After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 144 Not good! They started fighting!

Yu Xiaocheng sat there obediently, his brows full of tension and fear. Suddenly, Zheng Xingguo sat up and reached out to grab Yu Xiaocheng's wrist. This unexpected move scared Yu Xiaocheng. Half dead.

However, what happened next was far beyond Xiaocheng's expectation. He thought it would be strong winds and heavy rain, but he never expected that it would be calm.

"Xiao Cheng."

"I've made you feel wronged!"

Zheng Xingguo patted the back of his brother's hand, his face full of helpless self-blame, and murmured: "I made you fall into the fire bed of my house."

Yu Xiaocheng couldn't help but was stunned. Looking at his brother who blamed himself even more than himself, he was a little overwhelmed for a moment and asked cautiously: "Brother, don't you mean to blame me at all? I If I drink your tea, smoke your cigarettes, live in your room, and still sleep in your bed, why should I still marry your daughter? I, I."

"What words!"

"Although I'm a little caught off guard, I'm so excited that you can become my son-in-law!" Zheng Xingguo waved his hand and said with an annoyed smile: "Actually, I thought about letting you marry my daughter, but at that time You said you were married, and you swallowed the idea, but you didn’t expect it to end like this.”


"Scared me!"

Yu Xiaocheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said bitterly: "If I had known this, I would have told you earlier. It makes me worried every day. The key is that you scold me every now and then and fight me desperately."

Zheng Xingguo smiled awkwardly and replied helplessly: "Who knew it was you? At that time, I really thought it was the yellow-haired boy outside. Then I was indeed angry with the daughter who worked so hard to raise me. In the blink of an eye, I was deceived by the yellow-haired boy.”

Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips and asked cautiously: "Brother, are you really not angry? Then why did you faint suddenly?"

Zheng Xingguo replied with a smile: "A stone in my heart was relieved, that is to say, the tight string suddenly loosened. So I fainted. In fact, it was nothing serious. The two of them were making a fuss."


"So that's it." Yu Xiaocheng nodded and said seriously: "Actually, I don't blame Yanru and mom. After all, it was really scary at the time. I heard you fainted, and I was worried about you for a long time, brother. I almost ran a red light when I drove here.”

Zheng Xingguo flattened his mouth and said seriously: "Xiao Cheng, you can become my son-in-law. This is something I never dreamed of. At the same time, if I don't agree with your marriage to my daughter, I'll say it in my heart." I don’t really agree.”


"Why don't you agree again?" Yu Xiaocheng asked confusedly: "You were still excited earlier."

"Being excited and disagreeing with me are two different things. You listen to me first before making your own remarks." Zheng Xingguo paused and said sincerely: "I won't elaborate on the relationship between us buddies. I am Worried that you will follow in my footsteps!”

"Xiaoru. If you marry a woman who has the same personality as her mother, who is irritable, domineering, willful, and unreasonable, let me tell you, your life will be miserable in the future!" Zheng Xingguo shook his head and said with a sad face: "I I’ve been through this before, so I don’t want to see you suffer like this.”

Yu Xiaocheng laughed bitterly and said: "It turns out that it's nothing like this. Therefore, when heaven is about to give a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, work his muscles and bones, starve his body, deplete his body, and mess up his place. Because, if you are tempted to endure it, you will be able to do what you cannot."

"I think"

"This is a process that every successful man must go through. Brother, if you marry a woman like my sister-in-law and then become a billionaire, then if I marry a woman like Yanru, I will become a great scientist respected by thousands of people in the future. ." Yu Xiaocheng said, "Brother, don't worry about me, and I love your daughter very much."

Zheng Xingguo looked at him carefully and said happily: "I am completely relieved that you have such an awareness."

As soon as the words fell,

Then he said hesitantly: "Xiao Cheng, can you give me back the watch? It's the Patek Philippe and the Richard Mille. They are all my treasures."

"no problem."

"I'll bring it to you secretly next time." Yu Xiaocheng said hurriedly.

"Okay, okay!"

Zheng Xingguo nodded with satisfaction and hurriedly comforted: "Xiao Cheng, don't be disappointed. I plan to upgrade your wedding house. Originally, your wife wanted to buy a 50 million house. Now I want to add some money. You Do you think 150 million is okay?”


"How about asking your daughter." Yu Xiaocheng said.

"ask her?"

"She and I are still angry. How can we ask her?" Zheng Xingguo said with a smile.


"Why are you still upset?" Yu Xiaocheng asked doubtfully: "Hasn't the misunderstanding been resolved?"

