After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 125 The mother-in-law is not too big a deal to watch the excitement

Qu Chunyan stood there dumbfounded, staring at the scene in front of her, her mind buzzing for a while. After she recovered from the shock, she silently closed the door and tiptoed back to the corridor.

"This little girl's sleep state is so bad that her toes are stuck into Xiao Cheng's mouth." Qu Chunyan pursed her lips and murmured to herself: "Xiao Cheng, Xiao Cheng, you have worked so hard. It’s really unfair for you to marry a girl from my family, but it’s your fate!”

at the same time,

Yu Xiaocheng had a very interesting dream. In this dream, he was eating a bowl of fragrant pig's trotter rice. The key point is that the pig's trotter is not only round in shape, but also exudes a delicate and delicate look. I can't help but Suck hard, suck hard and chew hard.

Why is it so delicious?

Yu Xiaocheng was nibbling and nibbling in his dream. In the middle of nibbling, he suddenly woke up from the dream. When he opened his sleepy eyes, he realized that there was no pig's trotter rice. In fact, what he had just seen was just a dream. That’s all.

Wait, something is wrong!

If this is a dream, why... why does it seem like there is something in its mouth?

The confused Yu Xiaocheng let go of his mouth and subconsciously raised a slender jade leg in his arms. When he looked at the slender jade foot in front of him, all the thoughts in his mind were drained out in an instant. For a second, a strong feeling of nausea surged through his body.

Ouch, I'm so fucked!

Could it be that I hugged my mother’s best friend’s feet and chewed them all night?

At this moment, Yu Xiaocheng, whose whole body was cracked, hurriedly sat up from the bed, and then the mature and beautiful vixen came into view. Her sleeping appearance showed no signs of being aloof as usual.

My rich aunt probably doesn't have athlete's foot, right?

Yu Xiaocheng read a report. Scientists have shown that women's feet have about six times more bacteria than men's feet, so he is very panicked now. He is worried about athlete's foot in his mouth. .

He carefully picked up the rich aunt's jade feet, put them in front of his nose and smelled them carefully.



Just when Yu Xiaocheng was celebrating that she would not get athlete's foot, the rich aunt woke up from her sleep. When she opened her eyes, she saw a very outrageous scene. Her best friend's son actually grabbed her feet, and then .and smell it there.

"What are you doing?"

Zheng Yanru's eyes widened, and she asked angrily with a hint of shame in her confusion.



Yu Xiaocheng groaned and didn't know how to explain it. He couldn't tell the rich aunt. He held her feet and gnawed them all night.

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes, raised the foot he was holding, gently poked his face with her toes, and said angrily: "Little pervert. You were smelling Auntie's feet so early in the morning. Do you like Auntie's feet that much?" Do your aunt’s feet smell good? Why don’t you take a bite?”

Two bites?

I've been eating all night!

Yu Xiaocheng curled his lips and said bitterly: "Do you know what you did to me last night? Do you know how much harm you have caused to my young heart? You know that you have already hurt me. Defiled?"


Yu Xiaocheng sighed deeply, raised his head at a forty-five-degree angle, looked at the ceiling above his head with a sad face, and murmured to himself: "I have been walking on thin ice in my life, and it seems that I can't reach the other side."

What a mess!

I couldn't understand what he was saying at all.

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "I don't even understand what you are saying. Hurry up and talk to auntie. What happened last night?"

"Look at how you sleep first." Yu Xiaocheng reminded.

The rich aunt was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she was actually lying sideways on the bed, and he was pushed to the edge by her. Suddenly, a faint blush appeared on the cheeks on both sides, and she replied in embarrassment: "What a fuss." Yes, it’s not the first day you knew about it.”


"But what happened next can be said to be a shadow for my whole life." Yu Xiaocheng took a deep breath and replied seriously: "Last night you put your feet on my face, and then I hugged you I gnawed my toes all night, and the key point was that I had a dream that I was eating pig’s feet.”

As soon as the words fell,

Yu Xiaocheng held his head, pulled his hair hard, and said painfully: "My life has no light!"

After listening to the little villain's narration, the pretty and wealthy woman was not only a little ashamed, but also felt an indescribable secret joy, like a feeling that a great revenge had been avenged. Thinking about it carefully, it was true. After all, this little villain was usually very noisy. .


"I'm going to the bathroom to brush my teeth."

Yu Xiaocheng was about to leave the bed to clean his mouth, but the rich aunt pulled him back, hugged his waist tightly, and kept pushing her body inwards.

"Smelly man!"

"Auntie's stockings have been licked. What's wrong with eating auntie's toes?" Zheng Yanru pouted and said softly: "I think you also like to eat. After all, you have been chewing on auntie's feet all night. It’s fragrant and smooth, do you know how many people out there want it? It’s okay to not be grateful, but they actually dislike it.”


