Chu Anchen thought quickly in his mind, weighing the situation at hand.

He glanced at Zhuang Tianyi seemingly unintentionally.

Just for a moment, Chu Anchen keenly saw a flash of temptation in Zhuang Tianyi's eyes! !

Chu Anchen was determined!

His expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't feel any pressure from Zhuang Tianyi at all.

Chu Anchen spread his hands casually and said, "Why are you pretending? I came here today and I was already prepared to die."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Zhuang Tianyi's expression showed no emotion, but Chu Anchen could clearly feel the danger involved.

Chu Anchen sighed suddenly.

There was a sad look on his face. He seemed to regard Zhuang Tianyi as a familiar friend. Chu Anchen looked into the distance and spoke happily.

"Mr. Zhuang, you may not know that I have been abused since I was a child. Later, although I resisted and succeeded, I always have to work very hard and be very careful in my actions. I can't make any mistakes." Don’t let my enemies trample me under your feet.”

Chu Anchen turned to look at Zhuang Tianyi, "I think you should also understand the hardships involved."

When Zhuang Tianyi heard this, his pupils shrank sharply.

You have to work hard all the time, act very carefully, and make no mistakes, so as to prevent the enemy from trampling on you.

He knows this very well!

For as long as he can remember, he has been exposed to cutthroat competition.

He never dared to relax, not even the slightest bit of relaxation.

I still remember when I was seven years old.

Because he was playful and accidentally fell into the trap set by his cousin in advance.

That time, he almost lost the family's trust! He was almost kicked out of the family!

Although he was still young at the time, he remembered this incident very clearly!

From then on, he no longer dared to take anything lightly, even when sleeping, he could not relax his vigilance!

In all these years, he has never slept peacefully for a day!

He spent countless nights with his eyes open, and he didn't even dare to take medicine to fall asleep!

This also caused him to suffer from many illnesses.

Now that Chu Anchen mentioned it, he couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

Chu Anchen had been paying attention to Zhuang Tianyi's expression from the corner of his eye. Chu Anchen caught the flash of emotion in Zhuang Tianyi's eyes!

He made the right bet!

Chu Anchen felt a little relieved.

Chu Anchen continued, "Tell me, why do we humans have to live with such difficulty? I often wonder, why do we humans have to live? If we die, we will no longer have to suffer... Sooner or later anyway It’s going to die, isn’t it?”

Chu Anchen looked sad, but only he knew it best.

He couldn't bear to die!

He still has Yan Ge, and there are so many people who care about him.

He hasn't married Yan Ge yet, and he hasn't realized his wish yet!

He has many, many more good years ahead of him.

The world is so beautiful, but there are still many places he hasn't seen yet. He can't die!

But when Zhuang Tianyi heard this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


Why do people live?

From the moment he was born, he was destined to never live a happy and peaceful life.

He always lives cautiously, and he has never smiled sincerely since he can remember.

Even now that he is in a high position and has such huge wealth, he has never been happy.

The only person I loved also died in countless conspiracies...

And their daughter’s life and death are still unknown...


He still hasn't found Ling'er!

Ling'er still doesn't know where he is suffering, he can't die!

He wants to find his Linger!

Ling'er is so innocent and cute, he won't allow her to be wronged!

Zhuang Tianyi suddenly raised his head! He whipped out a gun and pointed it directly at Chu Anchen's head!

Zhuang Tianyi looked sinister, "Oh, Chu Anchen, don't think you can seduce me with just a few words!"

"Hurry up and tell Ling'er's clues! Otherwise, you, your fiancée, the Yan family, and the Song Yang family will all go to hell!!"

Zhuang Tianyi's expression was sinister, he had turned back into the murderous devil again!

Chu Anchen's heart trembled!

He controlled himself tightly and did not let himself show the slightest fear!

Yan Ge, the Yan family, and Song Yang are all his weaknesses!

And the gun that was pressed against his temple right now!

This Zhuang Tianyi is really uncertain!

If you disagree, you can put a gun to his head!

At such a close distance, if there was a slight misfire, he would be dead! !

This fear that his life was about to pass away made him feel weak all over!

No! He couldn't show any fear.

Once he shows fear of death, Zhuang Tianyi can threaten him with death!

Quietly suppressing the fear in his heart, Chu Anchen smiled.

He was still so calm.

"I can die, but once I die, I can only go to hell with clues about Zhuang Linger."

Chu Anchen's eyes were clear, as if he was really open-minded and not afraid of death.

After a pause, Chu Anchen said seriously, "Mr. Zhuang, I just want to ask for a life guarantee for me and the people I care about. As long as it can guarantee the safety of me and the people around me, I am very happy. Helping you find the daughter you care about, the beauty of adulthood.”

Chu Anchen's eyes were honest, clear and without a trace of impurities.

Zhuang Tianyi pursed his lips tightly and looked at Chu Anchen steadily.

He squinted his eyes, and the emotion in his eyes was unclear.

It was not until this moment that Zhuang Tianyi suddenly realized that Chu Anchen.

It seemed that he was not as easy to grasp and control as he imagined!

He seemed to be out of his control.

Since they parted in the warehouse that day, he had been monitoring Chu Anchen all the time.

After they returned to Zhengda, Xia Qinglin strengthened the guards around Zhengda, and he could not act rashly.

But he never gave up monitoring Chu Anchen.

Although he was eager to find out the news about Zhuang Linger, he did not dare to act rashly within Xia Qinglin's sphere of influence.

Zhuang Tianyi knew that Chu Anchen had a fiancée in Kongyin.

During this period, he deliberately arranged for people to stir up trouble with Yan Ge in Kongyin.

As long as he gave a little push to those brainless girls who only knew how to fight for favor, they would naturally come to fruition.

Sure enough, in less than a day, Chu Anchen couldn't help it and walked out of the campus.

As long as he walked out of the campus, he was exposed under his nose!

However, Zhuang Tianyi didn't expect that he was quite courageous.

It seemed that he had expected the people he arranged.

The calm and calm look made Zhuang Tianyi wonder, is he really only eighteen years old?

Even he, at his age, couldn't do it like him.

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