After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 150 There must be something wrong here

Yu Xiaocheng looked at the pretty, mature rich woman in his arms with a look of astonishment, looking at her blushing face holding the universe in her hands, and asked mischievously: "Baby aunt, please move a little bit, that's how fun it is, really?" You are right to listen to me!”

As soon as the words fell,

Yu Xiaocheng raised his eyebrows slightly, praised his mother and best friend in his arms, and said: "Yes, yes, my dear aunt is so smart, she can get it right with just a few clicks. Slow down, please don't say goodbye. Don't be so slow, you You must understand the rhythm of sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, and practice well.”

Zheng Yanru raised her eyes, blushed at him coquettishly, and said angrily: "Stop filling me with ecstasy soup, stinky man. I don't know what you are thinking? I tell you, if you don't listen to me in the future, I will I just broke it off hard."

"Oh My God!"

"No. It was fine, so why did it happen so suddenly?" Yu Xiaocheng looked at her bitterly, and carefully begged for mercy: "It was wrong, wrong. Please be kind and generous, auntie, spare my life."


There was a touch of arrogance between Zheng Yanru's brows, she arched her arms in his arms, and said softly: "Have you decided on the name of our future child?"

Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips and replied softly: "Well, let your best friend do this, but it's still early. This pregnancy is not something you can get pregnant just because you want it. It takes the right time. , By the way, you can buy that kind of test paper now.”

"I have already placed an order online," Zheng Yanru said softly while waving her hand gently, "I bought a hundred sets of test strips."

"Why so many?"

Yu Xiaocheng frowned and asked doubtfully: "What do you want to do?"


"Are you panicking?"

The rich aunt smiled angrily and said: "Of course I have my own reasons for buying so much. I asked people around me who have given birth to a baby, and they basically do it every two days. And I have already thought about various tests every day. If you don’t get pregnant this year, go to the hospital for a checkup. You go with me.”

Yu Xiaocheng curled his lips and said angrily: "I'm not going. I'm very healthy! What kind of check-up do you want? I won't go anyway. Even if you kill me, I won't do this. examine."

"What are you in a hurry for?"

"I didn't say you couldn't do it." Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes at him and said leisurely: "I just went to ask."

After saying that,

Zheng Yanru paused and continued: "The little villain is going to be a father so soon. Does it make you a little stressed?"

"Then what can be done?"

"Who made me fall in love with a woman in her thirties?" Yu Xiaocheng sighed, his words full of helplessness.

In an instant,

The rich aunt exploded in an instant, pinched the little bad guy hard, and asked angrily: "What do you mean? Are you mocking me for being old? When you got into my bed, why didn't you think I was old? Lie on your back Why didn't you think I was older when you were in my arms?"


"That's not what I meant."

Seeing that the rich woman had turned against her, Yu Xiaocheng hurriedly hugged her plump body and whispered comfort in her ear: "Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! How could my little husband dislike your age? I mean, that's not what I meant anyway. , Besides, I only like mature women, but I can’t stand the young ones.”

"roll roll roll!"

"I hate you when I see you!"

She said she was disgusting, but her body was extremely honest, still nestling tightly in his arms, and at the same time she didn't forget to shake her delicate hands.

"Let's talk."

"My cousin is coming soon, and she has already bought the ticket." Zheng Yanru murmured: "I showed her your photo, and Xiaonizi is so greedy that she doesn't want it anymore. You should be careful then, don't let her take away your soul." "Yes, but I don't think you will like her. Xiaonizi is a woman with no breasts and no butt. She is just average-looking and not as good-looking as me."


"But it doesn't matter."

Yu Xiaocheng stretched out his hand and gently lifted her chin, looked straight at the woman in front of him, and said affectionately: "When I love someone, I only love one person. Even if I ask you a thousand times, I will I don’t like novelty, I only love the person who firmly chooses me.”

"little rascal"

Zheng Yanru looked at him in confusion. This big boy she had watched grow up, she hurriedly covered his mouth, and then sucked desperately.

The night is long,

At least that's what it looks like to a strong young man and a mature rich woman in bed.

The next morning,

Chu Fang got up early and prepared breakfast for the two people in the bedroom. Although she was still very angry, after all, things were already like this, so she had no choice but to accept it. Of course, acceptance is acceptance, and reconciliation is impossible.


"What a crime!"

Chu Fang sighed while washing the rice: "Forget it. For the sake of my grandson and granddaughter, I can only swallow my anger."

at this time,

The bedroom door opened slowly, and his own son yawned and walked slowly out of it.


"So early?"

Yu Xiaocheng came to the kitchen door, looked at his mother who was making breakfast, and asked with a smile: "Did you sleep well last night?"


"Shameless bastard."

