After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 140 The little villain ready to run away



The three of them were all drunk at this moment. Fortunately, they called a driver in advance to take Zheng Yuanqiang to the hotel, and then took the couple back home.

When the mother and daughter saw the muddy appearance of their husbands, they were speechless for a moment, but they had no choice but to say that he was their man after all. They each helped their husbands back to the house, and then there was a lot of fuss, but Qu Chunyan was very simple and rude, It's over when the person is sent to the second bedroom, which is not the case for Zheng Yanru.


"I'll give him a bath."

"It stinks. It smells terrible."

Zheng Yanru supported her little husband and slowly walked up to the bathroom on the second floor. Then she helped him into the bathtub, took off his clothes and pants, washed his body with warm water, and then put on shower gel, like a rich woman. The jade hand gently touched his chest. Inadvertently, a faint blush appeared on the cheeks on both sides.

Then the rich woman took a deep breath and slowly took off someone's pants.

"Root of all evil!"

"It would be nice to have a pair of scissors at this time."

Zheng Yanru was no longer a little girl. Facing the scene in front of her, although her heart was full of shame, she was not trembling to the point of trembling all over. She slowly stretched out her green jade fingers and then flicked them gently a few times.

He took apart a bath ball, put some shower gel on it, kneaded it into tons of foam, and started to clean his little man.

After everything was over, the pretty and wealthy woman walked out of the bathroom and shouted to her mother downstairs: "Mom, bring me a pair of underwear. Dad's underwear should be unworn."


Qu Chunyan responded.


An arm stretched out from the crack of the door, and at the same time there was a brand new pair of underwear in his hand.

After the pretty rich woman got the underwear, she helped her best friend's son put it on and helped him back to her bedroom. At this time, Zheng Yanru was already sweating profusely and was so tired that she was out of breath. It was the first time she experienced serving a man. It's such a troublesome thing.

"stinky man"

"If you come home drunk again, let's see how I can fix you!" Zheng Yanru pinched Yu Xiaocheng's cheek and cursed angrily: "It's so tiring."

After complaining, Zheng Yanru returned to the living room downstairs. Seeing her mother sitting on the sofa, she began to complain and said angrily: "It's really annoying. If I drink so much again in the future, I won't Wait again."

"Isn't this possible?"

Qu Chunyan smiled slightly and said softly: "Look at mom. Mom has been serving your dad for more than thirty years."


"How did you survive?" Zheng Yanru asked curiously, sitting next to her mother.

"It's hard to endure it." Qu Chunyan sighed and replied leisurely: "But Xiaocheng shouldn't be like your dad. I think he is quite a homely person. Once or twice by chance, I think it's excusable. You always You can’t ask a man to make no mistakes in his life.”

"That's true."

Zheng Yanru curled her lips and murmured: "Your daughter is quite satisfied with her home life, and she is also quite hard-working, but... forget it, overall, this husband is quite good, but now he is a little bit spoiled by his father. "Yes, Mom"

Speaking of which,

The rich woman straightened up and said seriously: "Please pay more attention to me and stop hanging out with my husband."

"How do you manage this?"

"He is the son-in-law of the father-in-law." Qu Chunyan said angrily: "Besides, Dad has the same temper as a cow. You, you should take care of Xiao Cheng."


"I can't control him either."

Zheng Yanru pursed her lips and said in a squeaky voice: "Your son-in-law seems to be an honest man, but in fact... he has big ideas."


"I think he listens to you quite a lot." Qu Chunyan said with a smile: "Actually, it doesn't matter. Men will always have some thoughts. As long as they listen to you most of the time, it will be fine. In addition, be nice to your man, especially when he spends time with you. When it comes to money, don’t be picky about Soso.”

"What did I do?" The rich woman became anxious on the spot and said angrily: "I gave your son-in-law a gold card a long time ago, which allows you to spend millions every month, but your son-in-law was stunned. I haven’t spent a dime.”


"I didn't expect such a good child to end up in your hands." Qu Chunyan said to herself with a bitter look on her face.

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes, her face full of dissatisfaction, and replied: "Mom, your daughter is not bad either. You see, I can make a lot of money a year. Yu Xiaocheng can find a wife like me. His ancestral graves are all there." There's smoke."

"I don't know if there is smoke coming out of his ancestral grave. I'm sure there must be green smoke coming out of our ancestral grave." Qu Chunyan said with a smile.


"Mom! Is it interesting?"

Zheng Yanru was so angry that her scalp almost split.

"OK OK."

"Let me tell you something serious, and then go to bed." Qu Chunyan asked softly: "When do you plan to have the baby?"


"I am already preparing for pregnancy. Anyway, I will get pregnant this year." Zheng Yanru replied.

