The more we cut the tree, the more we will be able to cut it.

[Hahaha! Indeed, you'll get used to it! ]

[To be honest, although I've seen Tang Yu's strength many times, I still couldn't help but open my mouth wide when she cut the tree. ]

[I also widened my eyes. My mother asked me what scared me, hahaha...]

Tang Yu continued to look for a suitable tree with a military shovel.

"What should we do?" Just as Tang Yu was cutting the second tree, Mai Dan and Ning Quantao came forward to ask.

They didn't want to act like two useless people.

"You guys should pull some vines and use them to set up the tent later." Tang Yu said.

As he spoke, with a "creaking" sound, the second tree fell to the ground with a "bang".

Tang Yu stopped and said, "I don't think I told Teacher Wen that it would rain. I'll send them a message."

"Okay, you send the message, and we'll go pull the vines." Mai Dan pulled Ning Quantao away.

"Cut with a knife." Tang Yu reminded.

"Okay, got it." Mai Dan replied briskly as he walked.

Tang Yu sent a message to Wen Wen to remind her, and then continued to cut trees.


On the other side.

Wen Wen's team was still picking wild fruits and crabs in the woods, because they still had a lot of seafood left at noon, so they didn't go to the beach to fish or pick seafood.

"Whoosh", something rushed past Jiang Huiyan's feet.

"Ah!" Jiang Huiyan screamed subconsciously, and at the same time, she looked closely and found that it was a snake as thick as a baby's arm with black patterns.

"Ah!" Jiang Huiyan's scream suddenly became louder and louder, and she kept backing away.

Hearing her scream, Xin Yuan and Wen Wen also looked over. Seeing the snake, they were also startled. They shouted "Aiya" at the same time and quickly retreated.

At the same time, Ding Dong!

The phone in Wen Wen's pocket rang, but Wen Wen didn't hear it.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, it really started to rain.

"Let's find a place to camp quickly." Yan Kun frowned.

"But there are trees all around..." Jiang Huiyan frowned and looked around.

"Let's act separately. Whoever finds a place will notify others in the group." Yan Kun said.

"Okay, okay." The others responded in succession.

So, Yan Kun and the other six people were divided into three teams, heading north, northwest and northeast respectively.


Half an hour later, Xiang Bei and Xin Yuan sent a message that they had found a relatively open place.

Yan Kun saw that the terrain was good, so he spoke in the group: [Then let's go to Xiao Xiang's place. @江煜辰@江卉妍】

Soon, Jiang Yuchen replied: "Okay."

Just as they were looking for a campsite, the rain was getting heavier.

Yan Kun and Wen Wen first met up with Xiang Bei and Xin Yuan.

"Without an engineer shovel, we can't cut down trees, how can we set up a tent." Yan Kun covered his forehead with his hand, looking at the vast rain curtain, Yan Kun's brows were getting deeper and deeper.

Before they set off, they checked the tent-setting equipment provided by the program team, which was a large waterproof cloth and a coil of ropes.

Obviously, they needed to cut down trees to support the waterproof cloth to make a tent.

He didn't argue with Jiang Huiyan before because he thought about asking for help from the program team at that time.

Now that they have exchanged fire-making tools with the program team once, it should not be possible to exchange for an engineer shovel or an axe, a machete, etc.

Wen Wen's brows were also furrowed deeply: "It's raining, I guess we can't light a fire."

Just then, Jiang Yuchen and Jiang Huiyan ran over in the rain.

"Teacher Yan, let's set up the tent quickly." Jiang Yuchen also covered his forehead with his hand and shouted anxiously.

"We don't have tools to cut trees." Yan Kun said.

Jiang Yuchen: "..."

Wen Wen, Xiang Bei and Xin Yuan couldn't help but look at Jiang Huiyan.

Jiang Huiyan was stunned for a few seconds, and then she remembered that she had insisted on seasoning instead of an engineer shovel.

"The program team shouldn't ignore us, right?" Jiang Huiyan said, looking at the staff, "Can you provide us with a tool to cut trees?"

Several staff members looked at each other, and then one of them shook his head: "No."

"So you mean to let us get wet in the rain?" Jiang Huiyan frowned, and tried not to show her impatience and displeasure.

Jiang Huiyan had hit a wall several times with other guests and had been unhappy for a long time. Now the staff also made her hit a wall, so naturally her unhappiness was bursting out!

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