The staff said: "Eight-treasure porridge is the rations of our staff. If you eat it, we will be hungry, so you have to give it back with other food."

Xin Yuan: "What food?"

"One can of eight-treasure porridge, exchanged for three pounds of fish!" the staff continued.

"Robbery, you?! Besides, where can we get fish for you? Didn't you take our fishing tools?! Did you forget?! If you want crabs, shells, wild fruits, etc., we can still try to give them back to you. You want fish, you are making things difficult for us!" Xin Yuan couldn't help complaining.

"Not far ahead, we have prepared two small boats with fishing tools on them. You can go fishing and then give them back to us." The staff said.

"Wow! So good?!" Xin Yuan was surprised, and her expression changed as fast as turning a page.

She said that the program team would not stand by and watch someone die.

"Okay, no problem." Yan Kun nodded, "Give Xiao Jiang a can of eight-treasure porridge."

"No problem." The staff handed Jiang Yuchen a can of eight-treasure porridge.

"Thank you everyone." Jiang Yuchen was immediately overjoyed.

He was really hungry!

To be honest, he wanted to chew on the bark!

With the eight-treasure porridge in hand, he was a little impatient.

"Go eat it quickly." Wen Wen urged.

Jiang Yuchen quickly took the eight-treasure porridge to the fire to heat it up.

Yan Kun looked at the others again: "Do you want to eat some too?"

Yan Kun felt that he was not hungry and had good physical strength.

But he was afraid that others would be hungry.

Since it can be exchanged, then exchange it. As for whether it can be returned, we will talk about it later.

"I don't want it."

"I don't want it either."

Xiang Bei and Xin Yuan shook their heads.

"How about this, the four of us take one can and share a little, so that we can have the strength to work." Wen Wen suggested.

"That's it. Please give us another can." Yan Kun nodded, and then said to the staff.

The staff brought another can and handed it to Yan Kun.

"What will happen if we can't pay it back?" Wen Wen looked at the staff.

"If you can't pay it back, it will be deducted from the materials for the next episode, and double deduction." The staff looked serious.

Wen Wen: "..."

"This is usury, interest is compounded, it's better to pay it back early." Xin Yuan sighed.

"Come, let's eat something and then go." Yan Kun opened the eight-treasure porridge, "The two ladies eat first."

As he said, Yan Kun handed it to Xin Yuan.

"Teacher Yan, you and Teacher Xiang should eat first, you two are patients." Xin Yuan quickly refused.

"Then Xiao Xiang, you eat first." Yan Kun handed it to Xiang Bei again.

"I'm fine now, you guys eat first." Xiang Bei also stretched out his hand to refuse.

"Okay, Xiao Xiang, just eat! Don't let me come and go! Let's finish eating quickly and go find something to eat. We have to eat more in the morning, and we have to go out to sea to fish at noon." Wen Wen said.

So, Xiang Bei hesitated for a moment, said no more, and took the eight-treasure porridge...


After eating, Yan Kun and the other four felt that their strength had recovered a little, so they set off with satisfaction...

An hour later, they returned and had a good harvest...

So, they set up a pot and started to cook the seafood soup they had been thinking about...

After eating the seafood soup, except for the sick Jiang Huiyan, everyone else felt full of blood.

"Xiao Jiang, why don't you stop filming and go to the hospital." Wen Wen suggested.

"No, I just didn't eat anything and was hungry. Now I've eaten and I'm much better." Jiang Huiyan's voice was weak.

"Are you sure? It's okay to stop filming. Your health is important." Wen Wen advised.

"I'm fine. I can't hold everyone back." Jiang Huiyan shook her head.

Wen Wen didn't know what to say.

She guessed that Jiang Huiyan might want to show her strong and tenacious side in front of the camera. As a star, image is very important!

So, she didn't try to persuade her too much!

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