After Rebirth, I Flash Married My Mom's Best Friend

Chapter 160 I won’t let him get out of bed (ask for help)

The next morning,

Yu Xiaocheng got up early and went to make breakfast. When he came out of the kitchen, he met the yawning rich aunt.

"Where's Xiao Nizi? Is she still sleeping?" Zheng Yanru asked drowsily, sitting lazily at the dining table.

"have no idea"

"She should be sleeping. After all, she flew here from the UK." Yu Xiaocheng served porridge to his mother's best friend and whispered softly: "I have to go to school today."

Zheng Yanru agreed casually and ate breakfast in a daze. As she ate, visible anger appeared on her face, and she said resentfully: "Don't do this again. I'm almost exhausted."

"my question?"

"It's obviously your own problem." Yu Xiaocheng rolled his eyes and replied angrily: "You are holding my head and are unwilling to let go. What can I do? In the end, I can only... That’s it.”

At this time, Zheng Yanru's face was flushed, she raised her head and rolled her eyes at him, and said angrily: "What do you mean I'm holding your head? I'm pushing you away."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Just think of it as pushing me." Yu Xiaocheng smiled.


"That's what it is."

The pretty and wealthy woman rolled her eyes at him and then said, "Will you take me to the company later?"


Yu Xiaocheng nodded and continued eating breakfast.

In the ensuing time, the two chatted about family affairs, and then went out together. On the way to the company, Yu Xiaocheng asked Ling Yan what to do, but the rich woman told him to let Ling Yan fend for herself. .

"It's nothing."

"She is so old and hungry." Zheng Yanru said calmly.

"I'm afraid that something will happen to her, and her parents will come to visit her," Yu Xiaocheng said softly while driving. "Since we plan to go to the Aegean Sea in Greece, let's also visit the surrounding countries."

Zheng Yanru responded softly: "Okay, there is plenty of time anyway. You can go wherever you want."

As soon as the words fell,

Suddenly he remembered something and said seriously: "You are not allowed to watch any football."

"Not going."

"What's so good about football?" Yu Xiaocheng smiled mischievously: "Besides, I play football every day, isn't this what my dear aunt is like?"


"Rogue embryo."

The pretty and wealthy woman naturally knew what he was talking about and rolled her eyes shyly.

After sending Zheng Yanru to the company, Yu Xiaocheng slowly drove towards Shenzhen University. Soon he arrived at the office building of the Mathematics and Physics Branch. When he opened the door of the physics department director's office, he saw Zheng Yuanqiang sitting there working. However, He looked very haggard.

"What's wrong?"

"Looking at you, you look very tired." Yu Xiaocheng sat in front of him and asked confusedly.

Zheng Yuanqiang sighed, put down the pen in his hand, looked up at the man in front of him, and replied bitterly: "Don't mention that my wife came back yesterday."

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaocheng knew the answer instantly, and said with a bitter look on his face: "Please forgive me and accept the change. Besides, this day will come sooner or later. It's better to come sooner than later. At least I can feel at ease. By the way, what time did the battle last night? ah?"

"Fight till dawn!"

Zheng Yuanqiang hammered his waist and replied bitterly: "My whole body is sore and my back hurts now, and I feel like I am not far from death."


"Shall I give you some special sea dragon powder? Song Qinqin gave it to your little aunt. I'm young and strong and can't use it now, so I might as well get some." Yu Xiaocheng said: "Song Qinqin said this stuff is not addictive. Sex, safe, non-toxic and easy to use.”

"No, no, no!"

"That's really a sheep entering the tiger's mouth." Zheng Yuanqiang hurriedly shook his head and said seriously: "Creatures like mature women are really strong when they are strong, and weak when they are weak, so. So. Anyway, you know, in front of them Try to be brave or you will die!"

for a time,

Yu Xiaocheng, who was about to give birth to a child with his rich aunt, was feeling particularly flustered at the moment. The key point was that the rich aunt seemed to be getting ready to make a move.


"Why did you come to me?" Zheng Yuanqiang asked curiously.


"Just come here and sit down and chat with you." Yu Xiaocheng pursed his lips and replied helplessly: "Forget it. To be honest with you, your aunt's cousin has returned to China and is staying with your aunt temporarily. 's home."

"Ling Yan?"

Zheng Yuanqiang said thoughtfully: "She has a very good relationship with my wife. My wife has arranged a job for her. After graduation, she will teach in our school."


"Isn't this misleading!" Yu Xiaocheng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "It's so noisy. Can she teach?"

Zheng Yuanqiang smiled and replied seriously: "Although she is a bit noisy, Ling Yan is actually very talented in mathematics. It is more than enough to teach in our school. Besides teaching undergraduates, she can just deal with the Academic Affairs Office."

Yu Xiaocheng has no objection, because it is indeed the case. Teaching tasks are not important, because teaching-oriented universities are basically third-rate universities, while first-rate universities are all research-oriented, and their main focus is on cultivating students. As for scientific research and academic abilities, as for learning, I still rely on self-study.


This is just one point. The most important thing is that teachers who teach well cannot be rated as professors.

"Let's talk."

"Your aunt and I are going to travel abroad. It will take about a week." Yu Xiaocheng said, "You can adjust the appointment time for the experimental equipment later."


"Go to Europe?"

Zheng Yuanqiang asked curiously.

"Aegean Sea"

"Then several countries in Northern Europe." Yu Xiaocheng pouted and replied bitterly: "Besides, your aunt is eager to have a child."


Zheng Yuanqiang sighed and replied bitterly: "Speaking of children, my wife has been reading books on childcare recently, and I suspect she has the idea of ​​having a child."


"Your wife is almost 40 years old, why doesn't she want a child?" Yu Xiaocheng asked curiously.


"She said that children are troublesome and she doesn't want children. I don't care." Zheng Yuanqiang shrugged and said lightly: "But she has been a little weird recently. I suspect she has been stimulated by something."


"What kind of stimulation can this be?" Yu Xiaocheng was confused.

At the same time,

In an office.

Zheng Yanru was talking on the phone with Tian Li.


"I've decided to give my body to him."

"Oh, I know we just got married not long ago, but... but after all, he is the man I watched grow up, um... It's okay, I like children very much, I plan to have three in four years."

"Don't worry"

"I won't let him get out of bed from the day we arrive at the Aegean Sea!"

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