
The reckless man raised his hand and slapped her.

He spat and cursed fiercely: "You bitch, you dare to bargain with me? If I hadn't rescued you from the brothel, you would still be selling it there!"

The woman fell to the ground in embarrassment.

She covered her red and swollen cheeks, raised her head and cried: "Obviously you ransacked the brothel, burned, killed and looted, so why did you save me? You promised to find a husband for me, so I was willing to commit myself to you, but after so many years, there is still no one You are basically lying to me about my husband’s news!”


The reckless man kicked her and sneered: "Of course I lied to you. I am a bandit but not a saint. Why do I have to do good deeds? You stinky bitch, I'm going to show you how powerful I am today!"

He unbuttoned his belt in public.

The whole body is full of flesh, and the back is strong and the waist is strong.

Frivolous whistles sounded in the courtyard, and there was endless noise and laughter, as if this kind of scene was commonplace.

The human skin mask the woman was wearing was violently torn off.

Her hair is full of black hair hanging down from her cheeks. In the sunset, her face is delicate and charming, and her slightly raised apricot eyes reveal a bit of moisture and helplessness. The passage of time has not harmed her beauty. She is like the canna plant in the corner of the courtyard. Lonely and beautiful, struggling and crying in vain under the man's body.

Nan Baoyi's face was pale and she gently lowered the bamboo curtain.

Why does this aunt look so much like Boss Han?

She came from Jinguan City. She knew that Yulouchun also knew about the Nan family. Could it be...

Pei Chuchu, who was kneeling on the floor, held her sleeves in fear and whispered: "Master Nan, should we go out and help her?"

Nan Baoyi sat on the ground and held Pei Chuchu and A Ruo in his arms.

She turned her back to the window, buried her face in Ah Ruo's neck, and said softly: "We are all weak in front of the bandits, and we can't save her. Remember, acting impulsively will not only fail to help others, but will also harm yourself." "

It's not that she doesn't want to help that sister-in-law.

But with two children and a sick son Xiao Sui, she could only do this.

The two little guys snuggled in her arms and nodded in confusion.

The sun gradually sets, and darkness, like lingering ink, quietly sweeps through Luoyang City.

The lights in the temple were lit.

The hustle and bustle in the courtyard continued. The kidnapped wealthy businessmen begged, but they were still killed by the bandits. All the gold and silver on their bodies were stripped off, and their bodies were buried in a pit under the pomegranate tree.

The woman's crying never stopped.

The night is getting deeper, the sound of rain is falling outside the window, and the noise of the banquet is transferred to the corridor sheltered from the rain. The lights hanging outside the bamboo curtain are brighter, and the faint light shines on the Zen room through the gaps, and the laughter of the bandits is heard. The sound was just across the window.

Nan Baoyi held her two children tightly, even breathing cautiously.

"What's going on outside?"

Xiao Sui rubbed his head and suddenly walked out barefoot.

His long hair was disheveled, and he was wearing a loose snow-white robe. Because he had just woken up, his cheeks were still a little red, and he looked like a beautiful fox demon in the dim light.

Seeing Nan Baoyi and the two little babies hiding under the window silently, he raised his eyebrows impatiently and raised his voice: "Why are you sitting here without sleeping in the middle of the night? Where is my medicine?"

Nan Baoyi was speechless.

What is an ancestor?

Xiao Sui is the ancestor!

She and her two little guys had been worried and scared all day, but this guy slept peacefully all day long and caused trouble for her as soon as he woke up!

She "shushed" and was about to tell him to be quiet. Xiao Sui walked straight to the door of the meditation room and opened the door carelessly.

Drizzle blew into the Zen room.

Inside and outside the house, it was as quiet as a dog.

Xiao Sui put his hands in his wide sleeves and said in a clear and impatient voice: "What's the noise about? Does anyone else want to sleep anymore?!"

Nan Baoyi wanted to sew his mouth shut!

However, things had happened, and now it was too late to hide. She looked around and motioned for Pei Chuchu and Aruo to hide in the closet. Then she picked up a box of eyebrow makeup in front of the makeup mirror, hurriedly rubbed the palms of her hands black, and smeared them randomly. on the face.

The bandits are overbearing and take advantage of others.

Covering up your appearance is the best option.

She walked to Xiao Sui and said respectfully: "My young master passed by the treasure land and wanted to stay for one night. He accidentally disturbed the elegance of the big brothers' banquet. Please forgive us for the sake of Buddha. We will meet tomorrow. Set off to leave Luoyang City."

The implication is that they are not locals and will not report their evil deeds.

The bandits looked at each other.

The leader of the reckless man obviously didn't believe it. He picked up the three-ring sword, pulled the beauty's long hair with one hand, and said angrily: "Who are they? Did you secretly report to the official?!"

The beauty had blood oozing from the corners of her mouth and was ravaged in a miserable state.

She held her long hair and replied hoarsely: "I didn't... They are fellow villagers with me. Master, please let them go, okay? Please..."

The reckless man let go of his hand, looked at Xiao Sui's robe and jade, and sneered: "Is there any reason not to do the business that comes to your door? Brothers, catch this pretty boy for me. He is such a good-looking man. I like it, hahahahaha!”

The bandits laughed along.

In the blink of an eye, there were flashes of swords and swords in the corridor, and the situation was dangerous.

Before Nan Baoyi could think of a countermeasure, he was pushed aside by Xiao Sui.

He said: "Go to the prefect's mansion to bring in reinforcements."

Nan Baoyi staggered a few steps and looked intently at Xiao Sui. The sickly and beautiful young man took out a folding fan from his sleeves. His body was as graceful as a swimming dragon, and he actually started fighting with those bandits!

Nan Baoyi swallowed.

Xiao Sui, is he really weak?

In just a dozen rounds, not only was he not at a disadvantage, but he knocked down several strong men.

Nan Baoyi no longer hesitated, turned around and rushed outside the temple.

A dozen of the bandits' horses were tied to the white stone horse posts outside the temple gate.

She untied a horse, jumped on it, and galloped away.

In the Pingping Temple.

Xiao Sui knocked down seven or eight bandits, supported the beauty with one hand and coughed violently.

The blood stained his white clothes red, and even the white paper folding fan was stained with blood stains like plum blossoms.

The lantern was stained with blood, and his face was as pale as paper.

The reckless man had killed so many brothers in vain and was furious: "Ger, kill him for me. Whoever kills him will be rewarded heavily by me!"

"Wait a minute -"

Xiao Sui spoke up.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves receding, he raised his eyelashes and suddenly broke into a devilish smile: "Let me talk to your leader?"

The ancient city of Luoyang is majestic and simple.

Even the drizzle could not stop the enthusiasm of the night market. Orchid from a foreign race was selling wine on the street. Her red skirt soaked by the rain outlined her slim and graceful figure.

Nan Baoyi had no time to appreciate their various charms. The horse was like an arrow passing through the rain curtain, galloping towards the prefect's mansion.

It was already dawn when we finally arrived at the Prefect's Mansion.

She hurriedly climbed up the steps in front of the mansion and was about to knock on the door, but the door was pushed open from inside.

Several stewards stepped out of the threshold and discussed:

"Our master has really changed his temper. He is usually stingy, but now he actually ordered us to treat the two prisoners in the dungeon well, and even prepared good wine and food for them."

"Hehe, I guess our master is attracted by that girl's beauty!"

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