“Xiaoyun, I’m feeling a little unwell. Let’s go home.”

Ye Xiao quickly grabbed Yi Mengyun’s arm to stop her.

He had already seen that Yi Mengyun’s emotions were teetering on the edge of extreme instability.

If this continues, something will definitely happen!!!!

As soon as she heard her brother Ye Xiao Feeling uncomfortable.

Yi Mengyun’s original gloomy expression disappeared instantly!

“Brother Ye Xiao, what’s wrong with you?”

“Woohoo~ You can’t scare me……”

Yi Mengyun looked at Ye Xiao with a distressed expression.

His eyes began to turn red.

Face full of worry and anxiety!

After losing her brother Ye Xiao once in her previous life.

She has become extremely sensitive inside now!

“It’s nothing serious, I’m just a little tired, maybe because I didn’t get any rest last night.”

Ye Xiao lied.

“Then, let’s go home and have a good rest.”

Yi Mengyun was extremely distressed.

Wang Long, his father and his son, and Long Qianqian, who had witnessed the whole process, were stunned.

They did not expect that Yi Mengyun’s character was so sick…….

Even if you have experienced it���Wang Lung and his son who rhyme with the sick side of the barbecue restaurant.

I never thought that Yi Mengyun could be so sick in front of her mother…….

This girl is so scary……

Wang Long even had some doubts if his son was really together with Yi Mengyun.

Will the result turn into a tragedy?……

After Wang Long came to his senses.

He glanced at the time on his watch.

His plan has already begun.

However, after seeing Yi Mengyun’s morbid side that even her mother didn’t seem to care about, he suddenly lost confidence…….

“Ningjiang pickled fish is here!”

At this time, the waiter came in with a large basin of fragrant pickled fish.

Wang Defa, who was sitting on the left side of Yi Mengyun’s seat, shook his head at Wang Long next to him.

Then he whispered:”Dad, let’s stop the plan quickly. Well, I think even if I put myself in danger, I can’t get Yi Mengyun to be moved in the end. Even if I can get Yi Dong’s praise for me in the end, it’s useless. You just saw Yi Mengyun’s morbid side. Yeah, she won’t listen to her mother’s words at all…….”

Originally, Wang Long and Wang Defa had planned to stage an earth-shattering and touching drama in front of Yi Shuyun.

After Yi Dong objected to the relationship between Ye Xiao and Yi Mengyun, the two of them were completely in trouble.

He asked the waiter who had arranged in advance to bring the hot pickled fish to the box.

Just when the waiter walked to Yi Mengyun’s position.

Suddenly his foot slipped. fall!

When she saw that the hot pickled fish was about to be sprinkled on Yi Mengyun’s body.

Wang Long’s son Wang Defa stood up fiercely.

Regardless of his own safety, he blocked it for Yi Mengyun! protected her.

Then let Yi Dong admire Wang Defa with admiration!

This will improve Wang Defa’s favorability in Yi Dong’s heart.

It was originally a plan that killed two birds with one stone.

But it got stuck again!

The two of them discovered that this Yi Mengyun was really different from normal girls!

Her love for Ye Xiao is too extreme. No, it shouldn’t be said to be extreme, but it should be said to be extremely pathological!

Even her mother couldn’t persuade her to leave Ye Xiao.

She even regarded her mother as her enemy!

It’s just crazy!

This damn plan is useless.

If Wang Defa stepped forward and blocked the hot pickled fish for Yi Mengyun, he would be asking for trouble without getting any reward!

“Well, Dad knows.”

Wang Long nodded to Wang Defa.

Then he quickly gave a hint to the waiter.

But the waiter didn’t hear it at all!

When he came to Yi Mengyun, just as Wang Long arranged in advance…

My foot slipped!


The hot pickled fish was sprinkled towards Yi Mengyun’s body!!!

Wang De on the left was shocked!

Wang Long was also shocked!

After Yi Shuyun saw it, her whole face turned pale with fright!!

Just when the hot soup was about to spill on Yi Mengyun’s body.

A figure rushed in front of her at lightning speed.

And hugged her tightly!


Ye Xiao endured the severe pain in his back.

When all the soup was spilled on his back,

Ye Xiao slowly let go of the hand holding Yi Mengyun.

It was summer now, and Ye Xiao wore They were also short-sleeved.

The red and swollen skin on his back was visible to the naked eye.

“Xiao Yun, I didn’t burn you.”

Ye Xiao smiled gently at Yi Mengyun.

“Brother Ye Xiao……you…How are you doing……”

Yi Mengyun’s eyes widened.

He looked in disbelief at Ye Xiao, who was covered in pickled fish soup.

You can also feel the scalding temperature emanating from the soup.

Immediately afterwards.

When she saw Ye Xiao’s back was red and swollen because of the soup!

It felt like someone had stabbed her in the chest with a knife….

The pain is excruciating!!!

Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t……….

Brother Ye Xiao can’t be hurt………

We can’t let brother Ye Xiao get hurt………. can’t can’t………

Her brain started buzzing!

Can’t keep calm anymore!

Breathing becomes more and more rapid

“Xiaoyun, you forgot, I have special powers and I will be able to recover in no time…….”

“Let’s leave quickly. If we use special functions now, they will find out…….”

Ye Xiao brought her mouth to Yi Mengyun’s ear.

He said softly to her.

Ye Xiao’s gentle voice soothed the restless voices in her head.

“Brother Ye Xiao, let’s leave now.”

After Yi Mengyun calmed down, she quickly pulled Ye Xiao and prepared to leave.

“Yunyun, Ye Xiaota…”

When Yi Shuyun was about to say something.

Yi Mengyun glared at her coldly.

Then he glared at the waiter who was still lying on the ground with a dull look on his face.

“You bad guys, it’s all your fault!”

Yi Mengyun said coldly.

It’s all because of them that my brother Ye Xiao was injured!

These bad people, bad people, bad people……

Yi Mengyun cursed them ten thousand times in her heart.

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