Hearing that she was already preparing for pregnancy, Qu Chunyan's face was full of smiles and she said excitedly: "Oh, I can finally become a grandmother. By the way, you can have two more children by then. Aren't we now advocating the second child?" "Three children may be promoted in the future, and you have to respond to the country's call."

"we'll see"

"Anyway, two are certain. As for the third one, it depends on whether the two children in front are good or not." Zheng Yanru pursed her lips and said in a sweet voice: "If they are all as naughty as your son-in-law, the third one will be Just don’t ask for it, it’s so annoying.”


"Can I have your skin again?"

Qu Chunyan said angrily: "Have you forgotten what happened when you were a child?"


The rich woman was speechless for a moment, then stood up suddenly and went upstairs angrily.

The next morning.

Yu Xiaocheng woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and saw the rich woman in his arms. The next second, a hangover headache swept through his body. After a long time, this feeling slowly disappeared, and then I looked at the whole room. If nothing else happened, I should be at my brother's house.


Why do you feel so refreshed all over?

Yu Xiaocheng touched his body and looked at his underwear. He instantly showed a knowing smile.

at this time,

The rich aunt in her arms also woke up. When she noticed the little bad guy staring straight at her, she subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured: "You little bad guy finally woke up?"


Yu Xiaocheng hugged the bulging and hot body tightly and asked gently: "Did you help me take a bath last night?"


"Can you do it without taking a shower?"

"You are all smelly." Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "You don't even know how tired I am. I helped you from the first floor to the second floor, then to the bathroom, and then back to the room. I’ll also help you take a shower along the way.”

Yu Xiaocheng smiled and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work, my precious aunt, but when you helped me take a bath, did you take the opportunity to do anything extraordinary to me? For example,"

Speaking of which,

He leaned into the rich woman's ear and whispered softly.

When he saw the cold and charming face of his mother's best friend, his face instantly turned red, and his whole body was even trembling slightly.


"How could I possibly"

Zheng Yanru bit her lips and retorted hesitantly: "Who would want to play with such an ugly thing after doing such a shameful thing!"

"Yo yo yo."

"Then why are you blushing?" Yu Xiaocheng asked seriously.


"This is what I call energetic." The rich woman glared fiercely and replied angrily.

"Why are you white again?"

"It's a bit cold," the rich woman pouted and said angrily.

Yu Xiaocheng once again leaned into the ear of his mother's best friend and asked in a low voice: "How many times did you play?"

"Four or five times"

Faced with the unexpected question, the rich woman blurted out instinctively, but was stunned instantly.


I.I.accidentally said it!

Zheng Yanru felt like she was about to explode. Strong shame kept pouring out from the bottom of her heart. She was still blushing at first, but at this moment, her whole body was almost red.

"Just playing?"

"Did you do anything else?" Yu Xiaocheng asked humbly.

"No more."

Zheng Yanru huddled in the arms of her best friend's son, burying her head deeply in it, and replied hesitantly: "Don't ask."


"Is it interesting?" Yu Xiaocheng asked again.

"It's not fun at all." Zheng Yanru pouted and said resentfully, "I should just get a pair of scissors and just scratch it!"

"Will not."

"You will definitely be reluctant to part with it."

Yu Xiaocheng hugged his mother's best friend tightly, leaned against her ear, and said softly: "I suddenly thought of a game."


"Shut up!" Although she didn't know what the game he was talking about was, but she knew it must be dirty without even thinking about it. Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes and said angrily: "I don't want to hear it."

"Listen to it"

"Maybe you like it very much?"

Then Yu Xiaocheng talked about the content of the game in her ear.

Not surprisingly

The two started fighting under the covers.


"You, you. Believe it or not, I'll kick you to death? Oh, don't, don't, don't."

Zheng Yanru was nestled in the arms of her best friend's son, her delicate face on both sides was slightly rosy, her blurred eyes were staring at the ceiling, and her brows showed the tenderness of a mature woman.

"little rascal"

"Let me tell you something." The rich aunt said in a squeaky voice: "I discussed it with your mother-in-law last night. A family meeting should be held tonight. The specific content is..."

"Do I want to participate?" Yu Xiaocheng interrupted.

"Need not."

"If you participate, I'm afraid you will start a fight with my dad." Zheng Yanru said in a low voice.

What's the meaning?

Wait, is the theme of the family meeting going to be

Yu Xiaocheng's eyes were filled with astonishment, an expression of being caught off guard, and even a little panicked.


"Are you going to have a showdown tonight?" Yu Xiaocheng asked nervously.

Zheng Yanru nodded, arched her arms in his arms, and replied softly: "That's right. I'll have a showdown with him tonight."


"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to run away first!"

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