The sky in the imperial city has turned dark.

A girl wearing a colorful ruqi skirt appeared behind a gold-painted screen like a handful of clouds, and quietly poked half of her face towards the inner hall.

Nan Baoyi was sitting on the ground.

The pomegranate red skirt was spread all over the floor. She took an ivory comb and carefully combed her long crow-green hair hanging on the ground. The little face reflected in the bronze mirror was beautiful and bright, and the light and shadow of the copper crane lamp danced around her cheeks. A layer of pure white glaze looks innocent and ignorant of the world.

In the girl's mind, the words of the woman in Leng Palace came to mind——

"Nan Baoyi is scheming and cruel. She can be picked up or put down. You must be careful when dealing with her and don't reveal any tricks. Huo Tingyu, as long as you kill her, all the secret forces that I have run in the past will be given to you. You Fire Clan. I only want Nan Baoyi to die."

When Leng Gong first met her, she didn't recognize the white-haired but stunningly beautiful woman.

But the woman recognized her.

She knows the past of the Fire Tribe, knows the grievances of the Fire Tribe, and even more knows what the Fire Tribe wants.

The elder brother said that making a deal with Queen Shen was tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, but they had no other choice. In order to achieve their goal, they could only agree to this deal.

However, the Fire Tribe is also a tribe that deals with the Five Elements and Bagua.

Nan Baoyi was born in accordance with the way of heaven, and whoever kills her will definitely end up miserable.

She couldn't take action directly, so she could only use Li Sesu...

Huo Tingyu was fascinated.

Nan Baoyi took off the Dongzhu earring.

His eyes fell on the corner of the bronze mirror.

The ribbon tied with the little golden bell rippled in the wind, and she saw the almond-shaped eyes in the mirror showing a bit of curiosity and hesitation, not like an assassin, but like a cub that had gone astray.

She put down her earrings and suddenly turned around to look at the screen: "What are you doing hiding there?"

Huo Tingyu was startled.

She quickly hid behind the screen again, but the Hunan embroidery screen was as thin as cicada wings, and her slender figure was clearly reflected in Nan Baoyi's eyes.

Nan Baoyi tilted his head.

Hello everyone, our official account will find red envelopes of gold and coins every day. You can get them as long as you follow them. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

This girl doesn't seem very smart.

She stood up and walked over, leaning half of her body behind the screen: "Aren't you the girl in the cold palace? There are so many guards outside, how did you get in?"

Huo Tingyu hugged the gauze lantern tightly and stared at Nan Baoyi nervously.

She bit her lower lip, suddenly stretched out her fingers, and tried to light the crimson lantern in her arms——

Before she could take action, Nan Baoyi stopped her: "I listened to you last time, and I won't be fooled again this time. You can't light this lamp."

Last time in the cold palace, she was bewitched by the magic of this crimson lantern, and saw her long-dead mother out of her body, and even wanted to leave with her mother.

Thinking about it now, I still get chills on my back.

Nan Baoyi said seriously: "The Fourth Highness knows you, right? For his sake, I won't argue with you about that incident. What's your name?"

Where do you live? The Emperor has issued a decree to let you go home. From now on, you must not do these pranks to harm others. "

Huo Tingyu puffed up his cheeks.

This girl was so beautiful, but her preaching tone made her angry.

She was about to run away, but Nan Baoyi grabbed her hand and pulled her to the smoke cage with a smile.

Nan Baoyi invited her to sit on the futon, and brought her hot tea and milk dates for her to eat. He lowered his voice with great interest and said, "Speaking of which, what is your relationship with His Highness the Fourth? Does he like you?"

Huo Tingyu's pupils narrowed instantly.

She put down the tea cup and stared at Nan Baoyi in disbelief. After staring for a moment, she turned her head arrogantly: "I don't know His Highness the Fourth. I've drank the tea and eaten. It's time for me to leave."


Before Nan Baoyi could stop her, the girl had already run away without a trace, leaving only the sound of golden bells that gradually faded away.

Nan Baoyi felt quite sorry.

Huo Tingyu turned over like a kite and landed lightly on the eaves of Changle Palace.

