After Rebirth, I Became a Powerful Minister’s Beloved

Chapter 242: Shen Jiang has a head full of white hair

When she was taken to the river by Yuchi Qinghuan, Zhao Nu also crossed the river for her in white clothes and shouted the words "don't touch her" domineeringly.

She stared at Xiao Yu and couldn't help but tremble.

Is he Zhao Nu?

He is indeed Zhao Nu, right?

Or maybe, that sentence was just a coincidence?

Yes, how could Xiao Yu be Zhao Nu?

Zhao Nu used the sword, but Xiao Yu clearly didn't even have a sword in his hand!

She closed her eyes and tried her best to suppress the surging emotions.


The boat was light and fast, and in the blink of an eye it had sailed between the two armies.

The man in white clothes looked very different from before. He stretched out his hand to the side, and his voice was cold and majestic: "Tai!"

There was silence for a moment.

The next moment, the entire river surface was like the earth was shaking, the mountains were shaking, and the tides were rising to the sky. Under the gaze of everyone, a sharp sword was suddenly pulled out from the depths of the river!

Xiao Yu held the sword tightly.

In the past, he and Yuchi Qinghuan had a decisive battle by the river. He lost completely, and even his sword fell into the river in embarrassment.

Today, he finally had the courage to hold the sword again.

The sword of the emperor is named Tai'a!

He raised his phoenix eyes, and his figure was like snow-colored lightning, suddenly attacking Yuchi Qinghuan!

His voice echoed throughout heaven and earth: "Drum!"

This battle is for Ajaan, for Ayan, for myself, and for the country and the country!

Beating the drum is for marching!

As the overwhelming drum beat sounded, Ning Wanzhou and Shen Yijue immediately led countless warships, accompanied by Xiao Yu's indomitable momentum, to fight the southern army!

Shen Jiangduan was sitting on the boat.

She stared at Xiao Yu.

If she had been lucky enough to comfort herself before, now she was like a joke, and even the passing Jiang Feng was laughing at her naivety and stupidity!

The man she hated for more than twenty years turned out to be the violinist she loved so much back then!

The hatred that had been built up for more than twenty years collapsed at this moment.

Her eyes were blood red and her lips trembled slightly: "Xiao Yu, Zhao Nu..."

Only then did she realize that their names all had the same meaning...

Shen Jiang stood up slowly.

She stood on the boat, her wide sleeves and complicated skirt swaying in the river wind. She laughed wildly, but tears flowed down unknowingly.

High in the distance.

Yuchi Qinghuan was stunned.

He never expected that the violinist who provoked him and the man who knelt down to him was actually Xiao Yu!

He was ecstatic: "Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect Tangtang——"


Before he finished speaking, Xiao Yi kicked him unexpectedly!

Yuchi Qinghuan was kicked so far away that she lost a tooth!

He was furious: "Xiao Daoyan——"

Don't wait for him to curse,

Xiao Yu came quickly from the boat on the river with the power of silent thunder, like a rainbow piercing the sun!

The sharp Tai'a sword energy split open waves and hurricanes!

Yuchi Qinghuan was forced to block!

The wolf-toothed iron hammer burst out with sparks, their eyes met, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they saw each other.

Yuchi Qinghuan sneered: "After twenty years of bleeding her blood, Xiao Yu, you have run out of gas. What do you have left? What do you have to fight with me?!"

Xiao Yu's lip lines were very tight.

He remained silent throughout, moving with ease and ruthlessness.

The royal blood is burning in the body, and the blood vessels all over the body are boiling.

He seemed to be burning up his last bit of vitality and risking his life to seek revenge for his beloved woman and justice for the country and the country.

Gradually, Yuchi Qinghuan, who was so arrogant, couldn't resist anymore.

The hammer also hit Xiao Yu's chest viciously, but the opponent seemed to feel no pain and still attacked desperately, so fast that he could hardly catch him!

The desperate Xiao family are simply monsters!

Yu Chiqing retreated steadily.

Strong hatred and unwillingness welled up in his chest. He spit out a large mouthful of dirty blood and shouted loudly with hatred: "Xiao Yu, who do you think you are? Back then Jiang An——"

Tai'a's sword was extremely sharp and struck him in the face!

Yuchi Qinghuan was forced to lift the hammer.

The tip of the sword dug deeply into the hammer.

Sparks flew.

The meteorite iron mace weighing two hundred kilograms, which is considered a rare good weapon in the world, has gradually spread tiny cracks.

Yuchi Qinghuan's pupils immediately narrowed——


With a loud noise, the Tai'a sword passed through the broken hammer and plunged straight into Yuchi Qinghuan's head!

Yuchi Qinghuan was stunned.

Before he could react, Xiao Yuhan pulled out his sword with a face on his face.

The cold light of the sword flashed.

Warm blood gushed out of the skull cavity. The arrogant hero kept a stunned expression and his whole head fell into the river.

Xiao Yu's figure paused in the air for a moment, as if completely exhausted, he closed his eyes and fell straight to the deck of the building ship.

The white clothes are stained with blood.

With his long hair disheveled, he knelt down on one knee holding the Tai'a Sword, closing his eyes tightly, and his face was horribly pale.

Shen Jiang stared at him.

She held the handrail with one hand and held the grand and luxurious train with the other. Amidst the smoke and flames of war from all directions, she walked down the ship step by step, her posture was graceful and elegant, as if she was attending a high-class banquet.

Walking to the deck, she remained silent and knelt down in front of Xiao Yu.

She slowly took off the golden armor sets one by one.

Bu Ran Dan Kou's hand was gently placed on Xiao Yu's shoulder.

Her delicate red lips moved, but she couldn't make any sound, as if she didn't know how to call him.

For a long time, her voice trembled: "Why..."

Why didn't you tell her that he was Zhaonu?

Why have you endured the humiliation for so many years?

When I asked this question, I understood in my heart.

As proud as Xiao Yu, he would never let the woman he loved know that he had knelt down to Yuchi Qing in a humble way, and he would never let the Xiao royal family suffer because of it.

Xiao Yu spat out a mouthful of broken organs.

He was seriously injured and extremely weak.

Half of his face was spattered with blood, and one eye was damaged in the fight.

He raised his thin lips and stared at Shen Jiang with his remaining left eye: "I like A Jiang..."

He stretched out his hand and gently held Shen Jiang's cheek: "I fell in love with her when we first met in Chang'an City...and I still like her now...The luckiest thing in my life is meeting Ajiang. The thing I regret most in my life. , I failed to protect Ajaan well...I'm sorry..."

Blood beads rolled down from his left eye, drawing a long line of blood on his handsome cheek.

Vision gradually blurred.

He could no longer see the woman he loved.

He could no longer see the mountains and rivers he loved.

Shen Jiang bit his lip.

She didn't want to cry, but tears welled up involuntarily.

She lost her voice: "Xiao Yu..."

Xiao Yu smiled, fumbled, and licked the hair on her temples for her.

The next moment, he completely fell into her arms——

No more sound.

There was war all around.

Amidst the sounds of fighting, a high-pitched and shrill female voice suddenly cut through the sky——

Like a cuckoo crying for blood, its sound is sad and sad.

Those who heard it were moved to tears, and it was heart-stopping.

Xiao Yi killed a rebel and looked back.

On the ship building, Shen Jiang had a head full of white hair.


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