Jiang'an City, First Hospital.

Tang Xiao was lying on the bed, receiving nutrient solution, and he hadn't woken up yet.

There was a bandage on his forehead.

A large group of Tang family members surrounded the attending doctor.

The doctor looked at the report in his hand and said,"Are you Tang Xiao's family members?"

"Yes, doctor, we are Tang Xiao's family."

"How was the patient injured?"

"Um... a book hit him."

Tang Rushan was embarrassed. He didn't expect Tang Xiao to be so vulnerable.

Besides, who asked Tang Xiao to contradict him?

The doctor said,"Tang Xiao's bleeding has stopped and four stitches were sewn. Pay attention to the wound disinfection to prevent secondary infection."

"Good doctor."

The doctor repeatedly confirmed the report, although a little confused, but still said:"He fainted because of long-term malnutrition, plus too much bleeding in a short period of time. Pay attention to more nutrition in daily life."


Everyone was surprised.

Tang Rushan was the least convinced:"Doctor, this is impossible."

The doctor looked at the report:

"A 1.8-meter-tall person weighs only 120 pounds. Is this not considered skinny? The conclusion of the test report is the same."

"You are his family members, right? He has been malnourished for a long time, don't you know? I see your belly is quite big, don't you know how your child will grow up?"

Tang Rushan took in his belly and smiled unnaturally.

The doctor saw that the family was dressed quite richly, how could they let the child starve like this?

After waiting for the attending doctor to leave,

Tang Rushan's face immediately fell, and he questioned a middle-aged woman next to him.

"Sister Li, why is Tang Xiao malnourished? You have always been the one cooking, explain it to me!"

This is too embarrassing. The Tang family is a wealthy family.

It is too embarrassing for their son to be malnourished!

Sister Li is the nanny of the Tang family. She is a little embarrassed.

"Master, this... Hey. The young master can't eat it.……"

When Tang Xiao first came to the Tang family, the sisters all disliked him.

Tang Xiao found that whenever he ate with his family, no one spoke and the atmosphere was very depressing.

When Tang Xiao was not around, everyone was talking and laughing.

Tang Xiao was very sad. In order to make everyone happy, he only ate a little at each meal and left the table as early as possible.

He didn't want to make everyone unhappy because of himself.

The Tang family has a clear family rule: no eating is allowed anywhere else except at the dinner table.

Tang Xiao didn't care whether others strictly abided by it or not.

He strictly abided by the family rules in order to please his family.

So Tang Xiao became thinner and thinner.

Everyone frowned and listened, and began to think in their hearts. Have we targeted Tang Xiao like this? Probably not... I didn't pay attention to it...

Is Tang Xiao this kind of person?

They didn't believe this truth.

But Tang Xiao's slender arms were a fact.

Zhang Ping's sympathy overflowed, and she took Tang Xiao's hand

"This silly child is committing a sin.

Tang Xin was not convinced.

"Mom, don't be so touched. What if he is just a picky eater? Sister Li might have been deceived by him."

She probably forgot that Tang Xiao was not thin when she first came.

Who remembers? Who cares?

In their impression, Tang Xiao is not a good person.

Sister Li could only smile honestly:"Hehehe……"

She was just working, what could she say?

Even if she knew that Tang Xiao was a very good kid, what could she do?

Zhang Ping said,"You guys go back first, I'll stay here with Tang Xiao."

Tang Zijian quickly said,"No, Mom, you guys go back, I'll stay here with my brother."

"Zijian, you haven't finished your homework yet, I'll stay here, and Tang Xiao's injury isn't serious."

After a long time of politeness, everyone left, not a single one stayed.

Sister Li was the last one to leave.


Tang Xiao slept until dawn the next day.

Looking at the pale sheets and the empty space around him, he sighed.

I'm used to it.

Although he has given up his obsession, he still can't help sighing.

What kind of people are in this family!

I don't want to go back to this broken home in my life!


Tang Xiao's cell phone rang. It was grandma Deng Yinglan calling.

Deng Yinglan was the one who adopted Tang Xiao eighteen years ago.

Deng Yinglan is almost seventy years old and has no children. She sets up a stall alone to sell boiled eggs, sugar water and the like.

Although not rich, the old lady has done her best to raise Tang Xiao for sixteen years.

When Tang Xiao found his biological parents, Deng Yinglan was happier than Tang Xiao.

She asked Tang Xiao to go home and reunite with his parents.

Although there is no blood relationship, Grandma Deng gave all her love to Tang Xiao.

""Hello, hello! Xiaoxiao, can you hear me? Hello, hello!" Grandma Deng's voice was very loud on the phone.

Old people's hearing is not very good, so when they make a phone call, they often shout very loudly, for fear that the other end can't hear them.

"Hello... Grandma, I'm Xiaoxiao, I can hear you……"

When Tang Xiao heard her grandmother's voice, she could no longer hold back her tears.

"Hey! Xiao Xiao, are you having a good time? It must be fun in the city!"

"……Grandma, I'm fine. Everyone is... very nice to me.……"

Tang Xiao's tears flowed, and her voice trembled uncontrollably.

Mature people are like this: they suffer a great injustice outside, but they don't want to make the people they love worry.

Fortunately, grandma's hearing is not very good, so she didn't hear that there was something wrong with Tang Xiao's voice.

""That's good, that's good. I don't know how to make a phone call, so Xiaoxi called you for me!"

Many elderly people can only answer the phone but not dial it.

It is very difficult for them to dial a specific person.

"Xiaoxi? Grandma, thank Xiaoxi for me.……"

"Xiaoxi is very sensible. Xiaoxiao, when will you come back to visit me? Grandma wants to see you.……"

In the past two years, Tang Xiao has not visited his grandmother very often.

The Tang family did not like him to have contact with Deng Yinglan, and they did not like him to go out without permission.

Tang Xiao only dared to make a few phone calls secretly.

Hearing that his grandmother missed him,

Tang Xiao was stunned for a second and shouted into the phone:

"Right now! Grandma, I'll be back right now!"

"What? What did you say? I didn't hear you?"

"Grandma, I won’t say anything more. Wait for me to come back!"


Granny Deng's ears were not very good after all.

Tang Xiao hung up the phone and struggled to put on his shoes on the bed.

"Doctor! Nurse! I want to be discharged! Help me remove the needle! I won’t give you the rest!"

What a bullshit Tang family!

What a bullshit family.

My real home is in the coal machine factory community!

My real family is Grandma Deng!

After experiencing death, Tang Xiao knows what is the most important thing!

He will never go back to the Tang family again.


Coal Machinery Factory Community.

It is a very old community, and it is only more than ten kilometers away from the Tang family mansion.

Deng Yinglan's house was left by her deceased son.

The whole house is only forty or fifty square meters.

Tang Xiao grew up in this small house.

In the kitchen.

Grandma was cooking, and Tang Xiao helped peel garlic.

Grandma was smiling all the time, and she never closed her mouth.

The two of them chatted intermittently.

But when Tang Xiao talked to his grandmother, he tried to show only half of his face.

Because there was gauze on the other side of his forehead.

Tang Xiao removed the bandage, and fortunately he had some bangs, which covered the gauze and was not very obvious.

He didn't want his grandmother to worry about him.

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