The two of them were tied together.

Mr. Chen ignored what he said and tied the rope around his ankle, then tested it to make sure it was strong.

The other end was hung on the back of the car.

Then he smiled at him and said, "I'll take you somewhere."

Then he and Xiao Luo returned to the car.

"Huh?" Gao Jie was dumbfounded.

Take yourself to a place.

But tie yourself to the back of the car?

What kind of operation is this!

He wants to...

Swish! !

The next second!

Mr. Chen started suddenly!

The car immediately rushed to more than 80 miles per hour!

This speed was not fast, but for Gao Jie, it was almost the limit!

There was a rubbing sound on his back, and his clothes were torn in an instant!

The rope on his ankle was extremely strong, like a powerful big hand, tightly strangling everything about him!

He couldn't break free at all!

He could only be carried away by this force.

"Ahhhh! It hurts..."

"My back, my hands... Please, stop now!!"

"My skin is all rubbed, it hurts so much!"

"Mr. Chen, big brother, grandpa, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong..."

Gao Jie's screams were endless, echoing in the night sky.

Chen Sheng's car did not stop.

He was not driving very fast, but he turned left and right so that Gao Jie's body and the ground were in perfect contact!

Increase friction!

After a few times, Gao Jie couldn't bear it.

Blood was dragged on the ground.

Gao Jie screamed in pain and cried all over the sky.

At this moment.

On the other side of the bridge.

There were several cars parked.

The leader was Xiao Feng, and Gao Tiansheng stood next to him.

A group of people stood here, but did not make any sound.

Just like a night cat hunting in the dark.

Gradually, the lights of a car lit up in the distance, and then a car drove over.

Accompanied by screams from behind and the dust dragged in the sky.

"This voice..." Gao Tiansheng felt that the scream was a little familiar.

The father and son were connected, which made him vaguely have a bad premonition.

"Do you feel familiar?" Xiao Feng smiled, patted his shoulder like an old friend, and whispered, "This is the voice of your son, Gao Jie!"


Gao Jie!

Gao Tiansheng was immediately dumbfounded.

He notified Gao Jie and asked him to leave first!

Why didn't he leave?

Or did the people of the Cang Tian Society have a plan in advance!

"Ah, ah, it hurts so much, I'm dying..." Accompanied by a scream, the car drove over.

Chen Sheng did a beautiful tailspin.

Gao Jie flew over.

He rubbed the ground and landed right in front of everyone.

Gao Tiansheng happened to see his bloody face.

"Son!" Gao Tiansheng roared heartbreakingly, and subconsciously wanted to go over to help.

But he was stopped by the people next to him and couldn't get through.

Gao Jie looked up and burst into tears.

He had never suffered such torture since he was a child.

This was worse than death!

In less than ten minutes, he couldn't stand it anymore!

"Dad, save me!"

"I'm dying! My legs... my body... woooo..." He cried miserably, and the blood and tears on his face merged together.

It is said that when a person dies, his brain will go through all the fragments of his life.

Gao Jie's mind is now thinking about the people he had killed!

That old lady who was hit and killed...

Those women who were tortured to death by him...

Even a few female students.

I remember one time, a female student's boyfriend stood up to resist, and he beat him to death.

This is all sin!

Those scenes had completely disappeared, but who would have thought that they would appear in his mind again and could not be shaken off!

His pupils were elliptical, and now he suddenly understood.

This is retribution!

He had done many evil things, and thought that he could live in peace with his high position and power.

But he did not expect that he would suffer retribution in the end.

God will enforce justice on his behalf, and he has run into a gun.

One of his legs has been dislocated, and the severe pain wrapped around him, making his expression very hideous.

Chen Sheng got out of the car, and the person in the driver's seat was replaced by Xiao Luo.

He stuck out his tongue, kept hitting the accelerator, waiting for Chen Sheng to give orders, and his expression was very excited.

"Brother Sheng!"

Everyone shouted.

Chen Sheng smiled and waved his hands, put his hands in his pockets and looked at Gao Tiansheng.

"Brother Sheng, can you let my son go? I only have this one son. My Gao family

The bloodline of Gao Jie can't be cut off. You can ask for any conditions. I will agree to them! OK? "

"I will pretend that I didn't see what happened today. I promise that I will never let him mess around again!"

Gao Tiansheng immediately knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

The look in Chen Sheng's eyes showed no sign of compromise. On the contrary, he was scrutinizing him!

"On March 14, Gao Jie bullied a woman in a nightclub room. The woman was not from the nightclub, but a good family. She came to play with her friends, but was taken by Gao Jie! In the end, Gao Jie was not satisfied and forced her to drink some drugs, which caused her to die of cardiac arrest..."

"Last June, several female students went shopping, but were spotted by Gao Jie. He kidnapped the female students and tortured them inhumanely. The next day, people found the bodies of the female students."

"Last October, a couple went out to play and were spotted by Gao Jie. He attacked the woman in front of the man. The man wanted to fight back, but was beaten to death. In the end, the woman could not escape the bad luck. ”

“On August 6, Gao Jie got drunk and deliberately caused trouble, killing a couple.”

“A few days ago, Gao Jie drove his car and hit and killed a grandmother who was over 70 years old. Not only that, but he drove over the grandmother before leaving. Killing people and destroying their hearts is nothing more than this!”

The surroundings were unusually quiet.

Even Gao Jie stopped crying and listened quietly.

Gao Tiansheng was sweating profusely!

I never thought that the power of the Cangtian Society was so great!

These are all things that Gao Jie has done, but he spent money to smooth them out!

All the information and other things have been disposed of.

No one knows these things at all.

But how did they know?

And they know it in such detail, as if they had experienced it personally!

Mr. Chen stared at Gao Tiansheng, his voice as cold as an ice knife: "I tell you these things not to prove how powerful the Cangtian Society is, but to tell you that justice is in the hearts of the people."

“Even if no one can see what you do, the Cangtian will know it! It's not that there is no retribution, it's just that the time has not come. Any sin will eventually be exposed to the sun! "

"God will not let any sinner go! ! "

Gao Tiansheng's legs went weak when he heard these words.

His eyes were full of collapse.

He knew that he couldn't save Gao Jie today.

It was his own indulgence that ruined him!

If he could stop him severely when he made a mistake for the first time, there wouldn't be so many things happening later.

The saying that justice is in the heart of the people made him feel as if a cold knife was inserted into his heart!

He forgot that every time Gao Jie did something evil, there was one or even several families involved behind it!

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