After chatting with Deng Yinglan for a while,

Tang Xiao said,"Grandma, you are busy first. Remember to close the stall early. I am going to the nursing home."

"Are you going to a nursing home again?"

"Grandpa Gu asked me to go."Tang Xiao said truthfully.

It was Gu Weiguo who asked Tang Xiao to go.

Gu Weiguo gave Tang Xiao all the theoretical knowledge he could.

Tang Xiao had a strong memory and remembered everything.

What Tang Xiao lacked most now was actually the experience of treating patients.

Only by treating more patients could Tang Xiao improve his medical skills.

So Gu Weiguo suggested that Tang Xiao go to the nursing home and treat the elderly there more often.

The elderly are old, who doesn't have some problems?

Letting Tang Xiao go to the nursing home to treat the elderly can improve Tang Xiao's medical skills.

And Tang Xiao also thought that Deng Yinglan was old, and she would have some problems in the future.

Treating the elderly more often, when Deng Yinglan is sick in the future, he will have experience.

But Gu Weiguo also made a request to Tang Xiao: Don't kill people with medicine.

Tang Xiao didn't do that.

He was very cautious when treating patients, never arrogant, and never made dangerous attempts.

Tang Xiao came to the nursing home and said hello to all the elderly.

"Grandma Chen, is your skin feeling better?"

"Grandpa Zhang, are you still having toothache? Try this medicine"

"Grandpa Wang, this relaxes the meridians and activates blood circulation."

"Grandpa Zhu, when you are old, don't watch too many exciting things, it's not good for your heart."

"You said no, but the magazine under the pillow is exposed.……"

Tang Xiao has been here several times and is quite familiar with the people here.

The old people like this enthusiastic young man very much, and Tang Xiao's medical skills are good.

It really helped them relieve a lot of pain.

This made them more grateful to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao was originally raised by Deng Yinglan and Gu Weiguo, and he also likes to get along with the elderly.

At this time.

There was a little old man in front of a bed in the corner.

The old man was not tall, his face was full of wrinkles, and he didn't have much hair.

The old man was sitting in a wheelchair.

A doctor was treating the old man.

Suddenly, the little old man shouted:"Don't touch me there, it hurts!"

As he said, he knocked the instrument in the doctor's hand away.

The doctor was very unhappy and said:"Uncle Sun. You are sitting in a wheelchair, why don't you be honest!"

"So what if I'm in a wheelchair? It's none of your business!"Grandpa Sun cursed

"Then you just keep doing it! I quit!" The doctor couldn't stand the old man anymore and resigned.

The old man simply said,"Then get out."

The doctor left angrily.

The grandparents on the side talked about it.

"This guy surnamed Sun has been living here for a week, and his temper is still so bad. What a weird person!"

"This is the sixth doctor he has run away from. All the doctors he has found seem to be quite expensive."

"My legs are paralyzed and there is no cure. I am in a bad mood. So I curse every day, as if I have suffered a great injustice."

"Everyone who comes in is going to die. Can't they learn to get along with others?"

"He is too difficult to get along with. It is better to stay away from him."

This is Sun Sheng, who just moved in a few days ago. Tang Xiao had never seen him before.

Tang Xiao observed Sun Sheng's legs for a while and thought.

Tang Xiao is now in the learning stage and is very interested in all difficult and complicated diseases.

He always imagines: What if this disease appears on grandma one day? What if this disease appears on me one day?

Tang Xiao stared at Sun Sheng, and Sun Sheng also saw Tang Xiao.

But when he looked at Tang Xiao, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes: How could this young man...

Tang Xiao had been observing Sun Sheng's legs.

He felt that he still couldn't see enough, so he actually walked forward and looked at it closely.

He was thinking while watching and holding his chin. The kind-hearted Grandma Zhang said:"Tang Xiao, come here, you can't treat his illness. Don't pay attention to that lunatic."

They all liked Tang Xiao very much, but they didn't want to see Tang Xiao being scolded by this neurotic old man.

"It's okay, I'll just take a look. Grandma Zhang, you go and do your work, I'll be fine."

"You little brat! What are you looking at?……"

Seeing Tang Xiao was so rude, Sun Sheng was about to lose his temper.

But Tang Xiao said:"Excessive fatigue of the muscles dissolves and compresses the nerves, causing paralysis of the lower limbs."

Sun Sheng was stunned.

He was full of surprise:"How do you know?"

Sun Sheng has been living here for a few days.

He has heard that Tang Xiao, a young man, often comes here to see the elderly.

Sun Sheng knows how serious the disease is.

He just drove away the famous doctor, but it didn't work.

He never thought about how this young man could help him.

But when Tang Xiao opened his mouth, he actually said the name of the disease.

"There are only twelve cases of this disease recorded in the world. Not many people know about it."Tang Xiao continued.

Sun Sheng felt incredible:"I have traveled to dozens of countries and seen hundreds of famous doctors. Only then did I confirm that it is this disease. You actually saw it at a glance?"

"I just happened to read it in a book."Tang Xiao said modestly

"Good! Young man, come and sit down."Sun Sheng smiled and patted the bed.

Sun Sheng was moody, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

Tang Xiao sat over.

The old people were very surprised.

Tang Xiao was good, and he seemed to know Sun Sheng's illness.

This was the first time they saw Sun Sheng being so polite to others.

Seeing that Tang Xiao was fine, they didn't care.

"You continue."Sun Sheng said

"You got sick about three or four months ago, and your leg muscles haven't atrophied too much. At first you just couldn't stand up, but starting this month, you probably started to suffer from incontinence."

Tang Xiao said in a serious tone.

Sun Sheng widened his eyes:"You can see that?"

Tang Xiao nodded.

He read a lot, and although there were only twelve cases, it happened that Tang Xiao had read all twelve cases.

Sun Sheng:"Then... is there a cure for my disease?"

Tang Xiao shook his head:"I don't know."

Tang Xiao's answer was completely beyond Sun Sheng's expectations.

"If there is a cure, there is a cure. If there is no cure, there is no cure. What do you mean by not knowing?"

""Before coming here, my grandfather warned me not to kill people with medicine." Tang Xiao said calmly.

When Tang Xiao recognized the disease, he was thinking about the treatment method in his mind.

In theory, the acupuncture that Gu Weiguo taught him is really possible!

But the needles have to be inserted from the most dangerous acupuncture points. If the treatment is not good, the person may die.

Theory is theory, and practice is practice.

No one dares to gamble with his own life.

After hearing what Tang Xiao said, Sun Sheng was stunned and laughed:"Hahaha, interesting, interesting kid."

It was originally a rather offensive remark, but Sun Sheng laughed

"This disease is very difficult to treat, and if it is not cured well, it may kill you."Tang Xiao said.

Tang Xiao's curiosity was satisfied, and when he was about to turn around and leave,

Sun Sheng spoke up:"Your name is... Tang Xiao, right? How about we make a deal?"

"You tell me first."

This old man is very strange, which makes Tang Xiao very curious.

"You help me treat my illness, and I'll teach you some skills. If you can't cure it, it won't be yours. If you can cure it, I'll give you something."

Sun Sheng looked at Tang Xiao with interest.

Although he was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes showed a hint of danger and weirdness.

Tang Xiao couldn't see through Sun Sheng. He had never seen someone like Sun Sheng, but he was curious.

"What can you teach me?"

Sun Sheng said calmly,"I will teach you how to kill people."

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