The young man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Yang Ying's pupils trembled slightly.

In her bright eyes, a deeper curiosity flashed.

Chen Sheng looked about the same age as herself.

But what exactly did he go through...

Is this an experience that an ordinary person should have...

She became more and more curious about Chen Sheng.

"Get out of here, I have a guest coming!" Chen Sheng's voice suddenly rose a level and growled.

Yang Ying came back to her senses and was about to speak.


A car stopped at the door of the coffee shop.

Four people got out of the car.

Wearing combat uniforms and holding guns.

The outfits of these people immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

In the urban area of ​​Beitian City, there are actually people who are so bold?

Is this a movie?

The leader is Fengzi.

He has found out where Chen Sheng is.

Mr. Liang has great skills, so it is not difficult to find out where Chen Sheng is.

Fengzi immediately brought a few of his best men.

These people are brothers who have been through thick and thin with him.

Each of them can fight ten people.

There is no need for too many people to come, otherwise it will be very troublesome if they do not do it cleanly.

These people are his trusted brothers, and their skills are beyond doubt.

Fengzi walked into the cafe without causing much commotion. His eyes were completely focused on Chen Sheng.

The cold eyes of several people around him also stared at Chen Sheng together!

For a while, the murderous aura spread on his body!

Fengzi had a bloodthirsty smile on his lips and licked his lips.

This is his standard action before every killing.

In such a closed environment, plus they are carrying guns, Chen Sheng has no way to escape.

Fengzi is different from ordinary hooligans.

He was born as a mercenary, and his best skill was firearms.

In this environment, he could accurately assassinate Chen Sheng without hurting anyone.

After seeing Chen Sheng clearly, the people around him also laughed a few times and relaxed.

They thought Chen Sheng was a big shot.

Even Mr. Liang could personally give orders to deal with him.

But they didn't expect that he was just a student.

He was even a little thin.

They really disdained to take action against such a young man.

But the orders were given from above, and they had to execute them!

"Chen Sheng, Mr. Liang asked me to take your dog life, so you should die obediently..." Fengzi sneered a few times, pointed the gun in his hand at his head, and his expression was very arrogant.

"Are they... from the Guard Bureau..." Yang Ying didn't react at all. In her impression, such fully armed people must be from the Guard Bureau.

Swish! !


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of brakes outside the door.

The car driven by Fengzi and his friends was directly knocked away!

There was a sharp sound!

A black SUV was specially modified. After the violent collision, only the front of the car was deformed, and it did not affect the rest.

Three cars followed behind.

The doors opened one after another.

Xiaofeng led people down!

These people were all wearing uniform uniforms and their eyes were cold.

Xiaofeng took the lead and ran quickly to the coffee shop!

"Damn, are there reinforcements?" Fengzi was stunned.

Chen Sheng actually saw through his whereabouts?

Fengzi and his friends had a tacit understanding. He immediately raised his gun and aimed at Chen Sheng, and the others hid at the door to block Xiaofeng and his friends.

At such a close distance, Fengzi could hit the target every time.


The moment Fengzi fired.

A customer sitting not far from him suddenly rushed towards him, disrupting his shooting route!

The shot did not injure Chen Sheng, and the muzzle was offset by a few centimeters.

But it accurately hit Yang Ying, who was next to Chen Sheng!

A cloud of blood mist burst out from Yang Ying's shoulder, and she sat on the ground due to the huge force.

Her mind was in a mess!

Was she shot?

Everything around seemed to be in slow motion.

The sound, the time...

Chen Sheng glanced at her and secretly said it was troublesome!

"Three minutes to end the battle!" Chen Sheng roared.

Fengzi's raised hand had already frozen in the air, and he could no longer pull the trigger.

A man with a full beard came out of nowhere, and his index finger was stuck behind the trigger of his gun, and he couldn't press it down at all!

Is this guy very experienced?

This was the first thought that came to Fengzi's mind.

At the same time, his heart was completely cold.

He found that the entire coffee shop was full of Chen Sheng's people!

Both men and women!!

He had been in the coffee shop since he stepped into it.

From that moment on, they were surrounded by the enemy.

I have been through many battles, but I didn't expect to be tricked!

The key is that these people hid too well, and you can't tell from their faces that they are Chen Sheng's people!

I miscalculated.

I underestimated Chen Sheng!

The brains of the people who came with Fengzi also froze.

The people next to them rushed over without blind spots, and they had no way to defend.

The key is that there are Xiaofeng and others in front.

Just now they have focused all their attention on Xiaofeng!

They didn't notice the people in the store at all.

Now it's too late to fight back!

In a blink of an eye, two people have been subdued and pressed to the ground.

Another person wanted to escape, but was killed by the people of the Cangtian Society.

In the end, Fengzi was grabbed by the wrist by the bearded man and thrown a few meters away, and then held down by the people of the Cangtian Society.

The whole process took less than two minutes.

Fengzi has never been defeated so thoroughly!

The curtains of the coffee shop were all drawn and the door was locked to prevent people outside from seeing what was going on inside.

Chen Sheng walked towards Fengzi.

Fengzi grinned and sneered, with a ferocious expression on his face: "Chen Sheng, I admit that I fell into your hands, but you can't get any information from me!"

Chen Sheng took the knife from the hand of a person next to him and directly cut off two of Fengzi's fingers.

"Ahhhh!! You..." Fengzi screamed, although his endurance was stronger than that of ordinary people, but this still made him almost unable to hold back and scream.

Ten fingers are connected to the heart, this kind of pain is simply unbearable!

"Where is the old man Liang you mentioned?" Chen Sheng's eyes turned cold.

"Hahaha, don't think I will betray my master, I won't tell you!" Fengzi shouted loudly to swear his determination.

Chen Sheng cut another knife.

Two fingers fell to the ground again.

"Human visual pain simulation is usually 0-10 points, and the pain value of cutting off a finger is about 5 points. Everyone has a limit, even well-trained soldiers."

"I want to see where your limit is." Chen Sheng narrowed his eyes, with a cold light flashing in them.

Fengzi's heart palpitated for a moment!

He can bear it.

But there is a limit!

Now he is sweating profusely. If this continues, he really doesn't know if he can bear it.

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