The man noticed her gaze and looked at her.

Tang Yu only felt that he was meeting a pair of deep and cold eyes...

Tang Yu immediately realized that it was impolite to stare at others like this, so he quickly looked away...

The man also looked away...

"You guys should have another child while you are young." The man said to the phone in his hand.


Tang Yu also remembered when she was about to get home that she had forgotten something very important...

That was the amulet necklace that Jiang Huiyan had taken from her and her grandmother had given her. She forgot to take it back!

At that time, in the car, her amulet somehow slipped out of her collar. Jiang Huiyan saw it and reached out to her for it: "Hey, what is that? Let me see it."

"It's my amulet." She replied.

She didn't want to give it to Jiang Huiyan because it was the amulet her grandmother gave her and it was not good for others to touch it.

As a result, Mrs. Jiang was unhappy: "Isn't it just a necklace?! Let Yanyan see it?! Can I not return it to you?! I've told you several times that you have to change your petty habits!"

She didn't want to upset Mrs. Jiang, so she took off the necklace and handed it to Jiang Huiyan.

Then, Jiang Huiyan put it on her neck directly and didn't give it back to her for a long time...

She wanted it, but she was embarrassed to ask, thinking that Jiang Huiyan would give it to her after wearing it for a while!

At that time, she always habitually tried to please the Jiang family and was timid and didn't dare to upset the Jiang family. Now she thinks it's really stupid.

Then, there was a car accident...

This necklace has made her miss it for three hundred years!

Next time I see Jiang Huiyan, I must come back!

Tang Yu reminded himself secretly.


Liancheng, Jiang family villa.

When Luo Meilan and the other four returned home, they found that Jiang Shihong and Jiang Yuhuai had returned.

Luo Meilan said with a hint of excitement: "Husband, do you know who we met in Lindi Town?"

The reason why Luo Meilan was so excited was that not only did the police regard her as a murder suspect, but her husband also had many dissatisfaction and complaints about her, and even several sons had complaints about her.

After all, it was she who closed the car door, and it was all caused by her!

Now that Tang Yu is not dead, her grievances can finally be cleared!

"Who did you meet?" Jiang Shihong did not raise his head, looking at the newspaper in his hand, with a lack of interest.

"We met Tang Yu." Luo Meilan said clearly word by word.

Jiang Shihong paused holding the newspaper, then quickly turned his head to look at Luo Meilan who was walking towards him...

"Who?! Tang Yu?! Did you see Tang Yu?!" Jiang Shihong was afraid that he had heard wrongly.

"Yes, husband..." Luo Meilan described the scene at that time.

"Later, Xiaochen and I chased her out, but she seemed to resent us and didn't want to come back with us." Jiang Yujun added.

"She should think I did it on purpose!" Luo Meilan showed a wronged expression, "How could she think so? I am her biological mother after all."

"You are back?" With a burst of hurried footsteps, Jiang's youngest son, Jiang Yubo, ran down from upstairs.

Luo Meilan immediately swallowed the rest of the words.

Because Jiang Yubo was young and had a perverse and erratic personality, the Jiang family was afraid that he would not be reliable, so they did not tell him the true identities of Jiang Huiyan and Tang Yu, so he was the only one in the family who did not know the truth.

Jiang Yujun's eyes flickered as he thought about his mother's words...

He had already asked Jiang Yuchen about his conversation with Tang Yu, and knew that Tang Yu felt that they were in the mood to accompany Yanyan to discuss the contract and were not sad.

Jiang Yujun reflected on it, maybe they acted as if nothing had happened.

Maybe, the misunderstanding was not formed in one day. Their countless similar behaviors in the past may have caused Tang Yu to misunderstand and think that they were deliberately trying to kill her!

"By the way, where is Tang Yu? I haven't seen her for two days! I want to eat the food she cooks." Jiang Yubo asked naturally while going downstairs.

The Jiang family members all froze...

"Tang Yu went home for something." Jiang Yujun explained.

"Call her and ask her to come back quickly! I have a pair of sneakers that I love very much and they are dirty. She works carefully and washes clothes and brushes shoes the cleanest! I can only feel at ease if I let her wash them!" Jiang Yubo said as a matter of course.

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