The more you go, the better.

"I think if someone has something else that is beneficial to all of us, they can bring it up." Jiang Huiyan continued.

Everyone: So they are waiting here.

"Of course, if someone's things, like Tang Yu's needle bag, can benefit the entire team, they can bring it with them after being identified and discussed by the program team." The director said generously.

He couldn't let others think that the program team was favoring Xiao Tang!

"Forget it, we won't bring it." Mai Dan shook his head.

"We don't have anything that can benefit the entire team." Wen Wen also said with a smile.

"Okay, this episode ends here. Everyone go and rest for a while. In the evening, our program team will welcome everyone and we will also broadcast live for a while." The director said.

The four flying guests hurriedly proposed to leave in a hurry, and said some polite words of "see you later".

"Director Zhou, can you give me Xiao Tang's contact information? I want to treat her to a meal and thank her for saving me." After the others finished speaking, Xiang Bei hurriedly spoke.

"Okay." The director took out his mobile phone while speaking, and Xiang Bei also hurried over.

The live broadcast ended here.

[Oh! It's over! I'm still a little reluctant. ]

[Make a wish, I hope that when my brother treats Tang Yu to a meal, there will be a live broadcast. ]

[That's impossible, don't dream. ]


After Director Zhou gave Xiang Bei Tang Yu's contact information, he called Tang Yu...

As a result, no one answered for a long time.

"Teacher Tang's mobile phone is kept by us." The staff reminded.

"Oh!" The director slapped his forehead, "I forgot! Xiao Tang's other things haven't been taken away yet?"

"Yes, her suitcase should still be in her room." The staff nodded.

Tang Yu came with a suitcase. Before leaving for the mission, she put the clothes and toiletries she needed into the backpack provided by the program team, and left the suitcase in her room.

"Okay, I'll go there." The director touched the sparse hair on his head.

"Talk about raising Teacher Tang's salary?" The staff member blinked.

"You are so smart, hurry up and get to work!" The director waved his hand in pretended impatience.

In fact, after what happened this afternoon, almost every staff member of the program team knew that Tang Yu's treatment would definitely change!

If it doesn't change, it means that the boss, the company and the program team don't know how to be grateful!

The director took out his mobile phone and was about to call Tang Yu's grandmother when he saw Xiang Bei walking quickly again: "Director Zhou, I can't get through to Xiao Tang. It suddenly occurred to me that she didn't bring her mobile phone when she left. Do you have any other contact information?"

"I'll call her first, and then tell you." The director said.

He thought it was nothing to call Xiang Bei and Tang Yu, but it was not polite to give someone else's emergency contact information casually...

Unless there is something urgent!


When Tang Yu was on the deserted island, she also dug some herbs back.

She hung them in the yard to dry.

Just then, grandma strode over with a mobile phone, "Yu Yu, someone said it was the director, looking for you."

Tang Yu took the phone, "Hello?"

"It's me, Zhou Yan, I'm calling to tell you that I may come to see you tomorrow and bring your luggage to you. Will you be at home tomorrow?" the director asked politely.

"Yes. You can send the things to me." Tang Yu said.

"I came to see you because I have something to discuss." The director said.

"Okay then." Tang Yu nodded.

"There is one more thing, Xiang Bei wants to contact you, I gave him your phone number, but your phone is now with the program group, can I give him your grandma's phone number?" The director still had a polite and considerate tone.

"Sure." Tang Yu said cheerfully.

"Okay. Then I won't bother you for now. See you tomorrow." The director hung up the phone.

Tang Yu put down the phone and continued to dry the herbs.

Less than thirty seconds later, the phone rang again...

Tang Yu picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number...

She guessed it was Xiang Bei and quickly answered: "Hello, hello."

"Xiao Tang, it's me, Xiang Bei. I didn't have a chance to talk much on the island before. Thank you very much for saving me. I want to find a time to treat you to a meal. When do you think you are free?" Xiang Bei asked politely and expectantly.

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