After Rebirth, I Became a Powerful Minister’s Beloved

Chapter 242: ?2 My brother always opens the back door for me, which makes me very troubled.

The girl made a splash.

Although his voice is soft, he has his own confidence and dignity.

Li Sesu couldn't talk to her, so she had to change the topic: "The new emperor has ascended the throne, and everyone is celebrating. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival state banquet will be a big deal. I heard from the palace people that the performer who wins the laurel crown at this night banquet can get the emperor's gift A promise.”

She glanced at the actors behind Nan Baoyi, covered her lips with contempt and smiled: "Instead of expecting these people to break the laurel branches for you, Miss Nan, it would be more practical to daydream."

Nan Baoyi was neither humble nor arrogant: "Wait and see."

"Then just wait and see!"

Li Sesu left with his troops confidently.

Nan Baoyi glanced at the other girls. She didn't know that the winner would get a promise from the emperor. These people must have come for that promise. When the time comes, they can use this promise to directly ask to enter the palace and become concubines. How simple it is. You can fly up the branches!

Nan Baoyi was very angry in Fenglu Hall.

Returning to Changle Palace, I opened the bead curtain and saw Xiao Yi, dressed in regular clothes, leisurely drinking tea and reading travel notes. His thin lips were slightly raised, obviously he saw something interesting.

Her face turned even more ugly, and she stepped forward and took the travel notes from his hand: "What's so good about a book? It's better to go to Fenglu Palace to see the beauties! There are all kinds of things!"

Xiao Yi smiled.

His little girl must be jealous.

He pulled Nan Baoyi into his arms, kissed her face, and imitated the tone of the foolish emperor in ancient times, teasing her: "Three thousand people are weak, but I only have my beloved concubine... the other pink and white girls cannot be seen."

"Who is your beloved concubine!"

Nan Baoyi hit him with her fist.

Xiao Yi took advantage of the opportunity to hold her little hand and kissed the back of her hand.

Nan Baoyi was unhappy: "Li Sesu said that the noble girl who wins the Mid-Autumn Festival state banquet can get a promise from the emperor... You have never told me about this, do you want to take the opportunity to get close to other girls? "

"How could it be?" Xiao Yi tugged at Nan Baoyi's face, "That woman probably didn't tell you that the winner will be appointed by the emperor. And how could I appoint another woman? The winner is naturally our Jiaojiao .”

Nan Baoyi's expression soothed.

She hummed proudly and picked up a peanut from the fruit plate.

When he was about to peel it off, Xiao Yi took it and peeled it off.

Nan Baoyi held her little face in her hands: "I don't care about unofficial appointments. I am a very martial artist. I will never go through the back door or rely on connections. No matter what the competition is, I want to win with my own strength. 2. My brother always opens the back door for me, and I will be very troubled."

Xiao Yi peeled off the peanut shell, twisted off the layer of red clothes, fed the peanuts into her little mouth, and followed her words: "What Jiaojiao said is true. It's just that the strength of those vulgar fans really can't compete with Jiaojiao." If you are not at the top of the list, others cannot be."

The fresh peanuts just dug out of the ground are very fragrant when cooked in the imperial kitchen.

Nan Baoyi ate the peanuts with a smile, feeling very comfortable hearing Xiao Yi's words.

She nodded: "That's the truth, but we still need to pretend. Accompany them to perform a show,

It's also a good way to convince them of their defeat. "

Xiao Yi lowered his head to peel the peanuts and couldn't help smacking his lips.

He made the little girl happy, and he was also happy in his heart.

At night, I can still eat two bites of meat smoothly.

The Mid-Autumn Festival state banquet is coming as scheduled.

Nan Baoyi summoned everyone in the side hall and finally determined the content of the performance.

Nan Baozhu was excited: "Jiaojiao, just be careful, I will keep it for you and shock the whole audience!"

Nan Baoyi was funny: "Little cousin, don't change your lines randomly, you are doing me a big favor."

He Ye ran in happily: "Four girls, fifth girls, the old lady and the others are coming to the palace to have a drink!"

Nan Baoyi was very surprised and hurriedly walked to Fenglu Hall with Nan Baozhu.

In the past, the ancestors of the Nan family also contributed to the founding of Dayong. Now the Nan family has a Zhongguan and a minister of household affairs. Nan Chengli married the princess of Zhenguo Gongfu, and Nan Baozhu also married. As the Duke of Zhen, his family is very prominent and he is qualified to attend the state banquet.

The two sisters came to Fenglu Hall excitedly and were greeted by a family.

The old lady had dressed up tonight. Her white hair was meticulously pulled into a bun. She wore a gold hairpin in the shape of a Buddha's hand and a fairy peach. Her face was round and fair. She wore a maroon skirt with Fu Lu patterns. She looked dignified, kind and blessed. Even as she aged, she was still delicate. .


Nan Baoyi called out sweetly.

The old man was very excited and said "Hey" and quickly put Nan Baoyi into his arms.

Nan Baozhu smiled and teased: "Grandma is so beautiful tonight, she even outshines us young girls!"

The old lady blushed and poked her forehead gently: "I'm not your sister-in-law, but you have to dress me up like this. I don't even have the shame to see anyone in such a gorgeous dress!"

Ning Fanhua smiled and said: "Nowadays, it is fashionable for the old ladies of the Chang'an family to dress in bright colors. You look good dressed like this."

The old lady waved her hands and just smiled.

Nan Baoyi knew that her grandmother was very happy.

Just as he was about to enter the palace, Nan Guang came out of nowhere.

He was wearing mink today and had a thick gold chain around his neck. Nan Baoyi was startled and deeply doubted whether her father had a big gold tooth when he smiled.

He straightened his big sable with great joy: "How do you think Jiaojiao feels about dressing up like this for her father?"

Now the Nan family is in its prime.

When he went to the competition with a fighting cock named "Xiao Yi", the wealthy businessmen heard that his fighting cock had the same name as before today, so they did not dare to fight with him at all, and they all deliberately lost to him. After earning a lot of money, I can naturally afford a big mink and a gold chain.

Nan Baoyi was disgusted: "It's only the Mid-Autumn Festival. If you wear mink so early, you will be laughed at by others. And that big gold chain, where did you buy it? It's too tacky."

"Hey, you kid!" Nan Guang's face was filled with self-indulgence. "Your taste can no longer keep up with the trends in Chang'an City. You should walk more on the streets and interact with more people, so that you don't look out of date. .”

After all, all the rich men who played cockfight with him were dressed like this.

Nan Baoyi was speechless.

If the trend is to wear mink and thick gold chains, she would rather be left behind.

The Nan family tacitly left Nan Guang, who was still intoxicated with himself, and stepped into Fenglu Palace.

Those who came to attend the night banquet were all Chang'an City's top aristocratic families.

Seeing the Nan family sitting down, most people's eyes were not very friendly.

The Wang family is next to the Nan family. The Wang family was originally just a second-rate family. The head of the family, Wang Qin, made many military exploits in the war in the south of the Yangtze River, so he was awarded the title of General Anguo. Now he is regarded as a first-rate family, and he is quite proud when talking to people around him. .

Wang Qin took a sip of wine, smiled and said to the people around him: "The world has changed. These days, cats and dogs can participate in the state banquet. So it is good to have someone in the harem. With a little breeze, one person can achieve the Tao of chickens and dogs and ascend to heaven. That's it. I wonder if my daughter will be so lucky tonight that she will be favored by the emperor. I am not bragging, but my daughter can be considered as good as a fish or a wild goose!"

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