After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 155 A game within a game, a game within a game!

Zheng Xingguo was showing off his collection, which he had worked hard to collect for more than ten years. The most expensive watch among them was now worth more than 30 million, and at this moment, he suddenly heard Son-in-law's voice.

"Brother, it's not right, Dad!"

"I suddenly had an immature idea."

Zheng Xingguo looked at him blankly, but when he saw his son-in-law's expression, his heart suddenly began to pound, and a bad premonition kept flooding into his mind.

"what idea?"

Zheng Xingguo asked cautiously.

"now that."

"Since you already have so many watches, why don't you miss me by one or two?" Yu Xiaocheng shrank his head and answered cautiously.


"I'm talking about Xiao Cheng! You can't keep your word!" Zheng Xingguo was so anxious that he said earnestly: "You promised me before, why did you suddenly go back on your word?"

Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips and said helplessly: "Dad, please listen to my explanation. If I return the watch to you, if your daughter lets me wear one of these watches in the future, how should I explain to her? Just her. You know his temper! We are both going to die."

Zheng Xingguo hesitated for a moment and said seriously: "You are her husband, you have to act like the head of the family! How can you be manipulated by a woman?"

"Aren't you being manipulated by your mother-in-law?" Yu Xiaocheng rolled his eyes and said angrily.


"What do you want to do?" Zheng Xingguo asked.

Yu Xiaocheng flattened his mouth and replied meaningfully: "Dad, I suddenly had another immature idea. How about you, how about you listen to it first?"

"what idea?"

Zheng Xingguo's face was full of vigilance and a hint of curiosity.

"Two for one"

"What do you think?" Yu Xiaocheng asked in a low voice, "You earned it with your blood!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"Oh, we are really not a family. We don't belong to the same family!" Zheng Xingguo looked at his son-in-law up and down, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that you brat would become more and more deceitful. Did my daughter teach you this? ?”

Yu Xiaocheng smiled and replied seriously: "This is self-taught, but it is also influenced by your daughter."


Zheng Xingguo snorted coldly and said angrily: "This plan doesn't work. It seems that I took advantage, but in fact I suffered a big loss. You want to exchange two cheap ones for me with the most expensive one. Do you think I don't know?" "


"How could you think of me like this?"

"Okay, okay."

Yu Xiaocheng took out two watches from his pocket, handed them to his father-in-law generously, and said seriously: "I'll give it back to you!"


Return it to me?

I had all kinds of bargaining before, why did you suddenly pay me back? No, no, no, there is fraud in this!

Zheng Xingguo, who has rich experience in being tricked, instantly smelled a hint of danger. He looked at his son-in-law warily and sneered: "Trap! Trap! I won't be fooled!"

"Really give it back to you."

"If you don't believe it, I swear to God." Yu Xiaocheng shrugged and said seriously: "Besides, I can't wear such an expensive watch. First of all, it will have a bad impact. Secondly, there are a lot of equipment in the laboratory. In case of collision, It’ll be troublesome then.”


"Then I accept it?"

It looks like a question, but it's actually a statement.

Zheng Xingguo silently took away the two watches and carefully put them back in the safe.

"Xiao Cheng!"

"Old man!"

"Come down for dinner!"

The mother-in-law's penetrating shout came, and then Weng and son-in-law returned downstairs.

When he saw a table full of dishes, Yu Xiaocheng said in surprise: "Mom, just by looking at the appearance of this menu, I knew it was delicious."


"You just know how to make me happy."

Qu Chunyan looked at her son-in-law, with a bright smile on her face, and said gently: "Quick, quit standing, sit down quickly."

"Yeah, yeah."

Yu Xiaocheng hurriedly sat down at the dining table next to the pretty and wealthy woman.

Picking up a piece of pot-roasted meat, she put it into her mouth immediately. The exaggerated mouth-scalding action and the image of gobbling it up stunned Zheng Yanru who was standing aside. This was too fake, wasn't it? Do you think my mother is a fool? Can't you tell you're acting?


"Absolutely awesome!"

Yu Xiaocheng said in astonishment: "It's... it's so delicious. It's the first time I've eaten such delicious pot-wrapped pork. No, no, no, I'll finish it all by myself later."


"You only eat pot-roasted pork? Nothing else?"

Qu Chunyan was so happy that her flowers were trembling with joy. Facing a son-in-law who knew how to coax his mother-in-law, even the usually serious leader could only feel elated at this moment.


"Eat them all."

While Yu Xiaocheng was talking, he picked up eggplant again.

at the same time,

The rich aunts next to me were shocked. No wonder in my mother's heart, the status of a son-in-law is higher than that of a biological daughter. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it.


"Let's talk?"

Zheng Yanru looked at her father opposite and said seriously: "How do you plan to compensate my husband?"


Zheng Xingguo was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer.


"Forget it, forget it. We are all one family. Why bother?" Yu Xiaocheng peeled off a big shrimp, handed the shrimp to the rich woman's bowl, and said softly: "The family should live in harmony, and don't fight in the nest. Others will make a joke if they know it, okay, okay. My husband will peel your favorite braised prawns for you.”

A good son-in-law!

He is truly my virtuous son-in-law!

Zheng Xingguo was so moved, his eyes filled with gratitude.

"That's right."

"But we can't be beaten in vain."

The rich aunt will not be used to it. She still has an aggressive attitude and will not give up until she achieves her goal. She said seriously: "I have a project that needs some money. Dad, please pay for it!"


"You have to pay!"

Zheng Xingguo was worried for a long time, but it turned out that his daughter wanted funds, so he was relieved and replied: "Dad is Shenhai's cash king, and he has a lot of cash in his pocket. If you want, tell Dad, and I will get the money for you in a few days." company account.”


"I'll go back to the company tomorrow and ask the financial department to do the math, and I'll call you then." Zheng Yanru said with satisfaction.

In the following time, the dining table was quite lively, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, like a scene of a loving family.


"Dad, I have something to remind you." Zheng Yanru looked at her father and said meaningfully: "Now that you know that Xiao Cheng is your son-in-law, don't think about those watches. If you let me know You take the watch back secretly, or I'll empty your safe!"

Hearing his daughter's warning, Zheng Xingguo felt chilled.

Damn it!

It’s a game within a game, a set within a set!

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