Nan Baoyi was exhausted from the pain, and the tears in the corners of her eyes wetted the pillow towel. She didn't even have the strength to open her eyes, so she murmured something in a low voice.

Xiao Yi coaxed her to sleep and wiped her face carefully.

Tears and thin sweat stained the little girl's hair, and her beautiful face was as pale as paper, which made him feel pity for her.

He leaned over and kissed the little girl's forehead, saying softly: "Thank you for your hard work..."

He gently put down the bed curtain, turned around and twisted a handful of towels in the copper basin.

Twisting and twisting, he raised his eyes, feeling as if he had forgotten something.

Po Wen held the baby in her arms, coughed softly behind him, and said happily: "Congratulations, sir, for getting a little daughter! It is a great blessing that mother and daughter are safe!"

Xiao Yi was stunned and turned around.

He took the swaddling clothes from Po Wen, but his hands were trembling.

The little baby in the swaddling clothes did not cry. He seemed to be asleep, and his breathing was shallow and even...

Po Wen said something good: "Look at this nose and eyes, they look very much like the husband! Both the husband and his wife are good-looking. When the little girl grows up, she will definitely be a magnificent beauty!"

Xiao Yi looked at the little baby carefully.

This is the cub that Nan Jiaojiao gave birth to for him.

The little face is red and wrinkled, and there is a thin layer of lanugo hair on the head, which is not good-looking at all.

Seeing the disgust on his face, Po Wen smiled and said, "Newborn children are like this. They will get better after a while. After all, they are flesh and blood. You can't dislike it..."

Xiao Yi remembered that Ah Ruo was ugly when he was born, so he could understand.

Po Wen observed his expression and hesitated to speak: "Although he is a daughter, he was born to the wife in ten months of pregnancy... The husband and the wife are both still young, and they will definitely have a legitimate son in the future. The husband can't do it because of his husband." When a girl is born, she will be despised..."

She was used to seeing the filth in the deep compound, and was afraid that Xiao Yi would favor boys over girls.

Xiao Yi curled his lips.

At first I thought the little cub was ugly, but after looking at it for a long time, I found it quite pleasing to the eye.

The girl is also very good. She will be as beautiful as Nan Jiaojiao when she grows up, and he will definitely not be like Nan Maomo. He will do his best to pamper his and Nan Jiaojiao's little princess.

He took out a stack of banknotes and said, "Money reward."

Po Wen took it in surprise and immediately wiped honey on her lips: "Oh, the husband is so generous. This reward is more than the old woman has earned in most of her life! At first, I felt that the husband is affectionate and righteous and loves his wife as much as she lives. Sure enough, You didn’t make a mistake! My ancestors burned incense for me to marry you!"

Xiao Yi reached out and touched the tip of the baby's nose and put her into the cradle prepared in advance.

He looked at the bed tent: "I heard that women have a hard time during confinement. If you take good care of them, if you take good care of them, you will be rewarded heavily in the future."

Just as he was talking, Yuchi came in.

He was curious: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Po Wen smiled and congratulated: "Mother and daughter are safe!"

Sister Baoyi gave birth to a little princess...

Yuchi nodded and gave the silver reward in a serious manner: "Take good care of me, and you won't be short of the tonic ginseng soup and old hen soup during the confinement period!"

Po Wen took the silver reward,

But he was muttering in his heart.

The young lady’s husband is clearly the handsome husband in front of her. This young master of the Yuchi family, how can he look like a husband...

Yuchi asked Po Wen to step back, and he went to the cradle and looked at the baby curiously.

His aunt died, but sister Baoyi gave birth to a new life. Generation after generation in the human world is really wonderful and solemn.

It would be great if sister Baoyi could give birth to a child for him in the future...

He was thinking wildly and suddenly looked at Xiao Yi: "The longer you stay in the house, the easier it is to be discovered. Since you have already accompanied Sister Baoyi, let's leave as soon as possible before my father and others know you are here. wonderful."

Xiao Yi wiped his hands with a towel.

He stared at Yuchi and suddenly raised his thin lips: "Do you think that as long as I'm not around or I die, you can embrace the beauty?"

Yuchi remained silent.

"You are not the only one in the world who has this idea." Xiao Yi threw the towel into the copper basin with a calm expression, "It's a pity that Nan Jiaojiao doesn't love you. Even if I die, she will protect me. The memorial tablet will serve me forever, do you believe it or not?"

Yuchi looked at the bed tent.

Sister Baoyi was sleeping on the couch. Although she was usually delicate and sweet, he knew that just as Xiao Daoyan said, Sister Baoyi had such a stubborn character.

"You can't get her."

Xiao Yi chuckled, as if the judge had issued the final order.

Yuchi refused: "You just met her earlier than us, Xiao Daoyan. I am also a young master from a high-ranking family. I don't believe I can't fight with you!"

"If what you call a fight is just using those little tricks——"

Xiao Yi glanced out the window indifferently.

The figures outside the window were shaking, and the faint sound of swords could be heard.

The guards from Yuchi's mansion have already surrounded the small courtyard.

Xiao Yi walked to the window and rolled up a bamboo curtain.

In addition to hundreds of guards, Yuchi Changgong's two legitimate sons also came. They were eager to try, obviously planning to capture him and claim credit and rewards from Yuchi Changgong.

Xiao Yi said casually: "If what you call a fight is to secretly inform your two brothers and ask me to fight with them, and you reap the benefits, then you are underestimating me."

Yuchi clenched his fists.

He did have such an idea.

The two direct brothers have often squeezed him out in the past. If they can be eliminated with Xiao Yi's help, then he can become the next head of the Yuchi family, and Xiao Yi, his love rival, will also die here. This is just killing two birds with one stone.

His brows were cold: "Even if you guessed my plan, so what? You are unable to fly today."

Xiao Yi sneered.

He calmly sat down at the desk and took out Nan Baoyi's embroidery work from the sewing basket.

What the little girl is embroidering is probably a leopard, with a nose and eyes, quite vivid.

He admired it and said calmly: "What if I didn't take your brother's life? Then half of your plan has failed."

Yuchi pursed his lips and said nothing.

"How about..." Xiao Yi raised his eyes to look at him. Danfeng's eyes were filled with determination, "I'll make a deal with you."

Yuchi was stunned for a moment and hesitated: "What, what kind of deal?"

Xiao Yi smiled: "I will help you kill those two brothers and let you ascend to the position of young master. You can get me the list of spies that Jiang Zuo has sent to Chang'an over the years."

"List of spies..."

Yuchi looked hesitant.

Apparently, he knew such a list existed.

He quickly shook his head: "It's against the rules of a gentleman."

"The way of a gentleman?" Xiao Yi retorted, "Isn't it against the way of a gentleman that you covet my woman? What's more, both sides should be fighting in an upright manner, so what's the matter with sending spies undercover? Yuchi Beichen, if you are the leader of Jiangnan Lord, let’s fight the battle openly and rob Nan Jiaojiao, okay?”

Yuchi clenched his fists tightly.

Xiao Daoyan is worthy of being a hero who emerged from the fighting in Jinguancheng, and he is indeed resolute and upright in his actions!

If his love rival wants to fight an open and honest battle, how can he resort to intrigues? !

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