After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 116 I will watch your son grow up and then marry him

Zheng Yanru looked at Chu Fang quietly, and Chu Fang looked at her quietly. They used to be best friends, and their relationship was like sisters. But until Zheng Yanru fell in love with Chu Fang's son, this The hard-won sisterhood was completely broken.

"Where is my son?"

After Chu Fang came to her senses, she asked coldly with a dark face: "Is he in there?"

"Still sleeping in bed. Last night we were sleeping in the same bed and doing some very happy things." Zheng Yanru didn't hide it. After all, she could find it here. She must know the whereabouts of the little villain, but she is also curious. .How did she know.

Chu Fang took a look at the flirtatious vixen in front of her. Although she was wearing hotel pajamas and pajamas, it was obvious that she had not taken off her underwear, so it can be inferred that the two of them just shared the same bed and hugged each other to sleep. As for happiness, Something that is unlikely to happen.


"The voluptuous vixen can't hold it in any longer. You can go out and look for a wild man, but she chose my son." Chu Fang rolled his eyes at her and said angrily: "It's really that your upper lip is touching the sky and your lower lip is touching the ground - shameless! "

"Yo yo yo."

"I also learned to use proverbs to curse people."

Zheng Yanru smiled slightly and replied calmly: "Swear. You can scold you as much as you like. Anyway, your son is already my man. Not only will I take him away from you, I will also keep you forever." You won’t be able to see him, and you won’t be allowed to see his children.”

"Just you?"

Chu Fang sneered and said: "He is old and has a bad temper. Apart from having a lot of money, what other advantages does he have? I tell you that I will take him on a blind date tomorrow, and I will only pick the kind of young, beautiful, sensible and well-off family." Okay girl, let me ask you, do you think you can still control my son? "

for a time,

Zheng Yanru was almost furious, and her scalp was about to split. She gritted her teeth and replied, "Whatever you want. If you don't believe me, try it and see if he will go on a blind date with you."

Chu Fang rolled her eyes and was too lazy to continue arguing with her, and then said: "Get out of the way, I want to take my son home."


"There is no son inside, only my husband." Zheng Yanru blocked the door and didn't move even half a step.

Then the next second.

The two former sisters pushed each other, and finally Chu Fang managed to squeeze through the door.

When Chu Fang walked to the edge of the bed and saw her son sleeping soundly, she did not wake him up. She just sighed silently and then sat on the sofa. She felt increasingly uncomfortable. In fact, she had noticed His son started to move away from him and was approaching the vixen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Raised so big in vain

In the end, it was cheaper to give it to others, but the key is to give it to her.

at the same time,

Zheng Yanru saw that she did not wake up the little villain, but just took a look and sat on the sofa. Then she was alone there in a daze. After a moment of hesitation, she walked over silently and sat opposite her former best friend.

In the huge room, two women sat looking at each other, but did not say a word to each other. The whole atmosphere was filled with a sense of silence.

"How about it's mine from Monday to Friday, and it's yours on the weekends?" Zheng Yanru said suddenly.

"You know how to make an abacus. Of the seven days in a week, five days are taken up. Leave the remaining two days to me. Do you think you are sending me a beggar?" Chu Fang curled her lips and said angrily: "Five days are mine, two are mine." God be yours.”

"I am his wife! We are husband and wife, why can't I take the majority? I want to take the majority!" Zheng Yanru said angrily: "Anyway, I have made a concession. Whether you accept it or not is your business. ”


"Is your wife amazing?"

"It's not like you can't divorce after you get married, and the divorce rate is so high now." Chu Fang said coldly: "Besides, if I give you five days, what will you do if you torment my son to death? You are such a slut. I’m afraid my son won’t be able to get out of bed for five days.”

It was just a simple confrontation, but Zheng Yanru lost completely. At this moment, her face was flushed, and her anger revealed shame. She wanted to retaliate but didn't know how, and then she snorted coldly refusing to admit defeat.

The atmosphere will return to its previous coldness, and the two sisters will just sit here.

In fact, both Zheng Yanru and Chu Fang regret it. After all, it is not what they want to see when their relationship has reached this level. It’s just that both sisters are strong women in their lives, especially Chu Fang, who has never succumbed to the hardships of life. Even during the most painful and difficult days, she gritted her teeth and got through it.

at this time,

Yu Xiaocheng drowsily opened his eyes, looked around and found that there was no one around him. Just when he was about to call the rich woman's aunt, he noticed the reception area not far away from the corner of his eye, and was shocked. A chill came from the corner of his eye. The soles of the feet go straight to the cerebral cortex.

Damn it!

Did they meet again?