Kitchen turned around and glared at him fiercely, and said angrily: "Go away, I don't want to see you. You have no ambition at all, and you were seduced by that vixen."

"There's nothing I can do about it."

Yu Xiaocheng shrugged and replied helplessly: "Your best friend is dressed like that, what should I do? I can only obey her."

"I'm furious!"

"Why did I give birth to a worthless son like you?" Chu Fang said with a dark face and gritted teeth.

"Okay, okay."

Yu Xiaocheng chuckled and said: "Your best friend has already given me an ultimatum. She will have three children in four years. Let me work harder. Mom, I will help take care of the children then. By the way, I will pick one up for your grandson and granddaughter. name."

Chu Fang, who was still a little angry at first, suddenly felt happy. After all, she had wanted to hold her grandson and granddaughter for a day or two. Now she finally saw hope and said softly: "My mother will definitely help you take care of your grandson and granddaughter. As for You and the vixen can decide on this name yourself."


"Then I'm going to wash up."

Yu Xiaocheng patted his butt and left, leaving his mother busy in the kitchen.

When Yu Xiaocheng came out of the bathroom, he was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone. At this time, Chu Fang sat next to him and looked at him carefully up and down.

"Why did the vixen fall in love with you?" Chu Fang asked with confusion on her face.

"how could I know"

Yu Xiaocheng curled his lips and replied calmly: "How about you ask her."

"how about you?"

"Why did you fall in love with her?" Chu Fang continued to ask.



Yu Xiaocheng hesitated for a moment, looked at his own mother cautiously, and replied cautiously: "Good-looking and sexy."

Chu Fang rolled her eyes and said angrily: "You look like you have no future!"

After saying that,

Then he walked into the kitchen again.

After a while, the pretty and wealthy woman came out of the bedroom. She looked very lazy like a lady, and then she threw herself into the arms of her best friend’s son, begging for a kiss and a hug.

"time to eat!"

Chu Fang came out of the kitchen carrying a pot of porridge with a dark face.

Soon the three of them were sitting at the dining table, eating a sumptuous breakfast. Apart from a few gossips, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.


"I sent your bestie to work."

Yu Xiaocheng and Zheng Yanru were changing their shoes at the door and shouted to their mother in the kitchen.

While the two were on their way to the company, Zheng Yanru couldn't hold it in any longer and started complaining incessantly.

"I'm furious."

"Show me your face early in the morning."

The rich woman pouted and said angrily: "It's really unlucky to have such a mother-in-law!"

"Okay, okay."

"Before, you said it was great to have such a sister." Yu Xiaocheng said with a smile: "Don't be angry. In fact, your best friend is just a little embarrassed on face, and she has already accepted you in her heart."

The words fell,

He pursed his lips and said softly: "By the way, I want to tell you something. A certain professor in the laboratory wants to treat me to dinner, so... so you drive back by yourself in the evening, and I will take a taxi to Shanghai University of Science and Technology later."

"Invite you to dinner?"

"Why would the professor invite you, a loser with a master's degree, to dinner?" the rich woman asked with confusion on her face.

"What a useless master's degree!"

Yu Xiaocheng was almost furious, and said seriously: "I'll reiterate again, I was offered a doctorate at the beginning, but I refused out of anger!"


"Not still a master's degree"

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes and murmured.

"no the same!"

"Forget it, forget it. I can't explain it to you. I helped that professor solve a very complicated problem. Of course he wants to treat me to dinner." Yu Xiaocheng said calmly: "It may be very late before I can go home, and And I must have drank a lot, come and pick me up then.”


Zheng Yanru responded, and then said seriously: "Don't go to messy places."

"Do not worry."

Yu Xiaocheng assured him seriously.

After sending the rich woman to her company, Yu Xiaocheng left on foot. He walked around a certain street corner and quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


"Brother no. Dad!"

Yu Xiaocheng said cautiously: "I have already taken care of your daughter's side. Should I come here to find you now?"

"Come on, come on!"

"Come to my company first."

Zheng Xingguo said with a smile on the phone.

at the same time,

When Zheng Yanru returned to the office, she vaguely felt something was wrong. She thought for a while and silently picked up the phone and called her nephew.


"Your uncle is having a dinner tonight?" Zheng Yanru asked seriously.


Zheng Yuanqiang replied seriously: "That's right. He helped a certain professor solve a problem. The professor was very grateful to him and then invited him to dinner."

Hearing what her nephew said, Zheng Yanru secretly cursed in her heart: Could it be that I am being paranoid? Did I wrong him?

No, no!

There must be something wrong here!

the other side,

Zheng Yuanqiang held up the receiver of his landline phone while sending a WeChat message to his uncle.

【safe! 】

【Take off at night! 】

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