After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 153 Turn around and sell your father-in-law

The next morning,

Zheng Yuanqiang woke up from the bed in a daze, followed by a hangover headache. After completely adapting to this state, he realized that he was in his aunt's house, because this room was so familiar. Including the double bed under him, After all, Tian Li had tortured herself hard on this bed.

Slowly, Youyou sat up from the bed, and then walked out of the room unsteadily. He saw his aunt and uncle sitting together having breakfast, and said hello bitterly.

"Little aunt and little uncle." Zheng Yuanqiang greeted softly.

Zheng Yanru looked at her eldest nephew who looked depressed and said angrily: "Look at you like this, do you still look like a school leader?"

Zheng Yuanqiang smiled awkwardly and said in a squeaky voice: "That's wrong, that's wrong."


"Don't play tricks on me." The pretty and wealthy woman snorted coldly and said calmly: "Anyway, I will tell your wife about this matter. You just wait to be punished. You know how to mess around all day long, and you will still be like this after getting married. Birdy, if I were your mother, I would beat you to death."

Faced with the accusations from his elders, Zheng Yuanqiang had no power to resist and could only accept the scolding obediently. At the same time, he secretly looked at Yu Xiaocheng from the corner of his eye, hoping that he could say something kind at this moment, but...

Out of sight!

I'm blind!

At this moment, Yu Xiaocheng was eating porridge fiercely, turning a blind eye to Zheng Yuanqiang's distress call. After all, speaking to him at this time would undoubtedly push him into a pit of fire.

When Zheng Yuanqiang found out that Yu Xiaocheng didn't help him, he was immediately furious. Thinking about how much he had done to him, he was the first to run away when there was danger. It was simply unacceptable!


"Uncle, don't you say a few words?" Zheng Yuanqiang took the initiative and directly called Xiaocheng by name.


"Oh, your little aunt is right." Yu Xiaocheng replied seriously.



We agreed last night to share weal and woe, but today we have become just a stranger?

Zheng Yuanqiang was so angry that he was trembling all over, but he was still angry. Nothing happened. He silently swallowed the breath back into his stomach and ate his breakfast.

"Are you still at work?"

"If you go to work, after breakfast, go to the bathroom to take a shower, and then wear your uncle's clothes. Anyway, you two have similar body shapes." Zheng Yanru said calmly.


"There is something going on at school today." Zheng Yuanqiang replied.

"That's okay."

"I'll take you there later." The pretty and wealthy woman pursed her lips, turned to look at the little villain beside her, and asked quietly: "What about you? Are you going to work today?"

Yu Xiaocheng shrank his head and replied in a low voice: "It stands to reason that I have to go to work today, but your nephew hasn't helped me get the equipment yet, so... So I just stayed there in a daze when I went there, so I just didn't go. When?" I can go to school when I can use the equipment.”

As soon as the words fell,

Yu Xiaocheng and Zheng Yuanqiang looked at each other, each remaining silent.


Zheng Yanru curled her lips and said softly: "Don't forget to go to your parents' house for dinner tonight. Go by yourself then, I won't come to pick you up."


Yu Xiaocheng nodded and responded.

After the three of them had breakfast, Zheng Yuanqiang took a shower, put on Yu Xiaocheng's clothes, and went out with his little aunt. As soon as he entered the elevator, he felt a chill instantly. Yu Xiaocheng's eyes lingered. Guang glanced secretly, and sure enough, the woman next to him became disgusting at this moment.

what's the situation?

It was fine just now, why is it suddenly going to eat people?

Just when Zheng Yuanqiang was still guessing the reason, disaster suddenly befell him.

"let me tell you!"

"If you dare to fool around with your little uncle and your little grandpa again, be careful I won't be polite to you!" Zheng Yanru warned through gritted teeth.


"What little grandpa? There was no grandpa yesterday, just me and my uncle." Zheng Yuan shrank his head and answered cautiously.

Zheng Yanru glared fiercely and said angrily: "I've seen your shenanigans a long time ago. Now I advise you to turn around. Otherwise, when my little aunt and I go on a killing spree, you will have no room to admit your mistakes. ”

Hearing these words, Zheng Yuanqiang almost broke out in a cold sweat and said hurriedly: "What happened to my little aunt last night was actually their idea and had nothing to do with me!"


I.I surrendered to the enemy!

In the evening,

Yu Xiaocheng slowly arrived at his father-in-law's home. The person who opened the door was his mother-in-law, Qu Chunyan.


"Hurry, hurry, your wife is here early."

Qu Chunyan looked at Yu Xiaocheng with a smile, without any resentment towards him in her heart. After all, she carried the brilliance of a son-in-law.


"Yanru came so early?" Yu Xiaocheng asked in astonishment.

"I asked her to come earlier and help me fight." Qu Chunyan replied.


Yu Xiaocheng responded and chuckled: "Mom should call me. She's not very agile and can't work as fast as me."

Qu Chunyan smiled: "You are our guest, how can I trouble you? Come on in, don't stand at the door."

Yu Xiaocheng came to the house. At this moment, his father-in-law was sitting on the sofa. Weng and son-in-law looked at each other. A new script was generated silently. At this time, Zheng Xingguo snorted coldly and said angrily: "We You are not welcome at home! Just go back where you came from.”

Qu Chunyan looked at her husband with an angry look on his face, and raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth. It looked more and more like him.

"Okay, okay."

"You're almost done, be happy today." Qu Chunyan said angrily.

At this time,

Zheng Yanru came out of the kitchen and looked at the tense battle between Weng and his son-in-law. She felt a little funny and said, "Dad, what are you doing? He is my husband and your son-in-law. Is it necessary to be like this?"


"Anyway, it's me without him, him without me, it's up to you!"

Zheng Xingguo's firepower continued to output, without giving the mother and daughter any sympathy.

Qu Chunyan smiled slightly and said to her daughter beside her: "Go to the kitchen and get two kitchen knives, then give one to your husband and one to your father."

Yu Xiaocheng:? ? ?

Zheng Xingguo:? ? ?

Before Weng and his son-in-law could react, Zheng Yanru immediately rushed into the kitchen and came out with two kitchen knives.


Both Yu Xiaocheng and Zheng Xingguo had weapons in their hands.

"let's start."

Qu Chunyan said calmly: "Since the conflict can no longer be resolved with reason, let's just use force."



Weng and son-in-law were immediately confused. Why was this different from what was planned?

However, the sharp-eyed Yu Xiaocheng saw a clue. I am afraid that the drama between him and his father-in-law has been discovered by his mother-in-law.

what to do?

Should we resist to the end, or should we pay for our crimes and make meritorious deeds?

After simple thinking and calm analysis, Yu Xiaocheng finally made up his mind to destroy his relatives. He pointed at his father-in-law and said seriously:


"This is all dad's bad idea!"

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