The doctor said that the herbal medicine was not good.

"It's like this. I'm not a Chinese medicine practitioner, and I only know a little about these herbs. Of the five herbs you provided, three are indeed Chinese medicinal materials, but I don't know whether they can cure stomachache; I don't know the other two either, they may be weeds." The expert frankly admitted that he didn't know much.

Hearing the word "weeds", Jiang Huiyan's eyes lit up and she pricked up her ears...

"So, we are contacting the director team to see if we can contact an experienced Chinese medicine practitioner to help identify them. Please wait a moment." The staff next to him explained.

So, a group of people waited anxiously.

Fortunately, the director team has a wide network of contacts, and soon there was news...

"Our director team found a director of the Chinese medicine department of a large hospital. He has identified four of them as herbs that can cure stomach problems, but the other one is not." A staff member said after a while.

Upon hearing this, everyone except Jiang Huiyan was happy...

This means that the stomachache problem has been solved.

The staff member stepped forward and took away the small bundle of weeds that were judged not to be herbs according to the instructions of the director team.


At the same time, on the director team side.

The director and a group of staff were looking at the big screen.

On the screen, bullet screens flashed across quickly.

Suddenly, two bullet screens entered the director's field of vision...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner Xu Yue: [All five are herbs that can cure stomachaches, and there are no weeds. ]

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner Xu Yue: [Oh, by the way, I am an old Chinese medicine practitioner with more than 50 years of medical experience. I won't be wrong. ]

"Hiss——" The director's face was stern, and he took a long breath of cold air.

He had also heard of the name of this master of traditional Chinese medicine. He was already a god-like existence!

In his early years, he had treated various difficult and complicated diseases, so he was famous and was dubbed the title of miracle doctor. Now it is said that he specializes in treating leaders and rarely sees patients.

Could it be an imposter?

The director picked up his phone and clicked into the personal page of this user. It was a yellow V certification.

That was the real person.

At this time, the barrage was crazy.

[Is it Mr. Xu Yue? Is it fake? ]

[Really, there is a yellow V certification. ]

[Mr. Xu actually watches this kind of program? ]

[Big guys also need entertainment life, right? ]

[In other words, the herbs Tang Yu said are all right? ]

[Tang Yu, awesome! ]

"Tell the people over there, Teacher Yan, don't eat the herbs first." The director quickly sent barrages on his phone while instructing the staff around him.

"I Love Nature" Director: [Mr. Xu, please confirm again, are all five herbs edible? @Traditional Chinese Medicine Xu Yue】

The comments were empty for a moment, as if everyone was waiting for Xu Yue's reply.

In the anxious waiting of everyone, Xu Yue's reply seemed a little slow...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Xu Yue: [It is indeed edible. As a doctor, I will not speak nonsense to harm other people's health. ]

"I Love Nature" Director-General: [Sorry, I am presumptuous. ]

The director also felt that he was a little confused to question a national treasure-level traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.

However, he subconsciously wanted to confirm it.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Xu Yue: [Eat all five together, the effect is better. ]


On a deserted island.

"Old Yan, Xiao Xiang, hurry up and eat these four herbs." Wen Wen urged.

"Wait a minute." The next moment, the staff member who received the director's instructions raised his hand to stop, "Don't eat it yet."

"What's wrong?" Wen Wen and Yan Kun asked at the same time.

Others also stared at the staff closely.

"Is it... poisonous or what?" Seeing the serious expression of the staff, Jiang Huiyan couldn't help asking.

The guests and staff here don't know what happened, but the audience knows.

[Jiang Huiyan really hopes it's poisonous. ]

[Jealousy for Tang Yu is almost coming out of her eyes. ]

[Sister Huiyan is just worried that everyone has eaten poisonous herbs. What's wrong with her? ]

[Since she is so cautious, why did she fry poisonous mushrooms for her brother to eat? ]

[Can't we learn from our mistakes? ]

"Hey, that's not right. It would be better if we could just use the fishing net and fishing rod to exchange for a whole medicine box. Why take the risk of eating this herb?" Jiang Huiyan frowned.

The others were shaken by her. Yes, they can just change the medicine.

"No, didn't we say it this afternoon? It can only be changed once." Xin Yuan was the first to react.

Everyone else followed suit.

So everyone was worried again.

They could only look at the staff with hope.

At this time, the staff also received the director's latest instructions.

The staff smiled shyly: "Everyone knows Mr. Xu Yue, right?"

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