Zheng Xingguo showed a meaningful smile and said seriously: "The two of us will continue to act out this scene. As long as we don't reconcile for a day, we can enjoy one more day of relaxation and freedom, but as long as we reconcile... I Let me tell you, because of the nature of your wife and your mother-in-law, they will join forces against us! "


As expected of an old Jianghu!

I really never expected this superb mastery of tactics!

Yu Xiaocheng looked at him with admiration, couldn't help but give a thumbs up, and whispered: "Brother, all my admiration for you is on this thumb. As expected, ginger is still hot, you can use this trick to get the best of you. It’s too high!”


"young people"

Zheng Xingguo smiled slightly and asked leisurely: "Besides, did Xiaoqiang already know this?"


"But don't blame him. Your daughter didn't let him tell her. If she did, he would be beaten." Yu Xiaocheng explained.

"I know."

Zheng Xingguo flattened his mouth and warned seriously: "Xiao Cheng, this scene must be performed with great success, and it must be very realistic. Don't show your flaws in front of their mother and daughter. When the time comes. Neither of us can afford this sin."


But I can take the blame!

Anyway, when I get caught, I won’t admit it, I’ll just say it was you who instigated it.

Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips and said softly: "Brother, relax, I'm pretty good at acting, shall we start now?"


"You let me brew my emotions."

Outside the ward,

Mother and daughter are waiting anxiously.


"what's the situation?"

"Why is it so quiet inside?" Zheng Yanru was a little anxious and wanted to go in to explore the situation, but stopped at the door. Then she said to her mother beside her: "They say the night before the storm is calm. I'm worried that the two of them will... Fight in the ward."

"probably not."

"Your dad has just woken up now, how can he have any strength." Qu Chunyan pursed her lips, her brows filled with worry, and murmured: "I think the two of them are communicating."

Zheng Yanru hesitated for a moment and was about to push the door open when she was stopped by Qu Chunyan. The rich woman helplessly said to her mother, "Mom, I'm really worried. It's been a long time and there's been no movement at all."

"If you go, it will intensify the conflict." Qu Chunyan said, "Just wait."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Suddenly there was a noise in the ward, which startled the mother and daughter.

"I treat you like my own brother, but you turn around and stab me in the back. From now on, our relationship will be severed! In addition, I will not agree to marry my daughter to you unless I die. !”

"Brother, I don't want things to develop like this, but there is no turning back, and I really like your daughter."

"It's useless! It's useless! I don't agree with it anyway!"

The fierce noise made the mother and daughter outside the door very worried, especially Zheng Yanru, who was helpless with a hint of despair and pain.


"Dad really doesn't agree."

Zheng Yanru curled her lips and asked at a loss, "What should I do?"


"If he hadn't fainted before, Mom would have had many solutions, but his sudden coma made me a little confused about what to do. I was worried that he would faint again." Qu Chunyan hesitated for a while. , comforted him gently: "You should get along with Xiao Cheng first. I will advise your father."

"It can only be the."

Zheng Yanru sighed and murmured.

the other side,

Weng and son-in-law were quarreling with each other, but their faces were full of relaxation and ease, and there was no trace of blushing.

"Xiao Cheng."

“It’s time to die for freedom!”

Zheng Xingguo lowered his voice and whispered, "Come here quickly. I'll give you a slap."


"No. Isn't this scene a bit too much?" Yu Xiaocheng was speechless and lowered his voice. He said bitterly: "There is no such scene in the script!"

"you're so dumb?"

"What's the use of just arguing? You have to do it to make the show realistic." Zheng Xingguo patted his future son-in-law on the shoulder and said sincerely: "I'm too old to take on such a responsibility. Now This burden can only be placed on your shoulders."



Yu Xiaocheng looked confused, but after thinking about it carefully, there was indeed some way out. After all, the rich aunt also fought with her best friend.

what to do?

That can only be sacrificed for freedom!

Yu Xiaocheng took a deep breath and said seriously: "Okay. Who knows that I am a young man, but brother, please don't kill me. If you pretend to be real, I can only use your tricks."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. Just show me your face."

"Oh, be gentle, don't be too heavy."

"Sure! Are you ready? I'm coming!"

"Ready, come on!"

"One, two, three, etc."


Just when Yu Xiaocheng loosened that tight nerve, he was caught off guard and received a slap.


The slap was so natural, with no trace of acting at all, and this was exactly the effect Zheng Xingguo wanted.

at the same time,

It also alarmed the mother and daughter outside the ward.

not good!

They started fighting! !

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