No, no, I can't wake up at this time, otherwise I will be involved in the sisters' fight again.

at this time,

Zheng Yanru asked, "How did you know about this place? Did Song Qinqin tell you about it? Or did you get it from somewhere else?"

"Qinqin told me."

"I begged her for more than an hour before telling me the address." Chu Fang pursed her lips, with a hint of anger between her brows, and said displeasedly: "This Song Qinqin seems to have been wearing the same pants as you for a long time. My family will take my son away and give it to you later.”

Zheng Yanru flattened her mouth and replied calmly: "That's not true. I asked a friend to ask her."

Hearing this,

Chu Fang's resentment disappeared and she felt a little comfort in her heart.

the other side,

Yu Xiaocheng, who was pretending to sleep, noticed that the two sisters were quite harmonious today and did not start fighting like yesterday. He hesitated for a long time and decided to get up. As for what to do after getting up, he naturally drove them away, but in order to balance the two. In fact, it is quite good to choose to go home with my mother.

After all, I slept with my rich aunt last night, so I naturally had to go home during the day to balance the scales.


"Sleep so comfortable."

Yu Xiaocheng lazily stretched his waist and slowly sat up from the bed. When he saw the two sisters in the reception area not far away, he suddenly looked surprised. Their superb acting skills were comparable to those of Oscar-winning actors. He said in horror: "Mom, guys"

Chu Fang snorted coldly and said calmly: "Get up quickly. Then come home with me. I will fool around with the vixen all day long. Is there any future?"

Zheng Yanru curled her lips and was about to retort, but then she swallowed it silently.


The pretty and mature rich woman deliberately called her "husband" very loudly, just to make the woman in front of her angry to death, and said softly: "You go back. I will come to you again in the evening, and I will stay in your room by the way. Give you a bath and warm your bed.”

Don't say it yet.

These words successfully made Chu Fang angry.

"How shameless."

Chu Fang glared at the rich woman in front of her and said through gritted teeth, "You used to be his aunt."

"What's wrong, aunt?"

"Can't Auntie be his wife?"

The once pretty and rich woman mentioned this matter, filled with shame from head to toe, but times have changed. As the love affair was discovered, the relationship between the sisters broke down. Faced with this matter again, she no longer felt any shame, and even the rich woman wanted to I brought it up voluntarily just to make the other party angry.

"Not only do I want to be his wife, I also want to be pregnant with his child." Zheng Yanru looked directly at her, with a hint of pride in her brows, and continued: "Don't tell me yet. Watch your son grow up day by day. Big, and then becoming my husband, this feeling is great, of course it must be very painful for you, right?”


A sure kill!

Chu Fang was so angry that her whole body burst into tears, because every word of what the pretty and wealthy woman just said pierced her heart.


"OK OK."

"You two, stop making trouble." Seeing that something was wrong, Yu Xiaocheng hurriedly tried to dissuade her: "Mom, please wait for me to wash up and then take me back. By the way, I will be sent to Shanghai University in the afternoon."

Chu Fang, who was about to get angry, suppressed her anger and snorted coldly. She didn't pay attention to the vixen opposite.

In the following time,

The two sisters were relatively harmonious and no longer bickered with each other.

At this time

Chu Fang's cell phone rang, and the caller was Song Qinqin.


"Have you taken your son back?" Song Qinqin asked quietly on the phone.

Chu Fang took a deep breath and said calmly: "We will take him back soon, but there will be a little accident."

After saying that,

He glanced at the woman opposite.


"What accident?" Song Qinqin asked curiously.

Chu Fang curled her lips and replied angrily: "Not only is my son in the room, there is also a slutty vixen, and it was the vixen who opened the door."


"You mean Yanru is here too? No. It's impossible! I didn't tell her, and she didn't come to ask me." Song Qinqin was surprised and a little confused. He didn't expect such a result at all.

The pretty and wealthy woman had a dark face and shouted angrily: "Song Qinqin! You traitor!"

"Cough cough cough"

"Um. I'm going to work."


Seeing that the situation was not good, Song Qinqin, the chicken thief, hung up the phone immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Song Qinqin frowned. Faced with this unexpected surprise, she was full of doubts in her heart. How did she know that he didn't tell her?


Tian Li!

It must be her!

Song Qinqin suddenly smiled bitterly, these two sisters really did everything they could.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that the little bad guy was about to get into his best friend's car to go home, the pretty and wealthy woman hugged her best friend's son tightly in front of her best friend, and kissed her best friend's son fiercely on the mouth with her plump and red lips.

"No matter what."

"Auntie only recognizes you as a man." Zheng Yanru looked at him affectionately and asked softly and coquettishly: "Do you like Auntie? Do you like Auntie to be your wife?"

In an instant,

Yu Xiaocheng's whole body was numb because he felt his mother's murderous eyes staring at him.

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