Tang Xiao did not expect that his super brain could play such a strong role in the field of fighting.

If so, Tang Xiao will have very high potential.

If it is in a killing situation without rules, it will be even more incredible.

It is estimated that it will not take long for Tang Xiao to have very strong combat effectiveness.

The special training with Gu Xiaoxi some time ago was very effective.

Tang Xiao's body coordination, speed, and strength are surprisingly good, which is considered very strong among high school students.

According to Tang Xiao's current conditions, there is still a lot of room for growth in the future.

Gu Xiaoxi also said that Tang Xiao's conditions are good.

But Gu Xiaoxi said that it was all her credit, and she tricked Tang Xiao into a barbecue.

Sun Sheng was very excited:"Good boy, good boy. It turns out that you have such a good memory, no wonder you have great medical skills at such a young age.

A Biao, you guys fight again, and increase the intensity of the stinky boy. Don't let him go."

Wang Biao was embarrassed:"Master Sheng, can you really increase the intensity? I'm just afraid that if you can't control the strength well……"

Wang Biao's expression showed that he was not a good person. He had killed someone by accident before.

Sun Sheng said,"Just control your strength and don't kill him. It's okay. He's a doctor. He can treat himself." Tang Xiao was scared immediately:"Uncle Sun, do you have any misunderstanding about doctors? I'm a doctor, not a nanny. I can't just put on a ring.

Also, don't hit my face. I have an exam tomorrow."

Tang Xiao was knocked down twice and it really hurt.

But Sun Sheng didn't feel sorry for Tang Xiao at all.

"Hehe, that's your own business. Will the person who kills you feel sorry for you? Ah Biao, go!"

A new round of training began...

In the next few days,

Tang Xiao either participated in the competition or went to find Sun Sheng.

It was a bit tiring, but whether it was medical skills or fighting, Tang Xiao grew at an abnormal speed.

Tang Xiao did not encounter any difficulties in the subject competitions he participated in later, and everything went smoothly.

On this day, in Class 7 of No. 2 Middle School, the atmosphere was very tense.

All the students were studying hard because the national exam was only a few days away and the pressure was very high.

Of course, Tang Xiao was the exception.

During the break, Tang Xiao's phone vibrated.

It was a number he had never seen before.

Tang Xiao picked up the phone.

"Hello? Are you Tang Xiao?"The voice on the phone was that of a strange middle-aged man.

"Yes, it's me"

"Oh, little brother Tang Xiao! I miss you so much"

"Who are you?"

The other party's enthusiasm made Tang Xiao wonder if this was some kind of scam.

"Me, Fan Youtong"


""My benefactor, have you forgotten that you saved me last time? That time at Jianhu Lake."

Tang Xiao remembered that he had saved someone at Jianhu Lake last time.

Everyone called him Mr. Fan.

Mr. Fan's name was Fan Youtong.

"Oh, I remember now, are you feeling better?"

"I'm much better now. I've just been discharged from the hospital. Are you free today, little brother? I'll treat you today to repay you for saving my life. I guarantee you'll be satisfied."Fan Youtong was still enthusiastic.

"Ah? This... is not necessary."

At that time, saving Fan Youtong was just a practice. Tang Xiao really didn't think about the life-saving grace.

He didn't expect that the other party would come to

"I want it, I must have it. Without you, I would not be here. I must repay this favor." Fan Youtong insisted.

Why did this sound weird?

Fan Youtong continued:"You saved me and I don't repay you. Does that mean my life is worthless?

How can I live in the future? Who will save me in the future? You must come today, little brother."

Fan Youtong's words were a bit vulgar, a bit like a nouveau riche, but he was too enthusiastic and insisted that Tang Xiao go.

Tang Xiao thought about it and thought it was nothing to do anyway.

"Okay, I'll come over later."

"Great, little brother. I'll send you a location. Come over quickly. I've prepared a great gift for you."

"Well, OK."

Tang Xiao hung up the phone, and the class bell rang.

Tang Xiao began to pack his schoolbag, and it seemed that he was leaving again.

Other classmates were used to it.

But there were still some people who were surprised every time they saw it.

Li Jia was still upset about Tang Xiao's lawlessness:"Tang Xiao, why are you doing this again?……"

Before she could finish her words, the head teacher Xin Ling came in with a fierce look on her face.

As a head teacher, Xin Ling was usually very fierce and the students were quite afraid of her.

As a head teacher, she had a natural blood pressure on the students.

She had just come in and the originally noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.

Li Jia saw that Xin Ling was very excited, so she quickly reported:"Teacher Xin, Tang Xiao is leaving again.……"

Humph, Tang Xiao, you always carried Teacher Xin on your back when you walked before.

Today, in front of Teacher Xin, I wonder if you can still walk so casually. When

Xin Ling, who was originally fierce, saw Tang Xiao carrying the schoolbag, he showed a smiling expression instead.

""Tang Xiao, are you going out for something?" Xin Ling asked with concern.

"Yes, Mr. Xin, I have something to do and need to leave first."

"Go ahead. Watch out for cars on the road."

"Oh, OK."

Tang Xiao left the classroom.

There was silence, and everyone was as if they had seen a ghost.

They knew that Tang Xiao was a good student and had a little privilege.

But where was the usually ferocious head teacher?

When had Teacher Xin ever been so gentle?

Was this still the inhuman head teacher?

Who knew that as soon as Tang Xiao left, Xin Ling's face suddenly changed, and immediately became"ferocious".

She slapped the table, scaring everyone, even Li Jia was so scared that she sat down

"What are you daydreaming about! The national exam is just a few days away, and you are still daydreaming! You are really the worst class I have ever taught!" Xin Ling pointed and scolded. The gentle Xin Ling disappeared in a flash.

The classmate felt comfortable after being scolded by Xin Ling.

That's right, this is the head teacher we are familiar with.

Liu Zihao rubbed his eyes repeatedly:"Fuck. Am I too LO, I just saw the head teacher turned into a super beauty?

This hallucination is a bit serious, should I see a doctor?"

"Liu Zihao, you are talking in class! I will punish you to do ten math papers and hand them in to me the day after tomorrow!" Xin Ling called Liu Zihao.

Liu Zihao could not help but retorted:"But, Teacher Xin, you are a Chinese teacher."

"Stop talking nonsense, just do what I tell you to do! If you don't pay the day after tomorrow, the fee will be doubled!"

Xin Ling said domineeringly.

Liu Zihao dared not speak in anger, but roared in his heart.

Tang Xiao, you rebellious son, why do you do this?!


On the other side, Tang Xiao scanned a shared bicycle.

Came to the 'Bihua Real Estate Sales Center Headquarters'.

This is the address that Fan Youtong gave Tang Xiao.

Bihua Real Estate is not a small real estate company in Yunnan Province.

Although it is not a leading real estate company in China, it has many real estate projects in Yunnan Province with a market value of tens of billions, just like a behemoth.

Recently, housing prices across the country have become more and more stable, but Bihua's houses are still on the rise. It is indeed very powerful to raise prices in adversity!

Bihua's sales center headquarters is magnificent and built like a small palace.

It has a sense of design and luxury.

Tang Xiao looked at it and sighed.

I don't know why, the sales department of all real estate companies must be the most beautiful.

There are also red carpets and large welcoming flower baskets at the door.

Today seems to be the opening day, and many people come, and it is quite lively.

The sales staff are beautiful and gentle, and their uniforms are also very good-looking.

The staff introduced:"Today is the opening day of our Jiangdong Phase II. The rise of Phase I is obvious to all. Our General Manager Fan can guarantee that our Phase II will definitely not lose to Phase I!"

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