After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 157 My husband is the best!

"Is the plane delayed?"

Zheng Yanru held her best friend's son's arm, looked at the big screen at the airport in confusion, and asked curiously.

"Well, it will be about half an hour late." Yu Xiaocheng curled his lips and replied helplessly: "Let's sit somewhere for a while. When your cousin gets off the plane, she will call you. Let's go. There happens to be a spot over there.”

While talking,

Dragging the rich woman to a row of seats, the two of them sat in a corner.

“So annoying”

"Why don't you stay abroad? Why come back? She hasn't graduated. Don't you know that air tickets are very expensive now?" The rich woman's aunt said angrily with a dark face: "What else can I do to take business class? It doesn't cost a dime." Just show off when you make money.”

Yu Xiaocheng's ears are almost calloused. He hasn't stopped complaining since he went out, and he said bitterly: "Hey, that's enough. I'm almost tired of hearing it. From the time we went out to now, You keep talking endlessly."


"Shut up!"

"I'm angry!"

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't come to trouble me, or else I'll scold you too."

Good guy.

What's going on with these two people?

Those who didn’t know better thought there was a blood feud.

"Baby aunt."

"What's the grudge between you and your cousin?" Yu Xiaocheng asked curiously: "Why do you feel like you two are going to fight?"

"It sounds complicated and I can't explain it to you for a while. Anyway, I don't like her very much." Zheng Yanru replied leisurely: "You damn girl knows how to poke my weak spots all day long."


"Then give her the money." Yu Xiaocheng said.

Zheng Yanru sighed, held his arm tightly, and murmured: "I can't help it. If I don't give money, Xiao Nizi will starve to death on the streets of England. Her parents have always opposed her going abroad, and then Xiao Nizi has a stubborn temper and has to study abroad. In the end, this is the situation. "

Yu Xiaocheng smiled slightly and said coquettishly: "The characteristic of your family is that they have a very stubborn temper."


The rich aunt pinched him hard and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense."

"Hey hey hey"

"By the way, what is your cousin's major?" Yu Xiaocheng asked casually.


"It seems to be mathematics." The pretty and wealthy woman replied.

Yu Xiaocheng was stunned for a moment, with a hint of surprise on his brows, but he soon felt relieved and said lightly: "She seems to be a very talented woman."

"What a ghost"

"I think she is a genius at spending money." The rich aunt rolled her eyes and said leisurely: "By the way. She will most likely be your colleague in the future. Tian Li has already arranged her work for her. She is in the Department of Mathematics of Shennan University. work here.”


Yu Xiaocheng didn't care much and agreed casually.

I don’t know how long it’s been

Zheng Yanru's cell phone rang, and the caller was her cousin.


"I'm at the exit, where are you and your brother-in-law?" The voice on the phone was a little playful and anxious.


"Your brother-in-law and I will come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Yanru sighed and said helplessly: "Let's go. Xiao Nizi is already waiting for us at the exit."

When the two came to the exit, a beautiful figure suddenly came out, hugged Zheng Yanru suddenly, and then kissed her fiercely on the face.


"do you miss me?"

The cousin asked with a smile.

"roll roll roll!"

"How old are you to be so naughty?" Zheng Yanru frowned, wiped the kissed face, and said disgustedly: "Your saliva is all over my face, it's disgusting."

The cousin rolled her eyes, and then her eyes moved to Yu Xiaocheng. Her eyes lit up instantly. Oh my God, I didn't expect that my brother-in-law was so handsome. I thought he was a middle-aged man, but he turned out to be a young man. "


"My name is Ling Yan, you can just call me Yanzi." Cousin Ling Yan said with a smile.


"Hello, Ling Yan."

Facing the crazy rich cousin, Yu Xiaocheng behaved quite well.

Then Yu Xiaocheng pulled Ling Yan's luggage and followed the two sisters. To say that this Ling Yan was really as the rich woman said, the kind with no breasts and no butt. The key is that she looked pretty androgynous. There is no trace of femininity, the only thing that is feminine may be her clothes.


"How old is your brother-in-law?" Ling Yan asked in a low voice, "Why do I feel that he is younger than me?"


"Four years younger than you." Zheng Yanru replied calmly.


"Are you eight years older than him?" Ling Yan looked at her in shock, with an incredible expression on her face.

Zheng Yanru hurriedly covered her mouth and said angrily: "You, please keep your voice down! Do you want the whole world to know?"

Ling Yan blinked, and then the rich woman let go of her hand. At this time, Ling Yan asked in a low voice: "You used to say that you didn't like men younger than yourself, saying that such men were naive, why did you suddenly... again? Looking for someone so much younger than you?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Zheng Yanru snorted coldly and said angrily: "Don't say that no one wants me anymore. Now I am a woman with a husband."


Ling Yan said in horror: "Have you started calling me husband or wife?"



"We have both received our marriage certificates." Zheng Yanru pursed her lips, with a hint of arrogance, pride, and a little happiness in her eyebrows, and murmured: "To be precise, your sister and I are already married. "


"How come you, an old cow, eat young grass so fast?" Ling Yan frowned, then turned back to Yu Xiaocheng and asked, "Brother-in-law, do you need legal assistance?"

Yu Xiaocheng was stunned for a moment, looked at her confused, and asked doubtfully: "What legal aid?"

"your wife"

"Your wife is a bit violent, and there will be more or less conflicts in the future. I happen to have a few law classmates in Shenhai, and I can introduce them to you." Ling Yan flattened her mouth and said seriously: "Don't even think about getting along with her. She fights, you are no match for this bitch, you can only arm yourself with the law."

In an instant,

Yu Xiaocheng's impression of Ling Yan has changed dramatically.


"Don't teach your brother-in-law a bad lesson."

Zheng Yanru glared fiercely and said angrily: "You just came back to China and you went against me. I think you are really tired of living. Do you still want the living expenses in the future?"

In an instant,

Ling Yan gave in. After all, life without money was not easy, especially when she was alone abroad.

"I heard from your cousin that you are engaged in mathematics research."

"Are there any articles?" Yu Xiaocheng asked softly.


"Brother-in-law, are you interested? But I'm afraid you won't understand." Ling Yan replied.

Zheng Yanru rolled her eyes at her and said with a slight air of dignity: "Your brother-in-law is engaged in physics research. Do you think he can understand it?"


My husband is the best!

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