After rebirth, I don’t care about morality anymore!

Chapter 398 What are they talking about?

For several days, Chu Anchen and Yan Ge spent their time studying the information given by Pang Su except for eating and sleeping.

The person invited to participate in the assessment this time was mainly Chu Anchen, and Yan Ge did not want to participate.

Chu Anchen did not know how deep the water of Tiansheng Divine Association was for the time being, and he did not want to take Yan Ge into the water for the time being.

But Yan Ge would be wherever Chu Anchen was. In the past few days, Yan Ge was responsible for taking care of Chu Anchen's food and daily life.

There were many books placed on one side of the house, many of which were about Shenzhou Island. In his spare time, Yan Ge flipped through those books and did not feel bored.

The date of the assessment was set for seven days later. During these seven days, everyone was busy with their own things.

The bigwigs of various countries who had just entered Shenzhou Island had a rare quiet time during these few days, and did not have to deal with any company or political matters.

In these few days, they basically played all over Shenzhou Island.

Among the few people who landed on Shenzhou Island, only Chu Anchen and Yan Ge did not come out for several consecutive days.

This could not help but arouse the suspicion of several people.

Finally, on the morning of the fifth day, Chu Anchen finally opened the door.

Shenzhou Island is surrounded by the sea. In the morning, they can directly see the sun rising from the sea level.

Everyone is used to getting up early. When Chu Anchen opened the door, almost everyone was up.

The place where Chu Anchen lived was a small yard. When he opened the door, he saw many plants unique to Shenzhou Island planted in the yard.

Yan Ge was instantly conquered by the various flowers in front of her.

She walked out of the door, picked up a small flower and sniffed it, and exclaimed sincerely, "These flowers are so beautiful!"

They came back in a hurry that night, and it was night again. She didn't realize that there were so many beautiful flowers in the yard!

In the past few days, in order not to cause trouble to Chu Anchen, even though Yan Ge had always wanted to go out for a walk, she still held back.

This place is unfamiliar, and there are unknown enemies everywhere. Yan Ge dare not walk out alone without permission.

If any trouble is caused, it will be disadvantageous to Chu Anchen.

Chu Anchen looked at Yan Ge, who was smiling like a flower, lovingly.

The flower in Yan Ge's hand was a charming red. Yan Ge stood in the flowers and held the flower in her hand. In a trance, she was like a flower fairy who had strayed into the human world.

Chu Anchen praised sincerely, "This flower is very beautiful, but you are more beautiful than the flower!"

Chu Anchen's tone was affirmative, and Yan Ge's face turned slightly red.

She said coquettishly, "You are the only one who can talk nonsense!"

Chu Anchen always made Yan Ge blush, but Yan Ge's heart was sweeter than drinking honey!

Who doesn't like to hear nice words, not to mention the praise from the sweetheart.

When the two were in tenderness, an inappropriate voice came from outside the yard.

"Chu Anchen! You are so brave! You dare to sneak into this yard!"

Chu Anchen and Yan Ge looked at the voice.

At some point, several people gathered outside the fence gate of the yard.

Chu Anchen recognized at a glance that those people were the newcomers who landed on Shenzhou Island with them!

At this time, they were wearing casual clothes and seemed to be preparing to go somewhere for fun.

Chu Anchen looked at the people outside the door in confusion, and didn't understand what he meant for a while.

Yan Ge was also confused.

Seeing that the two did not respond to them, the people immediately got angry.

"Don't think about playing dumb! Can you enter this yard? Come out now!"

Chu Anchen frowned, "I live in this yard, why can't I enter?"

Looking at the anger of the people with a hint of gloating, Chu Anchen was a little confused.

Wasn't it fine at the banquet a few days ago?

At that time, although they ignored him and even always looked down on him.

But there was no such great malice, right?

Since returning to this small courtyard from the banquet that day, Chu Anchen and Yan Ge have never gone out again, and it is impossible for them to offend them.

When several people heard Chu Anchen's words, they laughed immediately.

They pointed at Chu Anchen and mocked him without hesitation.

"Hahahahahaha... Did you hear what he said? He said he lives in this courtyard!"

"It's just a fantasy! How could he, a newcomer who just landed on Shenzhou Island, live in this courtyard?"

"I haven't seen him these days. I suspected that he was secretly doing something big. I didn't expect that he actually ran into this courtyard to see flowers!"

"Young people are young people. They only know how to have a romantic relationship with their little fiancée all day long. How can they take on any important responsibilities?"

"That's right! The assessment will be in two days. He doesn't even get familiar with Shenzhou Island. How can he pass the assessment then?"

"These two... We don't have to worry about these young people, they are not competitive at all!"

"That is, in terms of financial resources, connections, power, knowledge and experience, which one can compare with us?"

"In my opinion, he doesn't even need to take the test, just come to Shenzhou Island to have fun, and be sent home obediently."

"Shenzhou Island is not a place where everyone can come. It is a great honor for these two little kids to be able to come to Shenzhou Island for such a trip!"

"You are right! ......"


Chu Anchen and Yan Ge stared at the group of people outside the yard in amazement.

They really didn't understand what they were talking about.

They looked around.

This courtyard wasn't that big. For people like them who were at the top of their countries, it wasn't really luxurious.

There were just all kinds of flowers and plants in the courtyard. There was nothing special about it.

Why did they say that they had entered some extraordinary place?

Didn't they live in this kind of courtyard?

Since they could already move around, the place they lived in should not be the small single room with people guarding the door like a prison when they first landed on the island, right?

Chu Anchen asked hesitantly, "Everyone, what are you talking about? I really just live here and just walked out of the room today."

Chu Anchen and Yan Ge both looked puzzled. They didn't know how such a small thing could be worth the big guys like them laughing at them.

Hearing Chu Anchen say this, the group of people outside laughed even louder!

"Hahahahahahahaha... this little brat is still dreaming!"

"Does he think that as long as they act stupid enough, they can fool us?"

"Children are children. Do they think we are their peers and so easy to fool?"

"No! He doesn't take us seriously!"

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