The two young people ate barbecue, snail noodles, and drank milk tea.

Tang Xiao was shocked by Gu Xiaoxi's appetite.

How could Gu Xiaoxi's small body hold so much food?

Tang Xiao ate a lot himself.

Students are like this, they get hungry after a while of eating.

Even if they eat so much now, it won't delay dinner.

In the evening.

Grandpa Gu and Gu Xiaoxi came to Deng Yinglan's house for dinner.

Grandma also bought a cake.

Gu Weiguo gave Tang Xiao a few medical books with notes.

Gu Xiaoxi gave Tang Xiao a set of dumbbells and arm bars.

Gu Xiaoxi also advised:"I hope you can exercise well and stop being a thin dog."

Tang Xiao was shocked by Gu Xiaoxi's gift again, but still very moved.

Although these things are not expensive, they are very thoughtful. (Well, Gu Xiaoxi's gift is still quite heavy)

"Thank you, really, thank you."

Tang Xiao's heart was filled with warmth, and tears almost fell.

This love was what the Tang family had never given him.

"Silly child, why are you talking to me like this? Eat your food." Deng Yinglan smiled happily.


Although they were not related by blood, everyone cared about him sincerely.

Tang Xiao's decision became more and more firm.


On the other side.

The luxurious Hullington Villa.

There is a stage and a swimming pool. A rich steak buffet barbecue is prepared.

A band is performing hard on the stage. This band is quite famous in Jiang'an City.

The people coming and going are all rich and noble people in Jiang'an City.

Tang Zijian is wearing a white custom suit today.

This suit is hand-made by a top foreign suit master and costs at least more than two million.

This suit was given to Tang Zijian by Tang Jie.

Tang Zijian excitedly said to his eldest sister Tang Jie:"Thank you, second sister! I like this suit!"

Tang Jie was also happy:"You look really good in this suit."

The eldest sister Tang Yuan said:"I brought you a few bottles of 1982 Lafite. You are an adult, of course you have to drink some wine."

Others were surprised to hear this. Now a bottle of 1982 Lafite costs 700,000 or 800,000 yuan.

How many bottles do you plan to open tonight?

Generous! Too generous! Thanks to Mr. Tang, I have a good meal tonight.

The fourth sister is still in college and didn't come, but she also gave Tang Zijian a guitar, Martin D200.

This kind of guitar is even worth collecting, and it is sold for two million yuan on the market.

The most expensive gift from Tang Rushan and his wife is a Rolls-Royce Phantom, which is parked in Tang Zijian's garage.

Tang Zijian smiled from ear to ear.

Tang Zijian excitedly ran to his third sister Tang Xin and rubbed his hands.

""Sister, where is my gift?"

Tang Xin was in a daze and was called back to her senses.

Tang Xin smiled kindly:"I have prepared it for you a long time ago."

She took out an imperial green jade pendant.

Imperial green is the most expensive jade. Look at this jade pendant, the water quality is excellent, and the carving is from the hands of a master.

This imperial green jade pendant is worth at least one or two million!

Tang Xin personally hung it around Tang Zijian's neck

"This jade tablet can bring you good luck and keep you safe and sound."

Tang Zijian was so happy:"Thank you, sister!"

Tang Zijian ran away happily.

Every time Tang Zijian's birthday came, the Tang family would celebrate it in a big way.

Watches, cars, luxury goods, Tang Zijian already had a lot.

Others envied him, although they also had money, but they couldn't compare with the Tang family.

In a corner, two guests whispered:

"The Tang family is indeed a wealthy family. The gifts alone tonight are worth tens of millions."

"Isn't it normal for a biological son to celebrate his birthday?"

They didn't know that Tang Zijian was not the biological son of the Tang family.

When the two were talking, Tang Xin was not far away.

Tang Xin's heart trembled.

She suddenly remembered that Tang Xiao seemed to be her biological brother.

She had been very confused since she came back from Tang Xiao's school today.

"Why? Tang Xiao suddenly became like this? Where did he get the confidence from? Could it be that he really didn't damage his father's book?"

Especially today, Tang Xin learned at school that

Tang Xiao was actually ranked second in the grade! This completely shocked her.

"Unexpectedly, Tang Xiao is such a good student."

How could a good student not know what a study room means?"

Tang Xin realized that something was a little strange.

She didn't seem to know much about her brother Tang Xiao.

The eldest, Tang Yuan, and the second, Tang Jie, saw that the third, Tang Xin, seemed to be worried, and came over with a glass of red wine.

""Xiao Xin, what's wrong? Why are you so depressed?"

Tang Xin told all her confusion.

The two sisters were very disdainful after listening.

Tang Jie was still angry with Tang Xiao.

"Xiaoxin, you are just too naive. Do you believe everything he says? Tang Xiao is not a good person at all. He even beat Zijian before. How do you explain this?"

Tang Yuan also said:"Tang Xiao also stole my jewelry, and it hasn't been found yet. He has enjoyed two years in my home. Aren't we good enough to him? Look how angry he made his dad, this little ungrateful person!"

Tang Yuan is a business woman, she is undoubtedly strong.

Tang Xiao has a long history of bad deeds, he is not a good person!

Tang Jie sneered:"After all, he has never had this family in his heart. Today is Zijian's birthday. He didn't even come on such an important day. He has a shitty character. Xiaoxin, don't be fooled by him, he is pretending! He is playing hard to get with you."

Tang Xin was about to say something when she saw the nanny Sister Li come in front of the three of them, looking as if she wanted to say something but hesitated.

"Sister Li? What's the matter?

Sister Li thought about it and finally decided to speak out.

"Miss, I remember Master Xiao said that he had prepared a gift for Master Zijian."

"Huh? How come?"

"The gift seems to be in Master Xiao's room"

"Take us to have a look."

The three sisters did not alarm others.

Led by Sister Li, the three came to Tang Xiao's room.

Tang Xiao's room was a small warehouse in the stairwell.

It was only a dozen square meters.

The tables and chairs in Tang Xiao's room were very worn out, and the old wardrobe was full of cheap old clothes.

But the whole room was very clean and tidy.

The three were quite surprised.

The three of them were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and they usually had tens of thousands of pocket money every week.

The toilets in their rooms were bigger and more beautiful than this one.

They had never imagined that in their own mansion, there would be such a poor"little world".

Tang Jie didn't believe it at all:"This is... Tang Xiao's room? Didn't our family arrange a room for him?"

No one could answer her question

"These things are……"

There were a few small things on Tang Xiao's desk.

A pen, a pot of succulents, a book, and a small doll.

The three sisters recognized that these things were given to Tang Xiao by them before.

These things were not gifts.

They just didn't want them anymore and were too lazy to throw them in the trash can, so they just gave them to Tang Xiao.

The water cup and the small doll were washed clean.

The succulents were fat and green, and they lived very happily.

This shows that Tang Xiao took good care of these little things.

"How does he……"

The three sisters looked at each other, speechless, with complicated feelings.

When Tang Xin saw the book on the table, her heartbeat suddenly tightened, as if it slowed down half a beat.

She picked up"The Little Prince" on the table.

It was a book she read in her childhood.

After growing up, Tang Xin no longer read this kind of book, and she gave it to Tang Xiao casually.

When Tang Xiao got this book, he was very happy, and he carefully put a beautiful book cover on the schoolbag.

On the first page of the book, it was written in neat pen: Thank you sister Tang Xin for the gift! ***Date.

Only those who like and cherish books will write the origin and date of the book on the book.

At the same time, it also shows that this book means a lot to Tang Xiao!

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