She glanced back and took out a jujube from her sleeve.

She threw the dates into her mouth. The snack was sweet and delicious.

And Nan Baoyi is also different from what Queen Shen described.

If she was a treacherous person, she would kill him if he wanted to, but she was so good-looking and even invited her to drink hot tea and milk dates, so she was not very willing to kill her.

Shanggong Bureau.

In the most spacious pavilion on the top floor, there are gathered the most skilled embroiderers and jade craftsmen in Chang'an. At this moment, they stand respectfully, waiting for the emperor's evaluation.

Xiao Yi stood with his hands behind his hands, staring at the queen's dress hanging on the wall.

A vermilion plain gauze singlet, a dark blue pheasant Zhai patterned coat, a third-class Zhai seal pattern covering the knees, a large vermilion brocade belt, a green jacket with gold ornaments, and a pair of white jade ribbons...

The dress used when the queen was canonized was very complicated and grand.

The palace servant said respectfully: "The materials of the clothes are all top-notch, and the patterns are embroidered with gold and silver embroidery threads. The pearls, jade and gold are also very valuable and rare. Your Majesty has a very good taste. This palace dress will definitely match the Queen."

Xiao Yi's thin lips curved gently.

He was very satisfied with this dress and turned to Feng Guan.

The phoenix crown is a flower hairpin with twelve trees, and the bottom is made of gold, inlaid with precious stones, pearls and other precious objects. However, this flower hairpin has not been completed yet, and there are still a few missing gems in the middle.

Shi Yan said: "The color of the rubies in the treasury is not pure enough. I have sent people to buy them from the private sector. They will be sent to the palace by the end of the month."

Xiao Yi nodded.

He caressed the hairpin, but he couldn't imagine Nan Baoyi wearing it.

The little girl is so squeamish. After the initial love wears off, she will probably dislike her too much, right?

However, she likes gold and silver jewelry so much that no matter how heavy it is, she will happily wear it on her head. She is born beautiful, and when she wears it, she will definitely be more beautiful than Chang'an.

The smile on Xiao Yi's lips became even brighter, and there seemed to be light hidden in his dark phoenix eyes.

He then ordered: "In addition to this dress, the queen also pays more attention to other clothes. When they are done, I will reward you."

He left Shang Palace Bureau in a good mood and went straight back to Changle Palace.

Stepping into the inner hall, his little queen was sitting on the floor, wearing an aqua green skirt, with long crow-green hair, holding a case file and looking down at it.

She looked at it very seriously, her head almost hitting the bronze crane lamp.

He stepped forward in two or two steps, put his big palm on her head, and blocked the burning candlelight for her with the back of his hand: "What are you looking at?"

"I was looking at the files of beauties in the cold palace..." Nan Baoyi turned a page and muttered to himself, "It's so strange..."

She looked over and over three times, but she still couldn't find the girl holding the crimson lantern. Her age didn't match at all.

The page at the end of the file was torn out. It must be the blank page that recorded the girl's family background and name, right?

She closed the file and looked hesitantly at another file piled on the desk: "I also read the file of His Highness the Fourth Highness. Twelve years ago, he went to the border town of Northern Xinjiang with the imperial envoy, but he was there. Everything was blank, and I became seriously ill after I came back..."

Xiao Yi was silent.

His younger brother was quiet and reserved, unwilling to tell him anything, and he especially didn't like others asking about his past.

He closed the file for Nan Baoyi and said, "What do you want with these?"

"I have nothing to do!" Nan Baoyi stretched out his legs in boredom, "It's boring to be in the palace. I plan to go home to visit my grandmother tomorrow."

Nothing to do…

Xiao Yi hinted calmly: "Speaking of which, I need a set of regular clothes."

He wanted to own the robe made by Nan Jiaojiao herself.

The next time he summoned the ministers, he would wear that robe to let those people know that his queen was also very skilled in craftsmanship, and to make them jealous.

Nan Baoyi said seriously: "Oh, let the embroiderer from Shang Gong Bureau do it. Why did my second brother tell me this? I'm not an embroiderer. Are you confused?"

Xiao Yi: "..."


Good night

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