Chu Shanshan said seriously: "Last night, I saw with my own eyes that Elder Brother Shizi went to sleep alone in the study, can there be a fake? Taking advantage of their disharmony, you should quickly win over Elder Brother Shizi's heart, which is the most important thing."

Chen Xiaoxue nodded.

She looked at His Royal Highness in the water pavilion.

He is dressed in white with a jade crown, with a beautiful appearance and outstanding demeanor. He sits lazily on a green bamboo recliner against the background of lotus leaves all over the lake.

Chen Xiaoxue's cheeks turned redder.

Encouraged by Chu Shanshan, she plucked up her courage and stepped into the waterside pavilion with a fishing rod and basket in her arms.

She bowed to Xiao Yifu, her eyes full of admiration: "Greetings to His Royal Highness. Is His Royal Highness here to fish too?"

Xiao Yi didn't even lift his eyelids.

He said indifferently, "I don't fish, what am I doing with a fishing rod?"

Chen Xiaoxue: "..."

His Royal Highness is still as venomous as ever.

But she likes it so much!

She lowered her eyelashes shyly, sat on the small pier beside Xiao Yi, put on the earthworm bait familiarly, and threw the hook into the water: "Xue'er also likes fishing, and in her free time, she often goes fishing in the lake with her father and brother." Xue'er's skills are not bad, there are always four out of five times, and she is the one who catches the most among her father and brother..."

The girl talked eloquently.

She had observed Nan Baoyi and Xiao Yi before, and at every banquet, Nan Baoyi was always talking nonsense, while Xiao Yi was quietly listening with his chin, so she guessed that Xiao Yi probably liked girls who were talkative. Is it to imitate Nan Baoyi?

Xiao Yi's brows were raised little by little.

The woman talked like a quacking duck.

I really want to cut her neck...

not far away.

Princess Jing took Nan Baoyi and was walking along the veranda.

Concubine Jiang is dead, and Prince Jing has been staying in her room these days.

Having regained her husband's favor, Concubine Jing's face is full of joy, even her gait is much lighter.

In addition, she learned from Xiao Yi that it was Nan Baoyi who was behind the scenes to expose Concubine Jiang's crimes, and she looked at Nan Baoyi much more kindly.

She said seriously, "Do you know why I asked you out?"

Nan Baoyi waved the white jade fan, absent-mindedly: "I don't know."

"According to the maid's report, Yi'er slept in the study room last night. Did you quarrel? After all, since you came in, you have never slept in separate rooms."

Nan Baoyi remained silent.

Concubine Jing said in the tone of someone who has come here: "I have learned something now, man, as long as he has you in his heart, no matter how loud the quarrel is, you can coax him afterwards. I am most afraid that he does not have you in his heart, without you, No matter how much you coax it, it will be in vain.”

Nan Baoyi: "Oh."

The more Princess Jing talked, the more interested she became: "Yi'er has a high position and power, and is so handsome. Shengjing City does not know how many aristocratic women admire him. You listen to me, find a chance to reconcile with him quickly, and don't let other goblins get cheap .”

Nan Baoyi said lightly: "Didn't you always dislike me?"

Princess Jing choked.

She stopped and stared at Nan Baoyi seriously: "You have helped me a lot with Concubine Jiang's affairs. If I make things difficult for you again, how can I still have the bearing of a princess? I didn't like you in the past, just because you came from a humble background and were not worthy. Shang Yi'er. You also know that Yi'er is the prince of Dayong, even the princess of South Vietnam is not worthy of him."

Nan Baoyi turned her face away and said nothing.

"I accepted you, but it doesn't mean that Dayong accepts you. Xiao Ning is dead, and the first heir to the throne is Yi'er. He will return to Dayong sooner or later. Nan Baoyi, the road you have to go is still very difficult, especially My sister's pass. To be honest, I pity you."

Nan Baoyi lowered his eyelashes.

What kind of terrible woman would make her own sister say such words of pity for the enemy?

The wind picked up by the lake.

Princess Jing stared at Nan Baoyi.

The girl has a beautiful appearance and a stubborn expression. She is not the smartest among girls, but her heart is the most tenacious, like a wild vine growing endlessly.

She felt sorry for the girl even more.

She personally smoothed Nan Baoyi's hair from the forehead, and reminded: "Fortunately, Yi'er has no feelings for my sister. If you go to Chang'an in the future, it is your best choice to hold Yi'er's heart firmly." .”

Nan Baoyi bit her lip.

Why did she hear that Chang'an seems to be full of ghosts and monsters, especially dangerous?

She is not married, she is obviously married into the underworld!

While talking, Princess Jing noticed Chu Shanshan who was hiding at the corner of the corridor.

She had always disliked this concubine, and scolded: "What are you doing sneakily?!"

Chu Shanshan was startled.

She turned around and saw that it was Concubine Jing and Nan Baoyi, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She blessed her body and saluted, and said respectfully: "Returning to my mother and concubine, my daughter is watching Elder Brother Shizi and Xiaoxue fishing. They sat together, caught fish for a long time, and talked a lot, and my daughter didn't know whether she should come forward to disturb her or not."

Princess Jing sneered.

Just now it was mentioned that the little goblin took advantage of the loophole, and this has already taken advantage of it!

Nan Baoyi helped her once, so she should also help this daughter-in-law find her place again!

She said in a deep voice, "Go and have a look."

The maids in the distance followed and surrounded them to the water pavilion.

The waterside pavilion has a wide view, facing the turbulent lake.

Nan Baoyi followed behind Princess Jing, and saw Xiao Yi sitting on the armchair with a stern and cold profile.

Chen Xiaoxue was three feet away from him, smiling and turning her head to talk to him from time to time.

This picture is definitely not close, but it was as if she had overturned the old vinegar in her heart, and her sourness gushed out. She wished she could take a fishing rod and throw Chen Xiaoxue and Chu Shanshan into the lake together!


Princess Jing lowered her voice.

Chen Xiaoxue did not expect Princess Jing to come over.

However, she heard that Princess Jing didn't like Nan Baoyi as a daughter-in-law, so she had held banquets in the mansion repeatedly, entertaining young and beautiful official girls, so that she could re-select the concubine for His Royal Highness.

Now, it is a god-sent opportunity for her to show her face in front of Princess Jing!

She couldn't help but secretly happy.

She hastily adjusted her clothes and restrained her face, respectfully saluted Princess Jing, and said softly: "My daughter greets the concubine, and I wish the concubine good luck and prosperity!"

Concubine Jing took a seat next to the beauty, and said coldly, "What's your name?"

"Reporting to my concubine, my daughter's name is Xiaoxue, and she is the daughter of Vice General Chen."

Chen Xiaoxue replied, and stepped forward with great winking, rolled up her sleeves and poured tea for Concubine Jing herself, "It's fine for the concubine to call my daughter Xue'er, and His Royal Highness can also call my daughter like this."

As he spoke, he raised his eyelids and flicked his eyes at Xiao Yi.

Nan Baoyi sat on one side.

She shook the round fan lightly, followed Chen Xiaoxue's gaze to look at Xiao Yi.

The man was still lazily sitting on the reclining chair, his white clothes were like snow, and his face was gorgeous. Danfeng's eyes were full of elusive emotions like an abyss, which passed over the maids and landed on her face.

Nan Baoyi felt sad.

He only said to be calm last night, but today he was fishing and talking with other girls.

Could it be that, as Yun Xiu said, he despised her for being dirty?


To draw a red envelope, the red envelope is to deduct the book currency from my account, and then the system randomly draws it, I want to draw it myself but I can’t

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