Everyone looked at the front row in confusion, while Song's father and mother around the front row, as well as Chu Anchen and Yan Ge on the stage, were completely stunned!

They looked in the direction of the front row in shock and disbelief.

This voice is so familiar to them, and they miss it so much!

Chu Ning'er, who was beside him, was obviously startled.

She stared blankly at 그 beside her and exclaimed, "Wow~ the sleeping beauty has woken up!!"

Song Yang turned to look at Chu Ning'er blankly.

The moment he saw Chu Ning'er, Song Yang couldn't help but blush.

This is the girl who has been chattering next to his ear.

Before he woke up, although he couldn't move his body, he could hear the sound. At the beginning, everyone collapsed, but later on, he could hear Chu Ning'er talking non-stop in his ear.

Father Song and Mother Song were already trembling, with tears in their old eyes. They looked at Song Yang in disbelief.

"Xiaoyang, you, you're awake, you're really awake!! You're really awake!!!"

They walked over quickly and touched Song Yang's body here and there.

Yan Ge had just stood up and his legs were not very flexible yet. Chu Anchen supported Yan Ge and hurried towards Song Yang.

Although Song Yang had been lying down for three months, during these three months, Song's father and Song's mother kept massaging his body and moving his muscles, so Song Yang didn't feel much discomfort for a while.

He moved his body a little, got out of the wheelchair, and turned into the lively Song Yang!

Chu Anchen had just suppressed the tears and filled his eyes again.

He looked up and down Song Yang's body and patted his shoulder, "Good boy! You finally woke up, you finally woke up!!!"

Chu Anchen was so excited that he didn't know what to say, so he kept repeating this sentence.

He finally woke up, Song Yang finally woke up! ! !

Grandpa is right, 꿷天 is a good day, 꿷天 is a very good day! !

He and Yan Ge got married, Yan Ge stood up, and Song Yang woke up! ! !

At some point, noisy gongs and drums rang, reflecting the excitement of the crowd.

Finally, they couldn't help it anymore, they hugged each other and cried with joy!

At this moment, the haze that had been suppressed in the public for three months completely dissipated!

They finally ushered in a happy scene.

Yan Ge looked at Chu Anchen who was finally relaxed and felt sincerely happy for him.

Yan Ge has always known that there is always a big stone in An Chen's heart.

No matter what she did or tried to persuade, Chu Anchen always felt guilty about her loss of mobility in her legs and Song Yang's transformation into a plant.

The guilt was like a big stone, always pressing on Chu Anchen's head, making his brows often unable to relax and there was always a hint of worry in his eyes.

Song Yang patted Chu Anchen on the back and comforted him, "Okay, okay, I don't shed tears easily. Today is your big day, we should be happy!"

Chu Anchen calmed down and nodded heavily, "Yes! We should be happy!"

Chu Anchen felt relieved at this moment.

He finally put down the big stone that had been weighing on him for three months and showed a sincere and bright smile.

Song Yang pushed Chu Anchen to Yan Ge's side, "Go on quickly, I can attend your wedding!"

Yan Ge painfully wiped away Chu Anchen's tears and held Chu Anchen's hand tightly.

The days ahead are still very long, and they will all be able to live happily.

The two great events of Song Yang and Yan Ge's recovery undoubtedly made the atmosphere of Chu Anchen and Yan Ge's wedding even more festive.

Chu Anchen and Yan Ge were pushed back to the high platform and continued to complete the rest of the wedding.

Yan Ge's legs resumed walking, and Professor 늳 was equally happy.

Professor Xia was equally happy when Song Yang woke up.

Among his students, apart from Chu Anchen, the one he loved and couldn't let go of was Song Yang.

When he saw Song Yang was shot and turned into a plant, Professor Xia used all his energy to contact various authoritative doctors for Song Yang.

With the joint efforts of several parties, Song Yang was pulled back from the line of death.

Now seeing Song Yang miraculously waking up, how could Professor Xia not be happy?

The voices of both sides were particularly high-pitched.

After exchanging rings, the two celebrated the Chinese wedding ceremony and worshiped heaven and earth!

Chu Anchen approached Yan Ge and asked quietly, "Can your legs still hold up?"

Yan Ge's legs had just learned to stand, and Chu Anchen was worried that Yan Ge would not be able to stand for such a long time.

Yan Ge nodded, "It's okay."

With a smile on her face, she could only see Chu Anchen and their wedding in front of her.

If you have just regained your standing legs, you will definitely not be able to stand for such a long time at one time.

But what Chu Anchen didn't know was that every time Chu Anchen went out, she would do rehabilitation training desperately, plus acupuncture, massage, and drink extremely bitter Chinese medicine...

It was because of Yan Ge's persistence and Yan Ge's determination that her legs miraculously stood up again!

It only took three months, which made countless doctors sigh, this is simply a miracle among miracles!

Although it is difficult for Yan Ge to stand for a long time now, Yan Ge wants the two of them to have no regrets and complete the most important wedding in their lives.

Seeing that there was no pain on Yan Ge's face, Chu Anchen relaxed slightly.

Chu Anchen kept telling him, "If you feel uncomfortable, be sure to tell me, don't just bear it."

Yan Ge nodded vigorously and responded obediently, "Okay."

The two returned to the center of the platform. Chu Tian, ​​Yan Song, and Wen Ning had already sat down on the high seats.

Song Yang repeatedly risked his life to protect himself from disasters, but Song's father and mother did not blame him at all. Instead, they took good care of Chu Anchen.

In Chu Anchen's heart, he had already regarded Song Yang's parents as his own parents.

At Chu Anchen's repeated requests, Song's father and mother sat on the platform.

The two were still a little shy, but they could not resist the enthusiasm of the crowd.

With Professor Wang's loud shout, "Bow to the heaven and earth——"

Chu Anchen and Yan Ge held a big red flower together. The two turned around at the same time, facing the vast world, and bowed deeply.

This bow is a thank you to all things in the world. It is this vast land that gave birth to them, and it is this world that allowed the two to meet, know each other, love each other, stay together, and finally enter the palace of marriage.

After the two finished the ceremony, Professor Xia continued to shout.

"Second bow to the parents--"

Chu Anchen and Yan Ge turned around again, facing the elders with happy faces, and bowed deeply again.

This bow is their gratitude to their parents and elders. It is their parents and elders who gave them life and raised them up.

Not only is it a thank you to their parents and elders, this bow is also a farewell to them.

They are about to change from the roles of "son", "grandson" and "daughter" to the roles of "husband" and "wife".

They are about to form their own warm little family, they will have their own daughter, and establish their own harbor.

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