It was rainy in early summer, which delayed the war between the North and the South.

The backyard of Yuchi Mansion.

Nan Baoyi hummed a Shu tune and sat under the window with a rattle to tease A Chou.

The little princess is already one month old, a small white ball with bright black eyes, waving her little hands, like a glutinous rice ball.

While they were having fun, the maid suddenly came in and reported that Queen Shen was here.

Nan Baoyi looked up and saw Shen Jiang opening the bead curtain.

We haven't seen her for three to five days. She may not have had a good rest, and her beautiful face is a bit gloomy.

She said: "Why is the Queen here? Serve tea."

Shen Jiang sat opposite her, raised his eyelids and glanced at the swaddled baby: "Let's see Ba ​​Tian. It's already one month old, has it been weaned?"

Nan Baoyi: "..."

There are too many slots but no mouth.

First of all, her little princess is not called Ba Tian, ​​and secondly, how can any child be weaned in just one month?

She smiled: "Could it be that Emperor Qingyang and the others were all weaned at the full moon? The Xiao royal family is indeed worthy of its reputation."

Facing her sarcasm, Shen Jiang remained calm: "I have never taken care of children, how do I know when they will be weaned?"

I have never taken care of children...

I think that Emperor Qingyang and the former Crown Prince were all brought up by wet nurses.

Nan Baoyi secretly felt sad for them in her heart.

She thought for a moment and said, "My queen, would you like to give the little princess a hug?"

After all, she is also a biological granddaughter.

Shen Jiang glanced at the baby.

She liked it, but she had never held a child before and didn't know how to hold it at all.

She concealed the love in her eyes, with a haughty look on her face, and said with disdain: "She looks as soft as a glutinous rice dumpling. She is so delicate. I don't like it."

Nan Baoyi was silent again.

The baby was of course delicate, and the one she gave birth to was not Nezha.

She felt that she was completely unable to follow Shen Jiang's words, so she continued to tease the little princess.

Shen Jiang had no intention of leaving. He picked up the fragrant tea presented by the maid and tasted it slowly.

With her here, Nan Baoyi doesn't feel comfortable doing anything.

She whispered: "My granddaughter has also seen it. If the empress does not go to the front yard to handle government affairs, how can she have time to watch the rain and have tea?"

Shen Jiang ignored her and continued to sip tea.

Nan Baoyi felt helpless.

There are so many mothers-in-law in the world, and her mother-in-law is probably the one with the biggest arrogance.

She asked the wet nurse to take the little princess back to the bedroom, and said tentatively: "My queen's face is not very good-looking, and she is not willing to deal with government affairs. Could it be that she has wavered about the Northern Expedition? The only one who can waver the queen is the piano player. Are you still doubting that the Supreme Emperor is the piano master?"

"Shut up!"

Shen Jiang scolded.

Nan Baoyi smiled: "Mother, I don't know how to fight, but I understand that the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly. A general must not hesitate. If you hesitate, you will lose."

Shen Jiang turned away, his face cold.

As Nan Baoyi said,

She hesitated.

Even if I warned myself a thousand times that Xiao Yu could never be Zhaonu, there was still an incredible thought in my heart——

Xiao Yu is Zhao Nu.

If the truth is like this, then what happened to her hatred for so many years?

Xiao Yu, the man who had been with her for most of her life, was really mean. To this day, he still gave her troubles!

There was a wind in the courtyard, and the rain outside the window splashed on the table.

Nan Baoyi wiped off the water droplets with a handkerchief and said calmly: "Love is also love, and hate is also love. If the empress really doesn't have any good feelings for him, why do she still have to fulfill the rules of the harem and have sex with him on every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month? Together? I don’t know how talented the violinist was back then, but there is no doubt that the former young overlord was worthy of my empress.”

There were ripples in the pond.

Shen Jiang raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, but did not answer.


Shen Yichao stood under the eaves, quietly watching the rain falling in the courtyard.

My aunt was obsessed with the truth of that year and was no longer keen on the Northern Expedition.

Captain Wei Chi made the decisive decision to leave the army and accompany his aunt regardless. Today's southern army has no spirit. If they face Xiao Daoyan's army, they will definitely lose.

If you lose...

Han Yanliang's figure flashed through his mind.

She has rejected Brother Brother now, but she will get married in the future. No one loves her more than Brother Brother. There will always be a day when she accepts Brother Brother.

If Jiang Nan loses, then he will no longer have any support or trump card, he will completely lose the qualification to compete with Brother A, and he will completely lose Yanyan.

The heart in the chest was beating violently, screaming unwillingly.

He finally turned around and stepped into the study.

On one side of the study are sand tables and maps that have been idle for a long time. Yuchi Changgong is sitting behind the desk, playing with two crickets.

Shen Yichao added: "Master Yuchi, in a few days when the weather clears up, we will have to fight Xiao Daoyan, but our army is very lazy. How will we fight then? Xiao Daoyan's methods and scheming are all top-notch, and there are many people under his command. General Zhong, we must not take it lightly——"

"Shen Yichao."

Yuchi Changgong interrupted him.

He raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Do you know why I took you in in the first place?"

Shen Yichao: "Because of talent."


Yuchi Changgong seemed to have heard a big joke, and he banged the table and laughed loudly.

Smiling so hard that his eyes turned red, he said: "There are thousands of talented people in the world, why should I use you, a traitor? I only take you in and reuse you for your aunt's sake, and I even want to Marry my daughter to you!”

Those words negated Shen Yichao's whole person.

He clenched his fists tightly and looked very ugly.

Yuchi Changgong didn't care at all about his embarrassment: "To me, nothing is more important than your aunt. Now that she doesn't want to go to the Northern Expedition, I will accompany her. If you want to start a war for that woman in the north, what does it have to do with me?" I am not someone you can use. Remember, your aunt has the final say when it comes to the Northern Expedition!"

Shen Yichao's chest rose and fell violently.

He pursed his lips tightly, stared at Yuchi Changgong who continued to tease Cricket, and finally left angrily without saying a word.

Quickly returning to the courtyard where he lived, he was still angry and overturned the desk.

Paper and pens scattered.

From the shadows in the corner, a low laugh suddenly came.

Shen Yichao frowned and looked, seeing someone sitting in his study.

He said solemnly: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I can help you." The man's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if someone was strangling him. "I look down on men who give up their power for women...if they hold power. , are you still worried about not getting a beauty?"

His facial features were shrouded in shadow, and Shen Yichao couldn't see clearly.

But he felt a terrifying pressure inexplicably.

He lowered his eyes and saw a puddle of water spreading around the man's feet.

A disgusting and unpleasant smell gradually filled the air, like the smell of river water mixed with some kind of rotten matter.

Shen Yichao was worried: "Where are you from?"

The man said with a smile in his voice: "Hell."


The character who appears is someone who has been written about before

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