She is going crazy!

Yu Xiaocheng's scalp was almost split. It was obvious that the rich aunt in his arms was playing tricks and making fun of himself.


"You want to touch Auntie's butt, Auntie's feet, Auntie's legs, so then" Zheng Yanru pouted, reached out to his waist, gently pinched a handful of meat, and muttered: "What's wrong with eating Auntie's feet?"


"This is stealing the concept." Yu Xiaocheng said helplessly with a look of despair.

The rich aunt snorted coldly and retorted unhappily: "Since you like Auntie, love Auntie deeply, and want to spend your whole life with Auntie, then you must accept everything about Auntie! Including eating Auntie's feet."

It's over

My aunt has learned bad things.

Yu Xiaocheng was speechless for a while. The key is that this kind of thing can't be told to the outside world, so he can only swallow it in his stomach

After a fierce ideological struggle, Yu Xiaocheng finally chose to compromise. He accepted his fate of walking on thin ice, and then quietly glanced at his mother's bestie in his arms, watching her blushing face reveal a trace of arrogance and bad intentions, vaguely like a successful evil plan.

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and the more annoyed he became.

Yu Xiaocheng bit his lips, secretly calculating his revenge plan in his heart. After thinking carefully, he unexpectedly pushed the rich woman in his arms to the ground, and then gently held her cheek with a lightning-fast momentum.

"Since you are unkind to me, don't blame your husband for being unjust to you!" Yu Xiaocheng looked down at her, staring at her fiercely, and said angrily.

"You you."

Before his mother and bestie finished speaking, Yu Xiaocheng sucked the rich woman's delicate lips.

In an instant,

Zheng Yanru seemed to be struck by lightning, and her whole body trembled, followed by various struggles. The shy little iron fist was like raindrops. She hit him hard, and at the same time, she tried her best to close her lips to prevent the enemy from invading the territory, but it was finally conquered.

I don't know how long it has been.

Yu Xiaocheng raised his head and stared at his mother's best friend, asking in a mean way: "Is it delicious?"



"I'll fight you!"

Zheng Yanru, who was furious, opened her arms and hooked his neck, then bit his mouth.

Under the various abuses of the rich aunt, Yu Xiaocheng was already covered with scars. At this time, Zheng Yanru opened the quilt and ran away in a panic. If nothing unexpected happened, she should have gone to the bathroom to brush her teeth. I have to say that she is still quite hypocritical.

"Stinky man!"

"I'm really mad at you!"

Zheng Yanru stood in front of the sink, brushing her mouth over and over again, and her lips were almost bald.


Spitting out the toothpaste mixed with water in her mouth, Zheng Yanru squeezed out another line and continued to brush her mouth. At this time, her mother came in.

Qu Chunyan looked at her daughter and watched her brush her teeth over and over again. She probably knew what was going on in her heart and said unhappily: "Harming others will eventually harm yourself."


"Mom? What are you talking about?" Zheng Yanru asked incoherently.

Qu Chunyan rolled her eyes at her and said leisurely: "I wanted to wake you up in the morning, but I saw you put your feet on Xiao Cheng's face and put your toes into his mouth. Don't do such wicked things in the future."


Zheng Yanru looked embarrassed and stammered: "Mom, your son-in-law likes to eat your daughter's feet."

Qu Chunyan almost laughed in anger, raised her hand and poked her head, and said angrily: "What do you mean by liking to eat your toes? Do you think he is a pervert?"

Is there a possibility.

Your future son-in-law is a little pervert?

Zheng Yanru curled her lips, spit out the toothpaste foam in her mouth, and said, "Mom, there are some things you don't know, but your daughter doesn't want to tell you. Don't look at him as serious, but he is actually very noisy." "Okay." "I don't want to ask about the things between you and your husband, and I don't want to listen." Qu Chunyan smiled gently, "Anyway, you two should just stay away from quarreling." "Don't worry." "Your son-in-law can't beat me." Zheng Yanru answered confidently. Hearing her daughter's answer, Qu Chunyan was so angry that she wanted to roll up her sleeves and beat her. What does it mean to be unable to beat you? Yu Xiaocheng looked at the bowl of pig's trotter noodles in front of him, and his brain was a little unresponsive for a while. "What?" "Don't you like it?" "Mom bought it for you from outside." Qu Chunyan sat opposite, looking at her future son-in-law, and said with a smile: "Yanru said you like pig's trotters the most." At the same time, the rich woman sitting next to the little bad guy was already digging her toes into the ground. I never expected that my mom is also a person who likes to watch the fun and enjoy the trouble!

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