Nan Baoyi thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

She said crisply: "Your Majesty, I have nothing to promise you now. Can I keep this reward for now, and wait until I have a wish I want to make in the future, and then I can ask you to fulfill it?"

As long as she doesn't make her wish, the second brother will always owe her this reward.

The emperor's words are true.

Before fulfilling his promise, he would not be able to take her life as the ministers wished.

In other words, as long as she did not make her wish, the ministers could not force the emperor to kill her, otherwise they would force the emperor to break his promise.

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows, Nan Jiaojiao could think of this.

A slight smile appeared on his thin lips, and he nodded: "Yes."

The aristocratic families looked at each other in shock when they thought about it.

It always felt like they were being plotted by the Emperor and Nan Baoyi.

They had been preparing for so long, just hoping to send their daughter to the palace, but in the end they didn't get the last bit of benefit, so they had to give up their verbal criticism of Nan Baoyi? !

They became angry.

It is also a family that has been entrenched in Chang'an City for hundreds of years. It does not dare to claim power and rule, but it also dares to claim that it has deep-rooted dignity.

Being teased like this by Xiao Yi really made them angry.

They looked at each other for a few moments and were about to join forces to join in the concert when Xiao Yi suddenly said: "That's right——"

Everyone looked together.

The new emperor was sitting next to the palace lantern. When he smiled, his phoenix eyes were long and narrow, like a sharp knife unsheathed: "I am determined to make Zhao Zhao the crown prince. In the spring of next year, he will be officially canonized."

Like a boulder thrown into a lake.

The atmosphere of the night banquet, which had been relatively relaxed just now, suddenly seemed like a thunderous thunder.

He actually wants to establish a prince!

Their daughter hasn’t even entered the palace yet!

There was almost no need for anyone to take the lead. Most of the courtiers fell to their knees and said, "No, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is young and powerful, why should you establish a prince?"

"Since ancient times, it has been impossible to establish a direct heir but not an elder. The eldest prince's mother's family is humble and cannot be worthy of being my crown prince of Great Yong!"

"Your Majesty, think twice!"


The civil servants spoke with exquisite words, and the generals looked worried about the country and the people, as if they were really thinking about the country and the country, as if as long as Xiao Yi made Xiao Dingzhao the prince tonight, the country of Dayong would not be preserved tomorrow.

Xiao Yi sat lazily, admiring the way they beat their chests and beat their feet.

It was quite exciting, much more exciting than their daughter's performance.

There was always a touch of sarcasm on his thin lips. He finally had enough appreciation, drank half a glass of wine slowly, and looked sideways at the ministers: "When I was in the southwest, I acted casually and without restraint. They say that Chang'an is open, and I But I feel that every day in the palace is like sitting on pins and needles without freedom.

"Tonight, I want to establish a crown prince. If you don't agree, it's just that establishing a crown prince will hinder your interests. Asking your daughters to perform dances is just to send them into the palace as concubines for the benefit of the family. They are all mixed up in the government and the public. People who have been here for many years, your thoughts are known to everyone, so why do you need to mediate with me in the name of serving the country? It's really boring."

What he said was frank and candid.

The ministers' cheeks became hot and they were speechless.

Xiao Yi knocked on the low table, glanced at them, and the smile on his lips became more sarcastic.

At the state banquet tonight, he also wanted to test the officials.

A while ago, they knelt down outside his imperial study room to petition one after another. He thought they were arrogant, troublesome, and difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that he just toughened them up a little, and none of them dared to speak.

It is not unreasonable that Shen Jiang can rule Dayong for twenty years as a woman.

He became more and more interested: "You are so eager to recommend your daughters, as if they can't get married. In this case, I will do a good deed and grant them marriage."

He messed up the mandarin duck formula for a while.

Tianshu holds the relationship tree of all the aristocratic families in Chang'an City. He knows exactly which family is the enemy, and he likes to name enemies as relatives. However, half of the courtiers' faces turned green in a moment. Got it!

Xiao Yi stood up with satisfaction: "That's it for the Mid-Autumn Festival Night Banquet. No one can comment on the matter of establishing a prince. In the past, Queen Shen was dictatorial and domineering. Remember, I am worse than her."

The Panlong brass tripod wine bottle was thrown heavily on the low table.

He walked away.

The palace maid's servants quickly followed up with palm fans, palace lanterns and other objects. The majesty of the palace was so majestic that it could not be violated.

Fenglu Palace fell into unspeakable silence.

Nan Baoyi was in a good mood. He picked up the silver spoon and happily dug the bird's nest porridge to eat.

The second brother specially ordered the imperial kitchen to stew it for her. Among all the people in the palace, she was the only one who had it, and no other young ladies had it!

She was eating happily, but Nan Guang unexpectedly knocked her on the head and cursed: "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat! I have been with him for so long, but I still don't know how to work hard to have a son. I'm so angry!"

Nan Baoyi raised his eyes from the small white glaze bowl.

When she smiled, her crescent eyes shone brightly, like two crescent moons.

Sweet and well-behaved.

The old lady touched her head with pity: "I have looked away now. Our family is not from a high-ranking family. Why are we fighting for it? It is really thrilling to watch the emperor and the courtiers quarrel tonight. It can be seen that that seat is not easy to sit on. I'm afraid I won't feel comfortable either. Let's just be content and not fight over anything, and manage our own lives well, which is better than anything else."

Nan Baoyi swallowed the bird's nest porridge and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "That's right! Dad, you are so stupid. If your grandson is also stupid, it will be the end!"

"Hey you kid!"

Tonight's state banquet, all the ministers came here in good spirits and returned in dismay.

Only the Nan family was cheerful, and in the eyes of the ministers, they were like silly roe deers. After all, their daughter was the most promising to become the queen. If a prince was born, wouldn't she be the new emperor's direct descendant? eldest son?

Now that the new emperor has appointed Xiao Dingzhao as the crown prince, the Nan family is still happy, and they don't know why they are happy!

It was already midnight after Nan Baoyi personally sent his family away from the palace.

When the palace maids were escorting her back to the palace, a nun suddenly came over and greeted her respectfully.

She said respectfully: "I serve the late empress. Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival. The late empress has specially prepared a gift for the emperor. Please go to the cold palace and deliver the gift to the emperor on your behalf."

Nan Baoyi heard this with surprise.

Shen Jiang actually prepared Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for his second brother?

The sun really came out in the west.

Thinking about the fact that she had never seen Shen Jiang again since the battle in Jiangnan, she said: "Lead the way, I just happened to go over to visit her."

The cold palace is indeed lonely.

Although it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, only a few faded palace lanterns were lit sparsely in the outer hall. The shadow of the moon reflected the relatively lush osmanthus trees outside the window, and the occasional sound of partridges made the place even more deserted.

Nan Baoyi stepped into the inner hall.

The inner hall is spacious and the furnishings are simple and unsophisticated.

Countless Tianshu secret guards were guarding the shadows in the corner, taking turns watching Shen Jiang around the clock to prevent her from committing suicide.

The bead curtain flickers lightly and the sound is subtle.

Nan Baoyi's eyes fell under the window.

The woman sitting there on her knees, with white hair touching the floor, and a beautiful face under the moonlight, had fine wine, delicacies and a plate of exquisite mooncakes on the low table in front of her, but she had not touched her chopsticks.


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