As early as half an hour ago.

Chu Fang came out of the kitchen with a pot of vegetables and rice, and then went to the second bedroom to wake up her son. Although what happened yesterday kept her awake all night, and the resentment in her heart has been accumulating until now, but after all, she was pregnant for ten years. The biological son born in the moon.

"You bastard, get up quickly."

Chu Fang opened the curtains, and the dazzling sunlight shone directly on Yu Xiaocheng's face, waking him up from his sleep.


"I am a disabled person now." Yu Xiaocheng rubbed his eyes and said helplessly: "Can you care more about the disabled people?"

Chu Fang snorted coldly and said angrily: "With all the bad things you did, it's good that I didn't drive you out of the house. You also forced me to get up quickly, wash my face, brush my teeth and have breakfast. Today you Just stay at home and don’t go anywhere!”

Yu Xiaocheng stood up from the bed with a groan, then picked up a pair of crutches, walked out of the room slowly, went to the bathroom and washed up briefly.

"Why is it pickled rice again?"

Seeing the vegetable pickled rice in front of him, there were a few slices of rice cakes in it, and his heart almost stopped. Yu Xiaocheng said helplessly: "Are there any big cakes, deep-fried dough sticks, soy milk or something like that? Or pan-fried steamed dumplings, too?" There really isn’t any. Rice and tofu will do.”

Chu Fang rolled her eyes and said calmly: "Do you like to eat or not? If you don't eat, you will be hungry. You are used to it day by day and even an old woman like Zheng Yanru wants it."


"No. Why did this attitude change so quickly?" Yu Xiaocheng looked at her doubtfully and asked curiously: "A while ago, she was saying that she was good and that was good, but suddenly her attitude changed 180 degrees. Change, Mom, you can change your mind faster than you can read a book."

Chu Fang sneered and said angrily: "Why, haven't you made up your mind yet? Besides, that vixen will definitely come to you, so keep a good distance, and don't go outside with her."


Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips and said cautiously: "Mom, do you think I can withstand your bestie's coquettishness?"

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand up for me!"

Chu Fang glared at him fiercely and said angrily: "Anyway, you are not allowed to hug her, you are not allowed to have trysts with her outside, you are not allowed to stay at her house, and you are absolutely not allowed to bring her intimate clothes back. "

As soon as Chu Fang finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

The mother and son looked at each other, knowing very well who the person at the door was. Chu Fang stood up silently and said coldly: "Sit down for me."

Slowly walked to the door of the house and looked outside through the peephole. Sure enough, at the door was the once best friend, but now the slutty vixen who kidnapped her son. Chu Fang pursed her lips and opened the door gently. Door.

The two sisters, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and enemies were looking at each other quietly at the door. Chu Fang suddenly said, "Go back."


The door was closed directly by her.


"You continue to have breakfast, you are just a salesman." Chu Fang said calmly.

Then the next second.

There were shouts and knocks outside the door.

"Open the door!"

"Chu Fang, you old lady, hurry up and open the door for me!" Zheng Yanru shouted loudly at the door, slapping the door panel while shouting.

The old lady's words instantly made the calm Chu Fang no longer calm. She angrily walked to the door, opened the door suddenly, and said angrily: "What are you shouting, you vixen?"


"Step aside!"

"I want to take my husband home." Zheng Yanru said coldly with a dark face.

"What husband?"

"My son is the only one here." Chu Fang replied angrily without showing any signs of weakness.


The pretty and wealthy woman took out two copies of the marriage certificate and said with a smile: "Your son is my husband. This is the marriage certificate between me and your son. It has our photos and our personal information, including The stamp of Shenhai Civil Affairs Bureau is legally binding.”

Facing Zheng Yanru who had a marriage certificate, Chu Fang suddenly dwarfed her by half, but she didn't want to lose the fight or let her son be taken away by her. She said angrily: "It's just a marriage certificate. Just divorce when the time comes. I You will persuade your son to file for divorce, just wait and see, you vixen!"

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Do you think you can get divorced if you want? How can it be such a simple thing? Let me tell you. I, I, have decided on the identity of your son's wife, and no one can take it away. , It’s useless even if God comes, I said.”

After saying that,

Pushing Chu Fang out of the way, Zheng Yanru rushed in directly.

And Chu Fang was not a light-hearted person, so she hurriedly grabbed her former best friend, and then the two women who had always been strong in their lives began to fight with each other. Yu Xiaocheng, the melon-eating crowd on the side, was stunned. He wanted to He went up to try to dissuade him, but he was worried about accidentally hurting himself. In the end, he could only seek help from Song Qinqin.


"Aunt Song!"

"Come and save me, they are fighting!!"

After receiving the call, Song Qinqin suddenly sat up from the bed and said with a stunned expression: "What! Your mother and your Aunt Zheng got into a fight?"


