local area, and the game can't be launched on any platform, then it's all over!

After a long silence, Jin Changhan asked:

"Dong Zhang, please wait a moment, can I discuss with the directors again?"

Kim Chang-han did not doubt Zhang Zhe's determination in the slightest, or that he did not doubt the ruthlessness of capital.

Capital does not believe in tears!

In order to achieve its goals, capital never minds whether it uses internal or extra-rule means!

Kim Chang-han has also been in business for many years, and there are no rare examples of similarities.

If a company is developing well, and the capital wants to enter but is rejected, the other party can pay money to support a similar enterprise and hit you!

Or even directly use means to make your business unable to continue, and then immediately start a new company, completely imitate your way, and finally occupy the Magpie's Nest!

Zhang Zhedu has already said that he is ready to take 300 million out.

Once you really refuse, three hundred million is enough to do too much.

For example, jamming the review progress of the game, and then poaching all the people on the team to redevelop the new game!

In Jin Changhan's view, the current Zhang Zhe is a hungry wolf staring at the blue hole, and he and the others have been holding on for several days, seeing that they are about to be powerless to resist.

Whether you are torn off a piece of meat or even killed by the other party, or whether you take the initiative to cut the meat and suffer less pain, it depends on how you choose now...

For Jin Changhan's response, Zhang Zhe was very satisfied, since he did not refuse again forcefully, it means that he has seen the current situation clearly.

Zhang Zhe nodded and said:

"Jin Dong go, it's best to give a reply before twelve, I have already made an appointment with someone at noon." "

"Okay Zhang Dong, we will give you an answer as soon as possible!"

Kim Chang-han answered, and immediately left the conference room with the shareholders and went to the side to start deliberating.

After he left, Kim Seok-chang couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Brother Zhe, your hand is a bit big!"

300 million RMB, that's 49.5 billion won!

Even if he has several brothers, no one has led such a large scale of investment, and the most is about 10 billion won.

But here in Zhang Zhe, this money seems to be nothing, and he invests it lightly.

Even a look of 'not enough money you can mention casually, I can continue to add'!

"It's okay. "

Zhang Zhe rarely pretended it, and replied very Versailles:

"I happen to have a little spare money in my hand, and I am more optimistic about the potential of this company, so I just invest in it." "

Kim Seok-chang does not think that Zhang Zhe is pretending, because Zhang Zhe has always held the initiative in the negotiation from beginning to end, as if this is not Kim Changhan's company, but Zhang Zhe's company.

This kind of strategizing attitude is really too domineering!

So what Zhang Zhe said, he did not consider the authenticity at all.

Zhang Zhe didn't wait too long, and around half-past eleven, Kim Chang-han returned to the conference room with the shareholders.

"Zhang Dong, after our careful consideration, we are ready to take out 15% of the shares in this investment, and at the original price..."

According to the negotiated valuation, 15% of the shares is 180 million RMB.

However, with Kim Chang-han's cunning, since they have discussed for so long, it is impossible to throw out the bottom line as soon as they come back.

Zhang Zhe replied directly:

"25%, no negotiation!"

"That's too much, we can take up to 17%!"


"Zhang Dong, this is already our bottom line. "

After some bargaining, the two sides finally reached an agreement, and Zhang Zhe offered 240 million RMB in exchange for 20% of the shares of Blue Hole Company.

Zhang Zhe also probably knows that being able to go from 7.5% to 20% is already the limit, and if he presses it further, Kim Changhan is likely to choose to break the net.

This result is also enough to satisfy Zhang Zhe.

In the future, the valuation of Blue Hole can reach a maximum of $35 billion, and 20% equity is worth $7 billion!

More than $6 billion in profit!

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