"The beating was so fierce that he pulled on the opponent's clothes and wouldn't let go. Oh, oh, oh, don't pull the hair! Don't pull the hair!"

Yu Xiaocheng's frightened voice came from the mobile phone, and then two women were cursing. At this time, Song Qinqin realized the seriousness of the matter, got up without saying a word, and shouted into the mobile phone: "Xiaocheng. Song Qinqin" Auntie, come right away. Control the situation and don't let the two of you fight anymore. "

hang up the phone,

While Song Qinqin was putting on his clothes, he called the director of the department and asked for a day's leave, then hurriedly walked out of the house.

When they arrived at Chu Fang's house, Yu Xiaocheng opened the door. Song Qinqin saw that the living room was in a mess. Zheng Yanru and Chu Fang were sitting on the sofa, each sitting in the corner. The image was not to mention how embarrassing it was. .

"What are you doing! What are you doing!"

Song Qinqin was instantly furious and asked angrily: "What do you two want to do?"

Facing Song Qinqin's anger, the two sisters, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and enemies each glanced at each other, snorted in unison, and then continued to remain silent.

"I'm really convinced!"

"Does it have to be this bad?" Song Qinqin gritted his teeth and said: "Since you are all like this, I will take Xiaocheng away. Neither of you can even think of seeing him. Take advantage of this period. You guys should also calm down."

"Let's go!"

"Aunt Song, take you out of this hellish place."

Song Qinqin supported his good sister's son and prepared to leave here.

for a time,

Zheng Yanru and Chu Fang both looked at Song Qinqin, but when they saw that the other party did not speak, they suppressed their silence until they disappeared. They were still angry at each other.

the other side,

Yu Xiaocheng was taken into the car by Song Qinqin. He now looked haggard and helpless, and said bitterly: "Aunt Song, help me get a room in the hotel. I'll stay in the hotel these days."


"I'll take you to the hotel now."

Song Qinqin didn't want to take Yu Xiaocheng back to his home. After all, he was still single. It would be a bit bad to bring a man home. In addition, it would be easy for Zheng Yanru and Chu Fang to come to his door. When the war broke out in his home, then It's just really bad.

"don’t worry."

"I'll help you."

While Song Qinqin was driving, he glanced at the expression of his friend's son from time to time. Seeing his sad face, he hurriedly comforted him: "They really care about you so much, that's why the trouble has reached this level. Speaking of which, you are quite happy. The two women who love you most in the world.”

"Don't mention it."

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have. Forget it." Yu Xiaocheng smiled bitterly and said leisurely: "Sometimes even if it happens ten thousand times, I will still choose her."

Song Qinqin smiled slightly and said softly: "You are infatuated, but your Aunt Zheng is even more infatuated than you. She will never be able to live without you in this life, and she will even sever ties with your mother. Of course, I don't mean to say that. You protect her, but let you understand that your Aunt Zheng loves you very much, as for your mother."

"I think."

"Aside from your wife, the woman who loves you the most in this world is your mother." Song Qinqin murmured: "Also, Aunt Song reminds you that the so-called untying of a bell requires the person who ties it. You are the cause of the conflict between them. "

Although Yu Xiaocheng did not respond, there were various murmurs deep in his heart. How should he break this embarrassing situation?

Yu Xiaocheng was lying alone in the hotel, quietly looking at the ceiling above his head, his thoughts in his mind chaotic.

From the time he arrived at the hotel until now, Zheng Yanru made a total of five calls and Chu Fang made six calls, but Yu Xiaocheng didn't answer any of them. In Song Qinqin's words, they needed to think calmly and think about the best way. Just ignore them.

As for WeChat

The messages were already full, but Yu Xiaocheng didn’t read them all.

at this time

The phone rang again. I thought it was the two of them again, but this time it turned out to be Zheng Xingguo.


"Are you discharged from the hospital?"

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

Zheng Xingguo complained a little on the phone and said angrily: "I missed the opportunity, and the trip was in vain."

Yu Xiaocheng was stunned for a moment and apologized hastily: "Brother, I'm really sorry. I...I forgot to tell you. I'm really sorry."


"You, you."

Zheng Xingguo said in a dumbfounded voice: "You have been with me for so long, and you still don't know his character? This matter has been revealed. Let no one mention it. But then again, you seem to be melancholy."


Yu Xiaocheng opened his mouth, then silently held it back.

"It seems."

"You have a lot of things on your mind that you can't let go of." Zheng Xingguoyu said sincerely: "Brother, you should be more free and unrestrained. Sometimes your obsession is too deep and nothing can be left behind, just like the sand in your hand."

"I left quietly, just as I came gently, waving my sleeves and not taking away a single cloud."

In an instant!

Yu Xiaocheng's soul resonated deeply with it.

Could it be...

Brother is my soul mate?

But the next second.

Zheng Xingguo said meaningfully:

"Seven o'clock in the evening."

"You know!"

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